Forum Replies Created
02/26/2016 at 01:19 in reply to: How to get Xin-Mo Dual Arcade Working with retropie! Easy guide:-) #118180wowzer22Participant
OK, I’ve figured something out…the issue is not that different ROMS are reading differently as much as different emulators are. Lr_fba_next and Lr_fba have the issue I mention with the Capcom roms, where the second player’s #1 and #7 buttons are mixed. PiFBA doesn’t seem to be reading the second player at all, and the coin/start buttons are mapped to buttons #10 and #11 for the first player for some strange reason.
Any ideas? Based on the .cfg files I posted in the post above there doesn’t seem to be any reason this would be happening, everything looks as if it’s mapped correctly…unless I’m missing something?
UPDATE: Turns out the lr_fba issues were good old fashioned user error. I had the buttons wired incorrectly. That said, I still can’t get piFBA to work right.
02/25/2016 at 23:32 in reply to: How to get Xin-Mo Dual Arcade Working with retropie! Easy guide:-) #118165wowzer22ParticipantHey Duck,
Thanks for the speedy response. Any shot you can paste what oyu have in your retroarch.cfg? I believe mine is setup correctly but it might help to cross-reference.
I looked at the github solution and while my fba2x.cfg is different, it doesn’t really explain why my buttons wouldn’t be working correctly. Here’s what mine contains (this appears to be just for PiFBA:
# Get codes from /usr/include/SDL/SDL_keysym.h
#player 2 keyboard controls, disabled by default
# Get codes from “jstest /dev/input/js0”
# from package “joystick”
#Joystick axis
#player 2 button configuration
#Joystick axis
# Display Effect: 0 none, 1 scanlines
I’ll try replacing it with theirs to see if it makes a difference. Wondering if that fixes all the games? It’s weird that Capcom has one set of button issues and a game like Wrestlefest has a completely different issue. The rest of the emulators in Retropie work flawlessly since running with your solution.
Here’s what my RetroArch button layout looks like from Retroarch.cfg:
# Joypad buttons.
# Figure these out by using RetroArch-Phoenix or retroarch-joyconfig.
# You can use joypad hats with hnxx, where n is the hat, and xx is a string representing direction.
# E.g. “h0up”
# input_player1_a_btn = 4
# input_player1_b_btn = 3
# input_player1_y_btn = 0
# input_player1_x_btn = 1
# input_player1_start_btn = 6
# input_player1_select_btn = 8
# input_player1_l_btn = 2
# input_player1_r_btn = 5
# input_player1_left_btn =
# input_player1_right_btn =
# input_player1_up_btn =
# input_player1_down_btn =
# input_player1_l2_btn =
# input_player1_r2_btn =
# input_player1_l3_btn =
# input_player1_r3_btn =
input_player1_b_btn = 3
input_player1_y_btn = 0
input_player1_select_btn = 7
input_player1_start_btn = 6
input_player1_up_axis = -1
input_player1_down_axis = +1
input_player1_left_axis = -0
input_player1_right_axis = +0
input_player1_a_btn = 4
input_player1_x_btn = 1
input_player1_l_btn = 2
input_player1_r_btn = 5
input_player2_b_btn = 3
input_player2_y_btn = 0
input_player2_select_btn = 7
input_player2_start_btn = 6
input_player2_up_axis = -1
input_player2_down_axis = +1
input_player2_left_axis = -0
input_player2_right_axis = +0
input_player2_a_btn = 4
input_player2_x_btn = 1
input_player2_l_btn = 2
input_player2_r_btn = 5
input_enable_hotkey_btn = 9
input_exit_emulator_btn = 8
input_menu_toggle_btn = 1
input_load_state_btn = 2
input_save_state_btn = 5
input_reset_btn = 3
input_state_slot_increase_axis = +0
input_state_slot_decrease_axis = -0
input_volume_up_axis = -1
input_volume_down_axis = +1Seems like player 1 and 2 should both have the same basic button configurations.
02/25/2016 at 08:24 in reply to: How to get Xin-Mo Dual Arcade Working with retropie! Easy guide:-) #118072wowzer22ParticipantJust to add, it appears that each emulator in FBA is having different control issues, especially between different developers. CP1-3 games have the issue I mentioned above but games from NeoGeo and others have different mapping. Not sure what’s going on but help would be greatly appreciated!
02/25/2016 at 06:38 in reply to: How to get Xin-Mo Dual Arcade Working with retropie! Easy guide:-) #118066wowzer22ParticipantOK, so I’ve managed to get everything working, THANKS for this, it was a HUGE help. I’m still running into an issue though, mainly with the FBA emulators.
Initially I was having an issue where button #1 for P2 (player 2) wasn’t working in MAME. This was fixed easily by pressing tab when in a MAME ROM and manually fixing the input.
I’m now having a similar issue with FBA games (CP1-3 mainly) where P2’s #7 and #0 buttons aren’t functioning correctly. #7 should be P2 Start, but instead it’s functioning as if it were #1 (low punch in fighting games). Meanwhile, button #1 is functioning as button #7.
Any idea how to fix this? There doesn’t seem to be an obvious general setting for FBA like there is in MAME (tab doesn’t work).
Let me know your thoughts.
wowzer22ParticipantShould I take the silence as it not being possible ;)? Just curious if there’s a way to have the monitor go to sleep when the Pi goes idle using HDMI or not. If not I need to figure out some other solution.
02/07/2016 at 08:36 in reply to: How to get Xin-Mo Dual Arcade Working with retropie! Easy guide:-) #116399wowzer22ParticipantHi,
This seems excellent, thanks for putting it together!
I’m having issues with Step 11:
“Step 11: Go in to the RetroArch configuration and navigate to “input”, change the buttons you want for Player 1 and 2 for the Xin-mo. Then go to hotkeys menu and select what buttons you want for quitting a game, saving etc. ”
Where exactly is this?
02/04/2016 at 02:51 in reply to: Purely cosmetic question (command line appearing after Emulationstation) #116187wowzer22ParticipantAwesome, thanks for the education!
wowzer22ParticipantDisregard, figured it out…sorry for the wasted post!
wowzer22ParticipantThese are FANTASTIC! Just out of curiosity, how does one implement these? Can they be set as defaults per console so that newer consoles are widescreen but these appear whenever the aspect ratio for a game is 4:3?
wowzer22ParticipantFigured out how to find the file I was looking to edit.
This theme is excellent but as someone completely new to all of this I’m having trouble figuring out where to go to change the color. I understand what I’m supposed to do but am new to navigating the Pi…any chance you can point me to where I should go to access the necessary config?
EDIT: Never mind, figured it out!
wowzer22ParticipantGot it working, thanks all!
wowzer22ParticipantAH! I see, I was totally misunderstanding that set. So quick question, do I rebuild using one of the lr-fba-next .dat files or just the regular pifba dat file in the instructions?
wowzer22ParticipantWell, rebuilding from source didn’t seem to help. Any other ideas? I know people have these working, can’t figure out why I can’t get them running on my system :)!
Now when I try to use lr-fba-next as suggested I no longer get the error messages, just a few equals signs at the top of the screen, which then kick me back to the emustation/retropie menu…
wowzer22ParticipantRight but according to those charts I’m using the correct rom sets. I’ve combed that list quite a few times to ensure I’m using the right roms/sets.
Trying to rebuild the piFBA/retroarch/lr-FBA-next bios now to see if maybe something got screwed up in the latest retropie update…
wowzer22ParticipantAs mentioned, attempting to run any version other than the standard piFBA doesn’t work at all. See the error I get from trying to use the latest version of lr-fba-next attached. I’ve tried re-installing, switching rom versions and it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Feels like I’m missing a step?
The system just hangs for a few after that and then kicks me back to the emustation interface.
wowzer22ParticipantShould note that I’m fairly new at all of this but am decently tech savvy!