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ParticipantEDIT: I wrote the author… almost got it. Will return to explain how.
Emulator code has been updated in the mean time. ;)xd3l
ParticipantEDIT: Fresh install, still no go, and bluetoothctl just flashes and won’t let me type.
Ya, I did chmod 777 RetroPie and RetroPie-Setup. I was and still am having problems with some zdoom scripts I was trying to make.
Anyhow, on a fresh install of RetroPie, the Bluetooth config section wants me to enter the PIN now for the controller, that or it offers to put in 0000 for me. If I let it do it, it fails, and I’ve no idea what PIN I’m supposed to be putting in.
ParticipantBy default I can start the game, swing my whip, use four different buttons to bring up the map, and that’s it. I can’t move, can’t jump, and so on.
With your config… same thing.As for all of these guides for binding your controls for Reicast config, Kodi, this, and so on…
…I am always left wondering if a few details were not skipped in the guide, if they could not be worded better, and you know……wondering where they pulled these numbers from. Like how am I supposed to know that 0x00 might correspond to LEFT on my joy pad, while 1 might correspond to RIGHT, 12 for button A, 17 for button B, and 2 for button C and so on?
ParticipantThat is weird because I was following a guide on how to compile for the Pi…
ParticipantNow it just sits there after I choose security mode.
ParticipantThe only difference between that config and the one I tried were these lines:
axis_dpad1_x = 0x10
axis_dpad1_y = 0x11And just like the alterations I had made, this kills the controller.
ParticipantAlso, I got my Pi 3 in the mail today (both of them), and without over clocking, and with having the memory set to 256, all these games still behave the same.
Guess the Pi can’t cut it after all.
ParticipantIt’s a hair better than my Pi 2 on USB running at 1050Mhz, but I’ll be wanting to over clock my Pi 3 when I can. None the less, it IS an improvement, and about what I expected out of 1200Mhz.
ParticipantPi 3’s came in today. I’m about to plug in my USB stick and see the results!!! :)
ParticipantHere is what they say about this on the GemRB forums.
ParticipantOh, well what do you know! :)
ParticipantI like the new additions!!! This makes it very user friendly and easy to dig into, Joypad configuration aside…
ParticipantThat just kills my controller all together. Good thing I backed up the config!
As you can see, the numbers next to my config do not include x’s. Something is up.
Select the Dreamcast emulator from the frontend > start > menu > configureoptionsinput
[/quote]I don’t understand what you mean by this:
“Select the Dreamcast emulator from the frontend > start > menu > configure options input”
Also, how do you know what numbers correspond with what buttons, directions, and such?
EDIT: Nevermind, I see what you are saying.
ParticipantChecking it out! :)
You know, now that I’m over clocked to 1050, ZDOOM performs well enough. The frame drop was a bit to noticeable before. And with the advent of the Pi 3, ZDOOM has got to fly!!!
It’s really a shame that they don’t just opt for ZDOOM all together, and try to incorporate a means by which you can drop wads into the zdoom folder and select them through Emulation Station’s menu.
PrBOOM Plus on the other hand, will shine when OpenGL support matures. None the less, it doesn’t have as many cracked out and over the top pWADs that ZDOOM does. Knee Deep in ZDOOM, Harmony, Action DOOM, Brutal DOOM, The Adventures of Square, Dark Forces, and the list goes on. ZDOOM is a power house and it looks really good on the TV in wide screen. Again, now that the frames are up, I’m happy with it.
ParticipantI’ll sign up in the Reicast forums for that question. I take it the cross pad and left analog work for everyone else in Reicast?
In the mean time, here’s what I can play and play well. Mind you nearly every game has crap movie play back and the menus are almost always sluggish, but once you get to the games, everything is pretty well solid at a mere 1050Mhz, minus a graphic glitch here or there, or occasional slow down maybe.
Alice’s Mom’s Rescue
Fur Fighters
Grandia II
Jet Grind Radio
Power Stone I and II
Rayman 2
Sonic Adventure
Soul Reaver
Tony Hawk 2
Toy Commander
…and my new favorite game ever… for the time being…Volgarr the Viking.
ParticipantWell thank you for trying…
…I’ll have a loook at more of your scripts.
So what do I do with these anyhow? Git clone them into their own unique folder and try to run them from there? I’d like to learn.xd3l
ParticipantThank you, very cool, and a very worthy addition, despite the fact that we can “just emulate” it; me thinks. :)
ParticipantOK, so if I put a zdoom folder inside of ports, and inside of zdoom I place the Hi-Res Texture Pack. Then how would I edit your script to launch DOOM with the pack?!lxBxkADa!-L2w8NgvjQ8TlR8hEdalqSVP_wUy0e96QXhOSJi7n3U
“/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/” 0 _SYS_ doomxd3l
ParticipantEDIT: I see it now, thanks!!!
ParticipantI replaced my existing folders with this (I presume I was not suppose to do that?) and didn’t see Crispy DOOM in the list of options, and also the packagee script will not work at all.
I’m sorry, I’m not as knowledgeable as you may have thought. :)
ParticipantAgh ha!!!
I know what I did now!
In the tutorial, it tells you to download FMOD and gives you the choice to install it, which I did, though what it allows you to download and what it looks for are two totally different versions. So I ran the UNINSTALL command on FMOD and tried ZDOOM again and all went well this time!!! :)
Participant[quote=119791]Latest zdoom compiles properly for me. I’ll probably submit a change that will automatically set up the other iWAD files for selection from the menu, so you have doom 2, you can select it.
I just tried again on the Pi both manually and through the script.
Manually I get to 99% then it bombs because of fmodapi44461linux.tar.gz which I can’t even download from fmod’s own web site.
I tried it with the script. It was 100% successful (I watched it), then I exited the menu to reboot, and it told me twice that zdoom was not installed, and sure enough, it isn’t. :/
ParticipantSweet, thank you!
ParticipantHow can the script work for one person and not the other?
Also, I can’t get any of those gz files to extract. They ALL seem corrupted, be it if I go by command line or use a GUI program like Archiver.
ParticipantAghh, time for Beavis and Butthead!
ParticipantThank yoU!
I’m not sure what I’m looking at, but here are my config files that should pertain to it.
ParticipantHow do I use the module?
OK, I watched it this time, it looks like it is pulling it off the server all right, though what’s going on is it fails to compile at around 54%, and I can’t read those log files in gz format to see what they have to say.
ParticipantThe script won’t install it because it says it can’t find a release.
ParticipantI wish ScummWM’s was like that. OK, I’ll save my self some trouble, and maybe even use this as a guide to writing a script for Crispy DOOM.
ParticipantThis shipped for under $3.00 (been using them for years, they are solid)
Along with PS1 or PS 2 dual analog controllers.
Configure intially with analogs turned on, and you are set.
ParticipantI wasn’t sure if the script would provide the latest release of ZDOOM since it only released a few days ago.
I had that problem with ScummVM, ours is still on 7 it’s now on 8.
Will the script do the trick in ZDOOM’s case? -