Forum Replies Created
ParticipantTHANK YOU!!!! im sooo happy its an easy upgrade. the last b to B+ made me have to build from zero… really looking forward to this little unit… thank you to all who tested :)
Participantthank you muchos, edited config.txt works fine now :)
Participant[quote=33750]You could use omxplayer to play a video instead of the retropie splash screen and keep it playing above emulationstation while it’s splash screen is displayed. You just have to make sure the video is long enough that when it stops playing, emulationstation is done loading (approx. 45 seconds).
Here’s how to do it:
First copy the video you’d like to use to your home directory ( /home/pi )
Then install omxplayersudo apt-get install omxplayer
Then modify the splash screen script to play your video instead of displaying the retropie splash screen imagesudo nano /etc/init.d/asplashscreen
comment out (or delete) these lines:line=$(head -n 1 /etc/splashscreen.list) isMovie=$(echo $line | grep -o "*.mpg") if [ -z "$isMovie" ]; then /usr/bin/fbi -T 2 -once -t 30 -noverbose -a -l /etc/splashscreen.list & else mplayer $line & fi
and above them (under the first do_start () { ) add this line:
omxplayer -o hdmi --layer 10000 /home/pi/splash_screen_video.mp4 &
Save with Ctrl+X then enter And then reboot with sudo reboot Once the Pi turns back on it will start playing your video, and if your video is long enough it will go straight into the carousel view once the video ends.
[/quote]this does not work like I thought, its the problem I have now, the emulation station screen loads OVER the video, I can still hear my video playing behind it…. :( not to discredit anyone, but I would be more than happy to put emulation station as a logo on the video. but I thought the video would just over write the ES splash, in 2.3 it doens seem to do that, unless I really missed something….
Participant[quote=81851]in you have an option to scrap auto ‘Run ES-scraper’[/quote]
this dosent seem to be in ver 2.3 anymore…
Participantyea this is the problem I have alot, I “break” the interface and I get white backgrounds. I know its a memory thing, I tryed changing to the 384 but that locked me out to white screen, I had to edit config back to 256… I look at the size of the “blurred” jpgs and thier HUGE. Ive been trying to get custom screens for each emulator but I break the intrerface. Im currently trying lower rez pics for blurred and other hoping I can get them in there withot breaking it.. ill post my results..
ParticipantThank you mucho, trying it now… :)
ParticipantId like to deeply apologize for my rants. frustration will lead you to do strang things… but still B+ is a bear and 2.3 does NOT seem as stable as 1.1
PLEASE FIX THE HANG after exiting games.. the system hangs for about 30+ sec brfor returning to ES…
RESOLVED the neogeo problem still have a hang on Game Gear..
also cant get the scrapper to work kicks me out states hml error or something…
getting there…. hate the B+ unit
ParticipantOK update:
I redid from ZERO. rebooted after EVERY step. Ive got it working with 2 xbox wireless, the leds connect right etc. Ive got most of the controls working with the games. got MAME working with escape coins start etc.
My problem is now. Ive lost the NEOGEO catagory from ver1.1 to 2.3 I tryed putting them into the FBA, but they dont see them I forgot where I edited the FBA to identfy the neogeo roms…
also GameGear on escape goes to black and hangs needing unplug.
GBA is not reading my roms like 1.1 did…so I need to find where the emulators are identifying the type of roms… I just forgot where that is….
Participantbeen trying to get 2.3 to work right on B+ and just probelms problems problems… most are listed above. I do like the interface, but like some one stated I had a ton of custome images for the emulators and such… anyway not complaining as im VERY VERY greatful for all the effort people are putting into this project… just wanted my B+ to purr like I got my B to do… time will fix it but :)
ParticipantI really dont want to rebuild this again, is there any way to get the B image to work with the B+ image? the usbs dont work w old, if I do have to rebuild it ARG…
what image is most upto date and works with B+ 100%?
thanks for any responses in advance..
Participanti would love to just pull chip from B and put into B+ without any problems or updates. as im using a micro-chip w adapter in B unit now, would be an easy swap
Participanti remaped the buttons and only use the analogs, i HATE the Dpads.. dont get me wrong, the PS3 pads are great, but a bit@h to set up, once you do get them, its cool they rumble leds work etc as should, but was a real pain to get them to that state, the 360s were a breeze, im talking about the wireless versions, as i didnt want wired, although those are the easiest….
Participanti cant seem to find this, im using WinSCP.. cant see it under startx either…
i did NOT install VICE, im using retropie stock. I read a thread, seems this works under startx environment. I cant seem to find a 2x video as is.. so i think im looking for somthing thats not there unless you install VICE outside of the stock retropie install.. am i right?
SOLVED IT: Sorry to be an idiot ;)
Participantquestion on gpio and other USB options for arcade controlers:
I am ready to do some wireing and wanta build the joystick arcade button pannel. Im seeing a couple of soultions. the GPIO option and other using a USB converter board like Xin-Mo and a couple others out there. i wanta build a 2 player board, I read the xin-mo has problems with two player board.
any advice or pro cons for GPIO and a usb set up? Ive build a mame controler many years ago outa an old programable game pad and the joy/buttons… so not hard . Id rather have a set up that uses keyboard commands as I think it would be easier to re-key in retropie….
as always, thanks again for any responses…
Participantall you need then is the bios file in the ROMs folder and, at least for me it works, it also works for fba. I know it can be frustrating but 99% of your answers are in the forum, took me a bit of time to find most of my answers but solutions are here… just a FYI dont bother with ps3 controllers, 360 wireless are much less of a headache ;)
Participantin the es_systems.cfg uncomment the COMMAND line that has the pifba in it and comment out the origional COMMAND line. this will switch the emulator to the pifba one that seems to works better. however the roms are still hit and miss
ParticipantThanks for the response, I figured it was a window environment olny…. sad
ParticipantI should clairify, im using pifba for the neogeo and fba , they work well but I cant find the file for the pifba config, I found several configs in the pifba folder but nothing I do seems to chnage the ingame video, I want the anti alising off but cant seems to find the exact place to edit… any help is greatly apreciated,
Participantanyone using “X-Gaming X-Arcade” controler>? would be interested in how it works befor comitting..
ParticipantUpdate… the adapter receiver worked flawlessly, had a rough bit but turned out to be a failing sd card… other that that, the guids in this forum were stop on. Thanks to everyone for helping make this little wonder. Interestingly enough, the ps3 setup seems a tad slower than the 360 setup… jusy fyi and thanks… I found alotta errors or such on older posts, I figure ther do to older versions, but all in all everything you need to set up ps3s or 360s in in these forums….. THANKS EVERYONE
Participanthere you go…
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<inputConfig type=”keyboard”>
<input name=”a” type=”key” id=”13″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”b” type=”key” id=”8″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”down” type=”key” id=”274″ value=”1″ />
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<input name=”right” type=”key” id=”275″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”up” type=”key” id=”273″ value=”1″ />
<inputConfig type=”joystick” deviceName=”PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller (38:C0:96:A4:22:C5)”>
<input name=”a” type=”button” id=”14″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”b” type=”button” id=”13″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”down” type=”button” id=”6″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”left” type=”button” id=”7″ value=”-1″ />
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<input name=”pageup” type=”button” id=”11″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”right” type=”button” id=”5″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”select” type=”button” id=”0″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”up” type=”button” id=”4″ value=”1″ />
<inputConfig type=”joystick” deviceName=”PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller (00:26:43:66:C1:4B)”>
<input name=”a” type=”button” id=”14″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”b” type=”button” id=”13″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”down” type=”button” id=”6″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”left” type=”button” id=”7″ value=”-1″ />
<input name=”menu” type=”button” id=”16″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”pagedown” type=”button” id=”9″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”pageup” type=”button” id=”11″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”right” type=”button” id=”5″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”select” type=”button” id=”0″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”up” type=”button” id=”4″ value=”1″ />
Participantnice thanks.. I figure its the easiest way to use a wireless without the hard connect pairing.. thanks again
Participantyea it was weird… on the next rebot the friggin controllers came alive! they blinked, RUMBELED! and leds setteled on the #1 and #2 lights…. HAPPY FACE!!! only other thing I had to do was add the MAC addresses at the end of the descriptions of joysticks in the es_input.cfg
anyway last step for me to set the analog sticks… thanks again to everyone who worked on this solution. I do understand the effort it takes to do this stuff..
Participantok nailed it! found this that solved it.. knew it was somthing deeper…
found this at the end of link
on February 9, 2014 at 6:28 am said:
SOLVED! Here’s the forum post that saved my life:The error message “unable to connect to sdp session” is because the newer version of bluetoothd is not running the sdp socket in udev mode. Running the bluetoothd daemon without ‘–udev’ will not allow the PS3 controller to connect. I believe it has to do with the protocol Sony is using. The sdp session is used by sixad to determine which controller type is connected over bluetooth. If anyone wants to research how to get the sdp running in udev mode please do.
For myself I modified the source code to ignore the controller type. Since I’m only using a PS3 controller I don’t care about the others. Here is how to modify the code. Assuming you already have the source code installed.
In directory ‘QtSixA-1.5.1/sixad’ edit the file ‘bluetooth.cpp’. Change line #218 in the ‘l2cap_accept’ function.
if (!legacy && req.vendor == 0x054c && req.product == 0×0268) {
if (!legacy) {Next run the ‘make’ command. Followed by the ‘sudo make install’ command.
Remember to restart the service or reboot the RPi.
Participant“If you have one ps3 controller working over bluetooth, you only need to parse the second controller like the first, but with the first desconected I mean… and modify retropie.cfg for adding player 2.”
ok first off hello and thank you for getting me this far… I want 2 working ps3 wireless controllers to work…
Im at this stage and stuck: I have two controllers paired in sixad, on start up of retropie, I can choose either controler and press the ps button to pair it and it works fine for one player…. both controlers are capable of working as single player on start up… I can press the ps button on the second controller and I see it blink briefly then pair. but it is not working on menues or in game… interestingly if I start up for example an atarti2600 game then open the in game menu “f1” I see controller 1 as playstation controler etc, I then can change the player 2 controller to playstation, and when I go back in game the one controler is playing both players in game..
at this point I think im very close, I need to somehow have sixad uniquly register each controler.
ok I can not find jtest on my system, Ive loaded it, it says its there, but I cant sudo jtest /dev/input/js0(x) what/where is the command for this?
setup in menu to config, ONLY recognizes the first paird controler, never the second. Ive tryed adding MAC address to the two controller sections in es_input, ive edited the “all” config etc.
I think the real problem is the bluetooth (which is working great (asus)) and sixad is not understanding that there are 2 controlers. I start one first making sure its paired befor starting the other. Ive trying starting pairing before, during and after exiting retropie, nothing changes.
so I guess what im asking is… whats left to check? both pair and are the SAME address as blutooth when I sudo ./sixpair.
I guess I need a detailed walk through of the “need to parse the second controller like the first”
I SOOO CLOSE!!! help me PLEASE ( tearing out hair)
thanks in advance for responses… and believe me Ive got a dozen web pages up from forums trying to peice this together.. am soo close… ARG!!!
ill be very happy to post any config files or whatnot…
ADDITIONAL INFO: both p1 and p2.cfg are identical w exception of joypad_index = “0” and “1” respectivly, wondering if they need to be “00” and “01”
Participantsorry heres the pic