Tag Archives: ControlBlock

PowerBlock and ControlBlock also Support Momentary Buttons

Momentary Button Support for the POwerBlock and ControlBlock

Many of you have asked for the possibility to support toggle as well as momentary buttons for safely switching your Raspberry Pi on and off. We are glad to announce that the ControlBlock and the PowerBlock both support these button types from now on!

Tutorial: ControlBlock with RetroPie and SNES or NES Controllers

Tutorial: ControlBlock with SNES or NES Controllers

Introduction This is a post as part of a tutorial series about getting to start with the ControlBlock with various images for the Raspberry Pi. In this tutorial we will learn how to use the ControlBlock with RetroPie and SNES or NES Controllers.

Quick Installation Script for the ControlBlock

We realized that the installation of the ControlBlock driver could be simplified. Therefore, we created an installation script that does all the needed steps for compiling, installing the binary, and configuring the ControlBlock service for you! To install the driver and service for the ControlBlock, this is now all that ou have to do: [code] […]

Update for the ControlBlock Driver with Many New Features

ControlBlock Update

We just released an update for the driver of the ControlBlock! What does this mean for you? More functionalities! More specifically, the updates contain: 4-player support Multiple ControlBlocks can be stacked on top of each other. With this functionality you can now create your 4-player arcade machine with two ControlBlocks. Each ControlBlock can be configured […]

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