Forum Replies Created
Participant[quote=25923]What is the path to es_config,cfg as I would like to:
sudo nano /enter path here/es_config.cfg
so I can add the other controller and have either one control emulation station.
[/quote]/etc/emulationstation/ I believe
Participant[quote=25791]I got to cd retroarch until it told me “no such file or directory”[/quote]
Type “ls” and see what is there. Also, make sure you type RetroArch (it’s case sensitive).
Participant[quote=25609]when I get to this part:
cd /opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin
I get: no such file or directory
[/quote]Do each one independently. Where do you get stuck?
cd /opt cd retropie cd emulators cd RetroArch cd installdir cd bin
Participant[quote=21510]I have the newest image (2.3) and in both 2.2 and this I have not been able to get my joystick/controller to work. The keyboard works fine in ES, but not in an of the Emulators and when I try from the command line to configure the joystick I get the error message “Couldn’t open joystick #0″. I’ve tried changing the joystick code to 1, 2, etc. but no luck.
Has anyone been able to configure their joysticks? Am I missing a driver or perhaps since I’ve got my Arcade joystick plugged into a Keyboard encoder (along with a real keyboard in the pass through) and then into my Pi, is there a conflict?
I can’t wait to really try RetroPie/Emulation Station but this is driving me crazy.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
[/quote]Sounds like the joystick isn’t natively supported or you need to set it up like a keyboard.
ParticipantHave ya tried another screen with a different resolution to see if it has something to do with the settings or compatibility of the monitor?
Participant[quote=22334]I’m guessing I would need separate speakers, which would also be an inconvenience. But I’m wondering if there’s a performance increase, and if so, if it even makes a difference.
[/quote]I do not know of a performance increase. I do it merely because that is what my monitor supports.
Participant[quote=21980]I’m trying to run step #8, but get the error:
“Couldn’t open joystick #1.”Any ideas? Its a fresh build
[/quote]Try -j 0 or 2.
sudo ./retroarch-joyconfig -j 0 >> /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
I’ve noticed in this guide that you didn’t switch the default SNES emulator to Pisnes.
Are you no longer having the issues mentioned in your 2.2 guide?
I’m currently having problems with the sound and some games playing slowly using PocketSnes. Have you done anything to your configuration to fix these issues?
I’d rather not go through the trouble of switching emulators and reconfiguring (I’ve had trouble setting up Pisnes as well and can’t figure that out).
[/quote]That is correct. Once I overclock the Pi to Turbo, snes emulation runs smooth for me, and I like being able to play some of the newer games like Yoshi’s Island.
You can also do what some people have done, which is to copy the snes section twice in the es_system.cfg file. This way you can run both emulators depending upon which game you want to play.
ParticipantGet it all working?
ParticipantYou should be able to configure almost everything without internet access, although it wouldn’t hurt to be able to SSH into the box to manage remotely once you have the basics up and running.
Participant[quote=19247]Cool! Will try it out!
Exactly what commands am I supposed to run?
[/quote]sudo rpi-update sudo reboot sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
ParticipantThe 4 USB ports is appealing indeed. Yes, I know you can use a powered hub, but I don’t like using a powered hub.
ParticipantCome to think of it, pisnes is based on snes9x, so I bet they might have documentation for you.
ParticipantOn the Pisnes page, all the way at the bottom, there are patch notes. I only guessed the 99 setting when I saw that QUIT was set to that by default. It works great though! :)
ParticipantWhen you set a function to 99, it allow the following:
– Pressing SELECT and L1 will allow you to load state.
– Pressing SELECT and R1 will allow you to save state.
– Pressing SELECT and START will allow you to quit the emulator.QUIT=99 QLOAD=99 QSAVE=99
ParticipantYou can try loading n00bs on a card and see if that boots though. If it doesn’t you know it’s a hardware/power issue.
Participant[quote=15647]Hi and thanks for your response.
Yes I am pressing the key during the game. To be honest I’ve tried it all ways but it does not respond either way. I’m also noticing other keys don’t work, such as shader selection using the n and m keys, but other inputs do such as my button 8 and 9 hotkey exit as detailed here elsewhere.
I don’t really know what’s happening but could it be something to do with the new read-only permissions on the file in 2.2? Can the Retropie system not access it properly perhaps? Just a stab in the dark.
[/quote]hmmm not sure. You can always do:
chown -R pi /opt/retropie/configs
Make sure you have the right localization for your keyboard though in raspi-config.
Participant[quote=15537]Hi. Is there any way to access the Retroarch GUI that was present in the last release? Though tricky at first I began to find this an essential add-on to Retropie, and I’m really missing it with this 2.2 release. I tried adding-
input_menu_toggle = “f1″
-to my config file but for whatever reason it doesn’t work. No response from pressing that button with a keyboard attached, presuming this would be the required setting to access the RGUI.
[/quote]Are you pressing F1 while in a game? That is when you have to do it.
ParticipantHave you tried:
input_player2_joypad_index = "2"
as well?
Participant[quote=14853]ok so for .cfg files, is there a way to have it set so i when i want to play NES,snes,gen, etc that i can plug in my snes usb controller and play that way, and then when i want to play psx gaes i can plug in my ps3/360 wired controller and play those games with those seperate controls? because i got the ps3 controller setup easily, but then i wanted to go back to the snes controller and i had to delete a bunch of buttons and run the retroarch config again, which is a hassle.[/quote]
Yeah you put the different retroarch.cfg files in the different folders located at:
/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg /opt/retropie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg
Participant[quote=14486]Now I’m pretty sure the answer to #3 is to go through retropie-setup and do a source-based install. If that is the case, is there a way to uncheck all and then just select a few?[/quote]
Yep and yep.
Participant[quote=14035]Thank you for taking the time to write this out. I am trying something a little different. I am using a Minipac from Ultimarc which is a keyboard encoder. Is there anyway to get snes working with 2 players using this method? [/quote]
Probably but I’ve never used that keyboard encoder, but I would think you can look at /opt/retropie/configs/all to see what buttons are set to what, then use that to edit your snes9x.cfg.
Sorry I can’t help ya more.
Good luck!
Participant[quote=14021]who can give me the stock es_systems.cfg or how i can revert this switch to the stock Snes Emulator ?
[/quote]<system> <fullname>Super Nintendo</fullname> <name>snes</name> <path>~/RetroPie/roms/snes</path> <extension>.smc .sfc .fig .swc .SMC .SFC .FIG .SWC</extension> <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 4 "/opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/emulatorcores/pocketsnes-libretro/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg --appendconfig /opt/retropie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"</command> <platform>snes</platform> <theme>snes</theme> </system>
Participant[quote=13807]Ok is there a crash course in the pisnes .cfg somewhere? I like that you put your own settings up for us to use but since it’s a different t set of instructions than what retroarch uses, I have no idea how I would change anything. For instance the screen for pisnes with your settings is smaller and has a large black border along the bottom of the screen. Plus you put a note about using a js0 file for controller input but what do you mean?[/quote]
I did learn a few things reading the official site, but not a lot.
In the end, I went back to the native SNES emulator after overclocking. It supports some of the better/later games, and works excellent at the higher clock settings. I’d recommend picking up a few cheap $3 heat sinks off Amazon though.
ParticipantI purchased some heat sinks off Amazon and overclock to turbo, which resolves all issues.
I had a problem with pisnes flashing occasionally, but that was resolved by forcing the video out HDMI in raspi-config.
Participant[quote=13103]I’m having a slight issue with accessing the menu from within the emulators. I think people normally access it using F1 on a keyboard.
[/quote]Add this to your config file:
input_menu_toggle = "f1" input_enable_hotkey_btn = "8" input_menu_toggle_btn = "9"
You may need to change button numbers, but the gist of this is, you can either press F1 to enter the menu OR hold select and press start.
Participant[quote=13174]hi there!
thanks alot for the information so far. i’m stuck at the part where i want to configure the joypad for pisnes. i don’t have the snes9x.cfg file. do i have to create it? sorry if it’s a stupid question. this is my first time ever working with anything linux related. kinda used to dos
[/quote]Yes you need to create it.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>iam8up wrote:</div>
Overclocking should fix the original emulator problems, it may not be necessary to switch emulators.This is what I did and it improved sound issues dramatically.
[/quote]Yeah, go Turbo and it works fantastic. Just grab some heat sinks off Amazon first.
I just wanted to understand this.. The steps you gave are actually commands that one should input in the command prompt prompt right (f4 while in the emulationstation)? I was just asking because there’s an ‘unzip’ entry there.. Sorry.. so noob of me..
[/quote]Yes, everything I tend to ask people to do is on the linux command prompt. Either SSH into the raspberrypi or, as you mention, exit out of emulation station and type said commands.
ParticipantEverything was moved to /opt/retropie
ParticipantI SSH into the box and edit the file, but if you haven’t used linux, I’m not sure how to help.
Maybe get an X-box controller that has all the controls? /shrug
Or download putty and SSH into the box. :)
Participant[quote=12925]When I run the command above, everything is great, but it is asking me to configure more buttons than my controller has. I am using an SNES style controller, but the button values look like something for an n64 controller or similar. Am I ok to just pick any old button to get through the buttons I don’t have on the controller, or is this an indication that controller isn’t being recognized properly?[/quote]
I have the same issue. I just pick a button like left paddle for all of these buttons/controls that I do not have.
Then open up the file, and delete those lines.
sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
Participant[quote=12778]I’m interested to see if pisnes works for you. I haven’t had any luck yet in the new or old version.[/quote]
I’ve heard of some people downloading the copy off the Internet and overwriting the copy in /opt/retropie/emulators/pisnes. This used to be needed in 1.X for me, at least some versions. However pisnes works great in 2.X for me.
Here are the steps:
cd /opt/retropie/emulators/pisnes cp snes9x.cfg snes9x.cfg.bak wget unzip
Participant[quote=12858]Does the one in ~ superceed everything the one in /etc/ ?[/quote]
Yes I believe so. You may just wanna delete one or the other. I personally use the one in /etc/emulationstation/ and the one in ~/.emulationstation is non-existent.
ParticipantI believe there is a theme.xml file in the /opt/retropie folder that you can edit colors.