Forum Replies Created
Participant[quote=122101]Thank you zerojay!
You have just became my new personal hero!
This honestly will make me happy for the rest of my life. <3
I thought I was your personal hero…
…I see where your real loyalties lay. :/
ParticipantFor some reason the script updater didn’t work as well as it claimed it had.
Anyhow, after freshly git clonging your script and adding it in fresh, I can see, isntall, and run it. Thank you!
ParticipantJust updated, installed again, still got the mapping limitation of 8.
This is NOT up to date.xd3l
ParticipantI’ve ran it under Raspian with flying colors.
ParticipantAs for the GemRB games… they are still buggy. They play but are buggy and can lock you up. Not sure if this is a universal GemRB problem yet or not. How are they running for everyone else? How deeply have you guys played?
Also Grim exits to a black screen.
ParticipantYa Grim plays if I skip the awesomely funny videos… :(
If I let the video play, it dumps me back to emustaiton.
ParticipantI have done a fresh install of RetroPie on my Pi 3, this time using only a class 10 SD card. I installed Baldur’s gate (after 3 attempts), copied over the files, and it just works.
I am going to try to duplicate this on my Pi 2 which also has a fresh install of RetroPie and see if I can get the same results, after which I am going to transfer the root partition to a USB stick and see what fruit that yields.
ParticipantOk, how about this? :)
sh 17: Syntax error: “(” unexpectedxd3l
ParticipantI created this script in my /ports/ folder and got this:
Tiny 17: Tiny Syntax error: “(” unexpected
Here is the guide I have been preparing and used for my self:
Tiny Fugue Tutorial:
SSH into your Raspberry Pi. I.E.:
LOGIN: pi PASSWORD: raspberry
If you are running Windows, download and install Putty.
By default you will be in your /home/pi/ directory, but we need to move to root by typing:
cd /
Now, type the following to download Tiny Fugue:
sudo git clone
Now we need to enter into the Tiny Fugue directory so type:
cd tinyfugue/
Now that we are inside of the directory, type the following to configure the source code:
sudo ./configure[
When the source is done configuring you will want to build it by typing the following command:
sudo make
Once that is finished, you can install it and all of it’s required files by typing:
sudo make install
Now we will want to clean up, but first we must exit the /tinyfugure/ folder by typing:
cd ..
Next you will want to delete the /tinyfugue/ folder by typing:
rm -R tinyfugue
Now Tiny Fugue is installed into our system, but we need to set up a script to launch it from within EmulationStation.
To do this we will need to move into the /ports/ directory by typing the following:cd ~/RetroPie/roms/ports/
Type the following to create a new text file to use as our launcher script:
sudo nano
blah blah blah…
ParticipantHas anyone else had a crack at this yet? Surely if we can do Minecraft and Chromium which seem to need X, then we should be able to do this too right?
Not sure why it’s X dependent in the first place but…
ParticipantI got version 3, which the mapping limitations.
ParticipantIn that case, please tell me this is some sort of bug and that I’m not the only one. Because this is the case on all of my RetroPie setups.
ParticipantI got this going on my Pi 3, but not on my 2. Can’t remember what I did in the first place to get it working.
Also, how do I use modules like this:
03/19/2016 at 08:00 in reply to: OpenBOR: Trouble Following Guide (newer, friendlier title!) ;) #120851xd3l
ParticipantI made one over sight. I didn’t realize that it said to look in /opt/retropie/ports/openbor/ for the script.
Anyhow I put the He-Man pak in there and ran it, but it’s not working…
…was I supposed to put the original pak in there?
It said:
sudo sh
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/openbor/original/’: File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/openbor/original/borpak/’: File exists
mv: cannot stat ‘/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/openbor/*.pak’: No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat ‘data/’: No such file or directory
Your games are extracted and ready to be played. Your originals are stored safely in /original/ but they won’t be needed anymore. Everything within it can be deleted.xd3l
ParticipantI posted my edit here:
Though as you can see, I’ve a few things to learn about setting up the lay out properly.
As for what I suggested above, I’ve an easy fix for that if you’d like me to share.
03/19/2016 at 02:13 in reply to: OpenBOR: Trouble Following Guide (newer, friendlier title!) ;) #120839xd3l
ParticipantOh, ya, you had me go through this with ZDOOM. I need to remember to try this when having troubles.
ParticipantHere is another thing I noticed. When you install ZDOOM, it sets up shop in the
folder and over rides PrBOOM as the default DOOM Engine.
Are we sure that is what we want? PrBOOM does have it’s uses, especially PrBOOM Plus!
I was wondering if ZDOOM’s install script could be updated so as to reside in it’s own zdoom folder rather than take over PrBOOM’s doom folder.
Then as for the custom launch script, they could instead be titled ZDOOM I and ZDOOM II, ZDOOM TNT, ZDOOM Plutonia, Strife, Hexen, and so on, as I don’t believe Crispy fully supports anything beyond DOOM yet, at least not to the degree that ZDOOM does, and you’ve already got Crispy Doom set up with “Crispy” in the title of each iWad so it’s fine as it is.
The idea in short is to make room for as many DOOM ports as possible… sort of like MAME. ;)
03/19/2016 at 02:02 in reply to: OpenBOR: Trouble Following Guide (newer, friendlier title!) ;) #120835xd3l
ParticipantYa, that’s where I expected the script to be and that is where it was not to be found.
I will try again though after I get done fiddling with ZDOOM, which I just installed.
As for my configuration… yes, I run off of hard drive, it is my root drive while my SD card merely hosts my fat formatted boot partition. So with all that in mind, the only thing I had to tweak was my cmdline.txt to get things working proper.
ParticipantThank you, I’ll try my best, and hopefully will not be too much of a pain. :)
On that note, I am setting up a second Pi from scratch to use as the base for my guides and emulator testing. So the first thing I did was go into RetroPie-Setup and install ZDOOM when I noticed this… can that be good? Downgrading sdl libraries?
03/19/2016 at 01:28 in reply to: OpenBOR: Trouble Following Guide (newer, friendlier title!) ;) #120831xd3l
ParticipantWhere is this script? I read about it, intended to use it, but never found it.
On that note, yes my primary machine is HEAVILY tweaked, and yes, I’ve fixed a lot, but still, some things remain broken.
So with that in mind, and the fact that I want my upcoming tutorials and tests to be taint free, I am setting up a secondary system from scratch. And will retest a BOR install on it, and on that note, will never use anything outside of RetroPie Setup to isntall anything on it. :)
ParticipantAll right, thanks…
…and that was exactly what I was afraid of doing; adding in something that should not be there.
ParticipantNever mind, I went back to look at what I’d done and my ZDOOM link is gone all together.
ParticipantI’m looking at the RetroPie Wiki again…
…got it figured out, will be creating a ZDOOM wiki today, and updating some of the rom compatability lists.
Can you possibly post a photo of it? I’m interested in cheap knock offs that work. :)
ParticipantThanks, I’ve tried that a few times over.
In fact, because I was also trying to iron out issues with the Rock Candy (another neglected post I have on here), I have somehow lost the ability to quickly scroll up and down through my menus… not just with the Rock Candy, but all controllers.
I hate to do it, as I’ve been getting good at figuring out how to fix things I have broke, but I think I need to back up my game saves and re-install from scratch.
BTW What controller are you using exactly the PS3?
ParticipantI’m getting no help here, so I tried to sign up on the Reicast site, but I can’t get it to accept any of the catpchas I type in when trying to register, plus it asks questions I don’t have the answer to, such as what the project is named after.
ParticipantOK in es_input.cfg I added the following lines to it and all is well in regards to scrolling through the menus correctly. This should also work for the emulators, or something like it anyhow.
<input name=”pagedown” type=”axis” id=”5″ value=”1″/>
<input name=”pageup” type=”axis” id=”2″ value=”1″/>Edit, after a reboot this stopped working again.
I deleted the es_input file from /opt/retropie/config/…
and in /home/pi/.emulationstation/…Rebooted, redetected my original controller who’s shoulder buttons were working fine, and now it will not fast scroll through the menus.
I re-deleted all config files and rebooted and redetected a few times to test this and also my Rock Candy controller. And I noticed that Emulation station skips the Triggers on the Rock Candy because they are axis and not buttons…
ParticipantI have found the source of the problem, the trick is though that I’m not sure how to resolve it.
The fault is to be found in:
config files for all controllers.
the Generic XBOX Controller is Missing Commands that the Twin USB Controller is not. The thing is though that the LEFT and RIGHT lower buttons on the Twin USB Contorller (PS2 Joypad) are buttons, where as they are recognized as Throttles on the RockCandy (Generic XBOX360 controller).
Going to /dev/input and running jstest didn’t make things much clearer to me either. I know this fix is simple, it’s just going over my head at the moment.
I can see that the Twin USB has these two lines that the ROck Candy does not.
input_l_btn = “4”
input_r_btn = “5”
input_save_state_btn = “5”EDIT:
I also noticed 2 lines missing between the two controllers in:
ParticipantOn a side note, in the end I did fix my directory by deleting it via sudo rm -R RetroPie-Setup
then downloading it through
git clone –depth=1
and if I recall correctly I had to run sudo chmod 775 on the folder.
Still can’t get the Green throttle to work, it just sits there on the show yes or no screen. And that command line software just sits with a blinking cursor.
ParticipantI deleted my RetroPie-Setup folder and re-installed it from:
git clone –depth=1
and if I recall correctly I had to run sudo chmod 775 on the folder.
Now I’m able to associate the Wiimote through the menus again, but alas, I can’t configure it to navigate emulation station or for emulators because it does not come up when I select “configure input”.
EDIT: And… I just found the bit about Wiimotes in the Wiki. Guess it’s got a bug in 3.6, so I’ll wait for them to fix it in 3.7 or what ever.
ParticipantZDOOM does not have it’s own section under ports.
I’ve never edited a Wiki before, I want to contribute, but I don’t want to screw up the page.
ParticipantNevermind, I figured it out at long last! :)
ParticipantHere is an interesting one, if I unplug all controllers and detect the rock candy, it comes up as a Harmonix Xbox 360 Controller instead of Generic 360 Controller.
ParticipantHeads up. Fab took Strife support (and I think others) out, so now your source no longer compiles because it is looking for that.