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    if you read the code above what you just posted it read’s this

    # Keyboard input. Will recognize letters ("a" to "z") and the following special keys (where "kp_"
    # is for keypad keys):
    #   left, right, up, down, enter, kp_enter, tab, insert, del, end, home,
    #   rshift, shift, ctrl, alt, space, escape, add, subtract, kp_plus, kp_minus,
    #   f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12,
    #   num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9, pageup, pagedown,
    #   keypad0, keypad1, keypad2, keypad3, keypad4, keypad5, keypad6, keypad7, keypad8, keypad9,
    #   period, capslock, numlock, backspace, multiply, divide, print_screen, scroll_lock,
    #   tilde, backquote, pause, quote, comma, minus, slash, semicolon, equals, leftbracket,
    #   backslash, rightbracket, kp_period, kp_equals, rctrl, ralt
    # Keyboard input, Joypad and Joyaxis will all obey the "nul" bind, which disables the bind completely, 
    # rather than relying on a default.

    it doesn’t reference any “lshift” “lalt” or “lctrl”

    it’s only reference is “ralt” or “alt”

    so the lines should look like this with no space.

    # rather than relying on a default.
    input_player1_a = ctrl
    input_player1_b = alt
    input_player1_y = shift
    input_player1_x = space
    input_player1_start = num1
    input_player1_select = num5
    input_player1_l = z
    input_player1_r = x
    input_player1_left = left
    input_player1_right = right
    input_player1_up = up
    input_player1_down = down
    input_player2_a = a
    input_player2_b = s
    input_player2_y = q
    input_player2_x = w
    input_player2_start = num2
    input_player2_select = num6
    input_player2_l = i
    input_player2_r = k
    input_player2_left = d
    input_player2_right = g
    input_player2_up = r
    input_player2_down = f
    # input_player1_l2 =
    # input_player1_r2 =
    # input_player1_l3 =
    # input_player1_r3 =

    i included the lines with the “#” in order to help you with placement.
    the I-PAC was built for MAME and i think MAME Default controls anywise overwrite Emulation Station. i also included start and slect as palyer and coin buttons for each.

    and here is my huge post about the I-PAC.

    How to key map mapping the keyboard for the I-PAC or other keyboard duplicator.


    last thought is you are wondering what I-Pac i’m using here is the website

    and here is the key code sheet.

    i like it. if i hit both the start buttons for player 1 and 2 it will fake the Esc key. that was my saveing grace on my first MAME cabnet.



    i woke up this morning and tackled this project if only because of the pile of snow outside i don’t want to deal with.

    if you read my original post from the top you are going to see how to properly set up player 1. it also points out some syntax you are going to have to recognize to make this work.

    so the original code half way down the retroarch.cfg file looks like this.

    # Keyboard input. Will recognize letters ("a" to "z") and the following special keys (where "kp_"
    # is for keypad keys):
    #   left, right, up, down, enter, kp_enter, tab, insert, del, end, home,
    #   rshift, shift, ctrl, alt, space, escape, add, subtract, kp_plus, kp_minus,
    #   f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12,
    #   num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9, pageup, pagedown,
    #   keypad0, keypad1, keypad2, keypad3, keypad4, keypad5, keypad6, keypad7, keypad8, keypad9,
    #   period, capslock, numlock, backspace, multiply, divide, print_screen, scroll_lock,
    #   tilde, backquote, pause, quote, comma, minus, slash, semicolon, equals, leftbracket,
    #   backslash, rightbracket, kp_period, kp_equals, rctrl, ralt
    # Keyboard input, Joypad and Joyaxis will all obey the "nul" bind, which disables the bind completely, 
    # rather than relying on a default.
    input_player1_a = x
    input_player1_b = z
    input_player1_y = a
    input_player1_x = s
    input_player1_start = enter
    input_player1_select = rshift
    input_player1_l = q
    input_player1_r = w
    input_player1_left = left
    input_player1_right = right
    input_player1_up = up
    input_player1_down = down
    # input_player1_l2 =
    # input_player1_r2 =
    # input_player1_l3 =
    # input_player1_r3 =

    pay attention to the ” hash tags / pound sign / shift 3 / # ”
    i’m just going to use “#” for my sanity. yes i’m poking fun at pop culture
    you are going to notice that some of the lines don’t have the “#” beside them.
    these are the spots you are going to add lines to.

    i would suggest you just copy paste these line so you get something that looks like this.

    # rather than relying on a default.
    input_player1_a = x
    input_player1_b = z
    input_player1_y = a
    input_player1_x = s
    input_player1_start = enter
    input_player1_select = rshift
    input_player1_l = q
    input_player1_r = w
    input_player1_left = left
    input_player1_right = right
    input_player1_up = up
    input_player1_down = down
    input_player1_a = x
    input_player1_b = z
    input_player1_y = a
    input_player1_x = s
    input_player1_start = enter
    input_player1_select = rshift
    input_player1_l = q
    input_player1_r = w
    input_player1_left = left
    input_player1_right = right
    input_player1_up = up
    input_player1_down = down
    # input_player1_l2 =
    # input_player1_r2 =
    # input_player1_l3 =
    # input_player1_r3 =

    pay attention to the fact that all the lines that you can use are jammed together between the lines with the “#”

    Then turn half the lines from Example old input_player1_up = up into Example new input_player2_up = up

    so now half the lines should read player 1 and the other half the lines player 2 like this example.

    # rather than relying on a default.
    input_player1_a = x
    input_player1_b = z
    input_player1_y = a
    input_player1_x = s
    input_player1_start = enter
    input_player1_select = rshift
    input_player1_l = q
    input_player1_r = w
    input_player1_left = left
    input_player1_right = right
    input_player1_up = up
    input_player1_down = down
    input_player2_a = x
    input_player2_b = z
    input_player2_y = a
    input_player2_x = s
    input_player2_start = enter
    input_player2_select = rshift
    input_player2_l = q
    input_player2_r = w
    input_player2_left = left
    input_player2_right = right
    input_player2_up = up
    input_player2_down = down
    # input_player1_l2 =
    # input_player1_r2 =
    # input_player1_l3 =
    # input_player1_r3 =

    the last thing you need to do is change the key’s over to the whetever key’s you are going to use for your Keyboard Duplicator or I-Pac. like this example

    # Keyboard input. Will recognize letters ("a" to "z") and the following special keys (where "kp_"
    # is for keypad keys):
    #   left, right, up, down, enter, kp_enter, tab, insert, del, end, home,
    #   rshift, shift, ctrl, alt, space, escape, add, subtract, kp_plus, kp_minus,
    #   f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12,
    #   num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9, pageup, pagedown,
    #   keypad0, keypad1, keypad2, keypad3, keypad4, keypad5, keypad6, keypad7, keypad8, keypad9,
    #   period, capslock, numlock, backspace, multiply, divide, print_screen, scroll_lock,
    #   tilde, backquote, pause, quote, comma, minus, slash, semicolon, equals, leftbracket,
    #   backslash, rightbracket, kp_period, kp_equals, rctrl, ralt
    # Keyboard input, Joypad and Joyaxis will all obey the "nul" bind, which disables the bind completely, 
    # rather than relying on a default.
    input_player1_a = ctrl
    input_player1_b = alt
    input_player1_y = shift
    input_player1_x = space
    input_player1_start = num1
    input_player1_select = num5
    input_player1_l = z
    input_player1_r = x
    input_player1_left = left
    input_player1_right = right
    input_player1_up = up
    input_player1_down = down
    input_player2_a = a
    input_player2_b = s
    input_player2_y = q
    input_player2_x = w
    input_player2_start = num2
    input_player2_select = num6
    input_player2_l = i
    input_player2_r = k
    input_player2_left = d
    input_player2_right = g
    input_player2_up = r
    input_player2_down = f
    # input_player1_l2 =
    # input_player1_r2 =
    # input_player1_l3 =
    # input_player1_r3 =

    Lucky You if you are using the Ultrimarc I-Pac you can copy the last example and get player 1 and 2 running.


    in reply to: Retropie 2.3 and IPAC2 arcade controller #82592

    here is my post that will help with some ipac questons.

    How to key map mapping the keyboard for the I-PAC or other keyboard duplicator.

    djdtime. your start key has to be “num1” not “1” on the code a number will be used as a math reference. where “num1” is a reference to the key on your keyboard.

    in reply to: Retroarch.cfg and controller setup, HELP needed #82581
    in reply to: Ultimarc Mini-Pac #82577

    here you go buddy I dug into this one for hour’s before i figured it out.
    i did a large description for how to fix it

    my link hates me

    How to key map mapping the keyboard for the I-PAC or other keyboard duplicator.

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