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    max_usb_current allows you to use a large external hard drive, without it, they just click and do not power up.


    There are about 4 or 5 methods to get data off SD and onto USB, which method are you using?


    Here are my settings. I commented out extra “gpu_mem” entries that I found.

    Seems to be stable, and PSP is certainly faster now!

    Using with basic heat sinks.

    EDIT: Unstable, reverted back to 1000Mhz. Need advice.

    # Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)


    That’s the one. Now my next problem is getting an additional fan in my casing. I’m looking at 25mm fans on Ebay which go for a couple bucks, and should fit nicely inside my Playstation 1 case. My only concern is whether or not it will be enough.

    This will be my second Pistation, with it, I want to also rig up a compact USB hub that runs off it’s own power, that will connect with the Pi’s power pack, at the back of the Playstations power connector inside the casing.


    I’m probably going to over clock mine as well, and for the same reasons (plus Dreamcast). I am wondering though if the 3 Piece Copper Heat Sink set off Amazon is what I should hold out for, or if the two piece copper alternative on Ebay is safe as well.


    Is that what this list goes by is the reports people who’s Pi’s are overclocked beyond 100Mhz?


    Which overclocking settings are these games being tested with. Not all the notes are clear.
    I am on 1000Mhz my self, running off HD.


    That list does not compare to my experiences, such as the MegaMan remake.
    The list says it is fine, but when I ran it, it ran slow and choppy. The 2nd time I tried to load it, it booted me back to emulation station.

    There are others on that list that don’t run as well as page claims.

    I have some “minis” I could ad to that list though that do work.


    That is awesome!

    Where is this Retropie PSP compatability list though? I’m not seeing it.



    How long have you been running your Pi with these settings?
    Also what are some of the more advanced PSP games you are able to run and well?

    Lastly, can you take some photos of your Pi with case? :)


    The most advanced PSP games I can run and run well are the Ys series (7 is a little choppy), and Castlevania.


    Thanks, OK the config file does not improve performance for me, and I’m sure I want to over clock it beyond the overclock settings provided with Retropie.


    Hmmm, I was going to tinker with the config file but I have a


    and not a



    Lr-PPSSPP here. Running off HD, distro updated, and Castlevania runs pretty much as it should. A slight slight slight hick up here and there, but you kind have to be looking for it.

    This is an improvement since when I was on the old Wheezy distro release.

    EDIT: I did not edit my config.

    in reply to: UAE4ARM (sudden mouse jerkyness) #117609

    Thank yoU!


    Nevermind… it works now… though I’ve no idea what I did to fix it.

    in reply to: Ultimate Power Supply #117418

    I don’t think the 3.5 is enough… might just have to rig up a self powered USB HUD inside of the PSX case as well.


    Correction, the 3.5 is in fact enough, I just had a glitch I had to iron out…
    …still not sure what it was, but yes, 3.5 works, and 2.5 work with a 2.5″ Sata HD.

    Though, I believe I’m going to add in a self powered USB hub to my next PiStation just for extra coverage.

    in reply to: Emulation Station Creating .NES files #117265

    Why does Retro unzip them? That’s annoying! :)

    in reply to: Ultimate Power Supply #117257


    I have had good luck with these chargers. Cured my low power issues because of voltage drop with everything plugged into my pi.


    That’s basically what I began with, which is fine if you are not planning on using a USB to SATA adapter for your storage, or don’t intend on experimenting with the recent OpenGl beta release for Raspian.

    2.5A is a happy medium for about the same price (as I linked above), and 3.5A is ideal if you don’t mind spending $15 on your power pack and want to be able to do everything.

    in reply to: Ultimate Power Supply #117205

    He he, SOB, I forgot to re-edit the config.txt

    I’m running on Jessie now and forgot I’d updated since I last posted here.

    OK, it works now, as does this much cheaper alternative:

    in reply to: Ultimate Power Supply #117181

    I ordered one…
    …still no go, the drive still clicks, and I’m using dual USB for power which is connected directly to the Pi.

    in reply to: Best lr-ppsspp settings? #113438

    The only game I have tested has been Castlevania. I did not tweak the settings at all and was able to run full speed. Though occasionally the game would pause for a second and then continue. I’m shocked that the Pi 2 can do even that much.




    What key/button is that?

    in reply to: PS1 Multi-Disc game compression #113149

    I built a PiStation, initially intent on emulation PS1 on it alone, so I went through and tested about 200 some titles. It took me weeks and weeks, but it was worth it. Tis amazing what this Pi can pull off. It nearly does Castlevania on the PSP flawlessly in fact.

    in reply to: advMAME 106 CHD games? #113147

    I can get them to run, but all of them run too slow on the Pi 2.

    in reply to: PS1 Multi-Disc game compression #113086

    99% of the time, no. The other 1% of the time, the game just will not load compressed and you are better off using a Bin/Cue in those cases.

    That aside, I used two separate programs to compress my PS1 iso’s. One does multi disk images, and the other retains the audio tracks on single disk images. I forget the name of the program atm though. It’s been a little while.

    in reply to: Jedi Outcast… almost there… #112877


    in reply to: Ultimate Power Supply #107735

    gonzothegreat: So you are booting from SD, but hosting your OS from USB?

    In that case I’ve no idea what is up, but if I can go 3.5A then I’ll upgrade to a better power supply and see how that pans out.

    in reply to: Ultimate Power Supply #107707

    I did, but does your OpenElec run off USB or SD?

    in reply to: Ultimate Power Supply #107661

    All right, thanks, I remember reading about that now. Though I have a question, does it matter that the OS is actually hosted on the USB drive and not the SD?

    Edit: Tested and no it still does not. So apparently, in order to use USB as host, I am limited to using something like a 128Gb (or higher) Sandisk Cruzer, which thankfully can be picked up at a starting point of $25 shipped.

    in reply to: RetroPie / OpenELEC (KODI) Dual Boot Disc Image #107577

    EDIT: Nevermind, found what I needed to change in the “ss” folder within the OpenElec root partition. This is now running off USB for me.

    I got it going, well almost!
    The one thing that is preventing this from working in the autoboot.txt on the recovery partition.

    Initially it read: “boot_partition=7″

    So I changed it to:”boot_partition=6”

    (I moved the original partition to usb and deleted the original off the SD so now partition 7 is 6).

    What happens now is that RetroPie boots fine. It can load OpenElec fine, but once you have loaded OpenElec and try to boot into RetroPie, your script alters autoboot.txt back to “boot_partition=7” thus locking the boot sequence onto OpenElec.

    All I need to know now is where is the script and what line do I need to alter and I should be set, after which I will try to create two small image files and upload so there is an easy to install USB version if this.

    I’m going to PM you in case you don’t see this for a few days… I’m eager if you can’t tell! ;)

    in reply to: RetroPie / OpenELEC (KODI) Dual Boot Disc Image #107566

    Here’s my latest discoveries.
    I created a back up of my USB stick using Win32DiskImager:

    For what ever reason, DD was fine when creating a bootable USB stick out of my pre-made SD image(s), but was not suitable to use making a back up of my USB stick to my new larger USB drive.

    Anyhow, the Win32DiskImager backup worked perfectly! Now I am using Gparted to expand the Raspian and RetroPie partition, while moving OpenElec’s to the end. I’ll know if that worked here in a about an hour. “Note to self, purchase or steal super computer.”

    “EDIT: Resize with Gparted works!!!! This method requires two Operating Systems, but it does indeed work until I or someone can figure out how to do the backup images and cloning with DD or Clonezilla if anything.”

    I did notice that the image files can be compressed pretty well, assuming the partitions are not actually full such as the RetroPie image. Also, using the Img back up method, I realize it would be best to use as small as USB stick as possible to make your initial set up, create an image from that and the new SD (you can back up your large SD and move only the files you need to a smaller one), which will then greatly reduce the size of your image back ups and reduce the time spent creating your back ups. Now assuming it is possible to resize the new partitions created from the backup images, then once I or someone else figures out how to get your Dual Boot kit hosted on USB, a simple Win32DiskImager image could be uploaded and easily used.

    Here is the hard drive I’m using… cheap compared to SD hugh? :)

    in reply to: RetroPie / OpenELEC (KODI) Dual Boot Disc Image #107543

    They claim there is a speed boost, though most of those guys are saying this when using a USB 3 stick which I don’t own. Plus this does not make sense because the Pi only has USB 2.
    That being said, it is faster than some SD cards, but the only speed boost I noticed was maybe a slightly quicker boot time, and some PSX games played less choppy or had the chop removed from them all together, I.E. Quake 2 when you open the first door to a large colorful room with an enemy in it. On the SD it struggles for a second, on the USB not at all.
    Also this spares your large and fast SD and allows you to use your old slow and small SD since it is only required to boot.

    Those small issues aside, yes, the SD cards can not handle as many read writes and will in the end fail long before a USB stick will. Also when ever you over clock your Pi (which I believe we all do for those emulation speeds), this still puts the SD card at risk. The risk is not as great as it was with the Pi 1, but it is still there.

    I was able to boot off my other USB stick using the triple boot guide I posted in your other thread, but was not able to convert your work over either, at least not the dual boot image as it’s the one I’m most interested in running at this point as I don’t find Raspbian to be very practical.

    So here is where I want to go:

    A: Stick with your Dual Boot kit and use a USB to store my roms, saves, art and such. I just need to know how.

    B: Go back and make my own Dual Boot from USB, and figure out a way to load up your boot screen on mine. I REALLY WANT THAT THING MAN!!!! :)

    EDIT: C: I forgot your reboot scripts, I want to know how you do that also, then I’ll figure out custom themes last.

    RetroPie installed and booting from USB?
    byu/tonyt3rry inRetroPie

    in reply to: RetroPie / OpenELEC (KODI) Dual Boot Disc Image #107521

    Actually, I just went through this entire thread, and no one seems to be attempting to boot from USB. They are hosting their roms from USB, but not hosting OpenElec and RetroPie on the USB.

    Also in the Readme.txt that comes with this, I can’t seem to find any guidance on where to put my roms on the USB stick if I want to use it to host my roms, zdoom, and the like.

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