Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThese are awesome. I’ll check back in a few days when you have decided on the finished grid look, I prefer the ‘grid’ versions because they look more authentic. Thanks.
ParticipantThanks, do you also have plans for a Game Gear overlay ?
ParticipantI am on 1080p 60Hz. I set this in my ‘config.txt’
hdmi_mode=16I have a feeling it has something to do with this commit –
I am using a Raspberry Pi 2 and your overlay used to work but when I updated the RetroPie Setup Script it may have something to do with this. Maybe an error in their commit ?
ParticipantIt’s untouched downloaded from your dropbox. I added an #include to ‘gba_video_settings.cfg’ in ‘/opt/retropie/configs/gba/retroarch.cfg’ (before the retroarch include). It also happens in your GB and GBC. The overlay comes up full screen and the game screen comes up, resized, but in the top left corner behind the overlay.
ParticipantYou should try lr-mame2003. In Midnight Resistance etc. you said that his arm spins around by itself when moving left/right. This happens on Mame4All. In lr-mame2003 and possibly others it’s quite playable because his gun only turns when you hold one of the mapped rotate buttons. You could even play it with his gun permanently facing forward but that makes it a lot harder.
ParticipantI’m not sure it’s possible. lr-mame2003 works much better with games that use spinners (Midnight Resistance, Forgotten Worlds etc.) because it rotates at a more playable speed. But I think it’s only possible digital. You can map L1 and R1 for instance to rotate clockwise/anti-clockwise.
ParticipantThese look great, it worked once but now my picture appears in the top left corner of the screen ! The overlay is full screen, what’s going on ?
However powerful Raspberry Pi’s get, most people are never satisfied anyway and end up frying it by overclocking to the max ?!? I like to use mine at the stock speed (or retropie safe defaults) the way it was intended when it was built. Any Android TV device, which are very cheap now, can wipe the floor with the Pi on every emulator. For example, ePSXe on Android has almost 100% compatibility. They even ported some of the code to the PC version of ePSXe because it is so good.
I’m not sure why they added a 64-bit compatible processor, there isn’t even a 64-bit operating system yet. I suppose it’s just for future proofing. The Pi wasn’t actually made for emulation, it’s just possible to do.
I have an Nvidia Shield TV, which is pretty impressive at emulating more modern consoles. I can get stable framerates in various GameCube (Wind Waker, Twilight Princess) and Wii (New Super Mario Bros) titles with the latest Dolphin emulator, which I never would have guessed considering the PC hardware requirements for those titles.
But I’d still rather use my pi for nes/mastersystem/snes/genesis/tg16/etc emulation. As good as the individual emulators are for Android, I have yet to find a frontend that comes even close to Emulation Station. GameSome is quite lame in comparison. Once you get RetroPie setup it’s a far more satisfying experience, and the community surrounding it is great too.
I haven’t gotten my hands on a pi 3 yet, but I’m looking forward to it, even if the performance improvements are relatively small.
You can buy a “MadCatz Mojo” Android TV device for £60 which has a Tegra 4 Graphics chip and a free X-Box 360 style bluetooth joypad ! That’s cheaper than buying a Pi 3 package (with the new case and power supply etc.) and you’d have to use your own joypad. The Pi 3 is nowhere near as powerful. When you hear people trying to run PSP, Dreamcast and N64 on a seriously overclocked Pi and still get choppy framerates it makes you laugh a bit. Someone even asked for a PS2 emulator ! Don’t get me wrong, I still use my Pi (mainly for the Amiga, Atari ST and KODI etc.) because Android runs everything at 60Hz which is crap for PAL computer emulators and watching movies. At the end of the day, the Pi is a great device for the less demanding systems, so far.
Also, I thought EmulationStation was also on Android ? (Don’t quote me on that though).
ParticipantIt can already be done with sselph’s scraper. I don’t think the retropie included version can do it. You’ll have to download it, change to your required rom directory to start scraping and use a command like :-
scraper -img_format=”png” -add_not_found=true -download_images=false
This will use your own screenshots (make sure they are named the same as your roms with -image added to the end in an images folder inside your rom folder).
It will create the gamelist.xml linking all your roms to the screenshots.
ParticipantHowever powerful Raspberry Pi’s get, most people are never satisfied anyway and end up frying it by overclocking to the max ?!? I like to use mine at the stock speed (or retropie safe defaults) the way it was intended when it was built. Any Android TV device, which are very cheap now, can wipe the floor with the Pi on every emulator. For example, ePSXe on Android has almost 100% compatibility. They even ported some of the code to the PC version of ePSXe because it is so good.
I’m not sure why they added a 64-bit compatible processor, there isn’t even a 64-bit operating system yet. I suppose it’s just for future proofing. The Pi wasn’t actually made for emulation, it’s just possible to do.
ParticipantSo is OpenGL etc. supposed to work on this or is it a bug ? Will it be fixed or it’s just Software Rendering and that’s it ?
ParticipantSo you say it works in Software mode ? I don’t have any time to check at the moment. I did notice on the RisidualVM Github that there were a couple of attempts at fixing OpenGL but obviously hasn’t fixed it yet and that was 2 weeks ago (or possibly an error in the setup script ?)
ParticipantThis is what was in the log :-
WARNING: Could not find theme ‘modern’ falling back to builtin!
WARNING: No hardware input were defined, using defaults!
WARNING: Couldn’t create 32-bit visual, trying 16-bit!
WARNING: Couldn’t create 16-bit visual with alpha, trying without alpha!
WARNING: Error: OpenGL not available!windale
ParticipantThis theme should be the RetroPie default. Very good work.
Can you add Game & Watch to the list please ? It’s very polished emulation.
also ResidualVM (although I haven’t managed to get any of the 3 games to work on RetroPie, it just exits back to EmulationStation, they work on the PC version).
And possibly Daphne just because it’s missing, I tried Dragon’s Lair and it didn’t look very smooth on Pi2 (might be because I used the M-HD version), and Space Ace Enhanced didn’t work.
ParticipantThe one you listed is a complete rip off of something like this one :-
This one also has all the function keys F1-F12 (not sure if the one you listed has them). Good for portability but I would recommend a full keyboard layout for computer emulators.
Participant[quote=114380]sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Try there. I am not home so I can not check and see if that is where you change the emulationstation resolution or not but I know overscan and things are in there.
Thanks, I eventually figured it out.
ParticipantI also used to get this on an earlier version. What RetroPie version and what NES emulator do you use ?
Mine is v3.2.1 and the default emulator ‘lr-fceumm’. This does NOT leave unzipped files.
ParticipantI have not changed anything. Emulation Station by default (on mine) boots at 720p which is good because 1080p would be pointless and reduce performance and memory. As I said before, I have KODI set at 1080p for obvious reasons but when I exit back to Emulation Station, it’s still in 1080p mode and Emulation Station is in a 720p window in the bottom left of my TV.
ParticipantIs this not fixable ?
ParticipantUsing the default emulators, these systems confirmed to work with ZIPped games because I use them.
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance
PC Engine
Atari STAmiga (using UAE4Arm, not tested with UAE4All)
These need to be unzipped :-
SegaCD ISO’s
Commodore 64
ZX Spectrum (Using FUSE, they might work zipped with lr-FUSE)These are all the systems that I use, I haven’t tested any others. (Most of these aren’t even listed as zip compatible on the Wiki but they do work fine).
ParticipantYeah, I just think the Systems that barely run on the Pi should have the lowest priority (as it is primarily being made for Retropie use). There are still some very popular systems that run great but dont have backgrounds yet (Megadrive, Atari ST, PC Engine, KODI, ScummVM etc).
For the Large Artwork thing, it would be good if you could keep the 4 main metadata entries (number of players, year, publisher etc) at the bottom of the large artwork like the NBBA theme.
ParticipantI appreciate your efforts Tronkyfran. I would personally prioritise the Systems that actually work well on the Pi, like Atari ST, Megadrive, PC Engine, KODI etc. The NDS, PSP, Dreamcast etc will probably never run well on a low powered Raspberry Pi. I would put those to the end of your list (in my opinion). Maybe if a popular succesor to the Pi is released or a Pi 3 but they’re not even considering that yet. Thanks for your work.
ParticipantThis looks like a great theme in progress. Herb, can you also add a version with Big screenshots (for the gamelists). All my roms have in-game screenshots so I can see what the game actually looks like instead of a picture of the box, lol. At the moment they are tiny unless you sit close to the TV. I hope this theme doesn’t get abandoned with missing system pics like a lot of the other themes. Keep up the good work Tronkyfran.
ParticipantI tried a 68030 with 16mb Z3 memory and on boot I got a red screen with ‘Expansion Board Diagnostic’ and it said ‘Board Number 2’ ‘Product 3’ was defective.
JIT also doesn’t work properly. According to TomB (who implemented JIT into the Pandora port), JIT is only useful when using CPU speed “Fastest”, but if you do this then a lot of Games/Demos end up having crackling sound and also slower video. I couldn’t see any difference when I turned JIT off. Also when leaving a WHDLoad Game/Demo and go back to ClassicWB you can hear a fast repeating sound that lasts a few seconds.
So to sum up, when JIT is on I get worse performance.
Tested on Raspberry Pi 2 with RetroPie v3.2.1. I also updated UAE4Arm from ‘Source’.
So confirmed, JIT and Z3 memory do not work properly on RetroPie RPi 2.
ParticipantThanks Herbfargus for pointing me in the right direction and thanks Dankcushions for the Mame 2003 Lite datfile. It will do for now. It’s been a while since I used my Pi.
ParticipantSo is there a datfile for MAME 2003 that has working Roms only ? Where do I find it ?
Also, after everyone contributed to the Compatibility Lists (mainly Mame 0.37), I think Herb said he was going to make a datfile for the working games only, was that ever made ?
08/01/2015 at 21:21 in reply to: Introducing ZEsarUX, a ZX Spectrum Emulator for Game Controllers #103136windale
Participant???? Fuse & Fuse-lr work with controllers.
ParticipantSo it looks like somebody has completely screwed up the Mame4All list. There are loads of Roms missing, you can easily see this by the numbers on the left. The Bios category is also screwed up now because of this, it says ‘NeoGeo’ on games that aren’t NeoGeo.
07/07/2015 at 16:56 in reply to: HOWTO: Use datfiles to eliminate clones, etc, from Mame/FBA/Neogeo #101556windale
ParticipantSo do all Parent games work in lr-fba, otherwise this would be a pointless task. You can also filter clones and games that use Bios files etc. using ClrMAME without having to use Romlister (in the set information window settings).
Participant[quote=101425]its something I’m currently working on (testing 2270 games takes a while) you’re welcome to take a look at what I’ve got so far. feel free to contribute any you know of that work. Then once it’s done, I’ll piece together a dat file of only the working parents. I’m also going to test to see if rebuilding from .163 changes which ones work compared to rebuilding from .151.
I added a few to the mame4all list that I know are working. I noticed a couple of mistakes, dkong and galaga were marked not working. I changed them to working but they need sound samples so I added a ‘Samples’ column.
Participant[quote=101413]If you’re looking for a .DAT file for mame4all that allows you to merge parents and clones I’ve used this one: the .037b5 .DAT file, then when rebuilding with clrmamepro choose merged sets instead of split or non-merged. It cut my list of 2200 ROMs to a little over 1000
No, that’s O.K. I just wondered if there was a DAT for working games only (on the Pi) and no clones (except when the Parent doesn’t work). I have hand picked a lot of games and Non-Merged the clones when the parents don’t work. The DAT you posted from progettosnaps is the one I have always used instead of the one on the wiki (because you can’t separate the ROMs on that one).
ParticipantOK I’ll just stick with my hand picked collection. I have been thinking about getting an Odroid as the emulators are superior to the Pi ones (and twice the CPU speed) and also have emulators that the Pi doesn’t have like full speed PSP (for most games) . I’m not sure why the Pi is so popular when the performance and emulators are quite primitive. Do you know anything about the Odroid and if it’s easy to set up ?
ParticipantSo have you just used Parents only ? A lot of parent ROMs don’t work but the clone does (Toki, RoboCop, Choplifter, Cabal etc.). A parent only set can easily be created from the original DAT anyway. Or have you checked that they are working ?
ParticipantHi Floob, just a couple of questions.
I noticed on your Mame4All list that you have just 1 rom per game, have you sorted the list to just working games only (primarily Parent versions) ? If so, is there any chance you could make a ClrMame Dat file and post it to the RetroPie wiki so we can compile a fully working set without a ton of pointless clones/non working games ?
Also, I noticed on my lr-gpsp when starting a game it quickly says ‘game-config.txt’ not found but it is there. This is supposed to be the compatibility list to get certain games working. I don’t know if it’s using it or not. Quite an annoying emulator because you’ll think that a game works great but then while you’re playing it will just reset for no reason (Tony Hawks 2 and some others).
Works fine, thanks for your time.