Forum Replies Created
Participantlol that just means you don’t really have the intelligence you were ment to be born with no matter I read theres a lot coming its way to make this irrelevant anyways , and do you actually know the spec of the c2 probs not .
Participantim beginning to think this site is run by the pi foundation lol , nobody prepared to do any work to get it working on other devices we don’t all love the raspy you know theres people out there that jump ship for new tech and I don’t blame them everyone want speed and memory.
if you don’t want anything faster then don’t bring anything out for new pi,s get what I mean .
still c2 will have it all and more very soon.
Participantwell it is fast and happygamecentre supports it so why not retropie.
Participanthey I didn’t say it wasnt that hard or anything you see read my post your a human you have no reasoning already your putting words in my mouth and on to other people now your trying to argue and make out lime im a monster you see the voice of reason soon went when you didn’t like what I said , if your not going to listen to a user of this software then you shouldn’t have a thread asking people for there opinion as you might not like what they put , yes I can spend my life working out how to use stuff and I have but im old I haven’t got the time like most people we just want it to work out the box so to speak which it pretty much does.
and I wasn’t being disrespectful where did I do that?????and this is what I was talking about you see humans don’t listen wont listen cant listen that’s why even me typing this is waisting my life away , still enjoy your mockery of me don’t listen don’t make the software better for noobs I don’t care really why would I ,not like I invented it.
Participantno I think its trying to keep something so nobody can use it unless you’ve used Linux for years , that is like snobbery and trying to make it an exclusive piece of software or your make people who are good at it charge people to set it up and that goes on already .
if you want more people to use it then auto setup is better for noobs like me , but im the voice of reason and there’s one thing in life I’ve learnt is that humans have no reasoning a lot of the times but you keep it exclusive then something else will come along better I guarantee.
software is like a whore its easily forgotten
Participantwell for arguments sake lets have an auto setup for a newb like me who knows nothing about Linux and for all you moany pros a none configured version where you have to setup absolutely everything that will teach you lol.
Participantwhat a bummer keep going people please i love you all…
Participantso howz it going anyone managed it yet????
Participantas your on my thread can i have the password again so i can extract and play with that image please.
Participantgot any ideas for a noob to get ppssppsdl on my pi cheers.
Participanthi you dont need a power hub if you use a 2 amp power supply like i do .
Participantcant see why no im going to compile pcsx2 and find out worth a try .
and why not a psp emu that would be fun too.
Participanti think it could be if it was coded good what makes you say it cant be done?
Participanthello so if i go into emulation station press f4 to get out of it , what commands do i need to execute it , if this has a gui for me to look at please , remember im a noob lol.
Participantdoes anyone know how to help in psx emu
in the psx emu menu do i have to change the input to some different driver for an xbox controller lease help me heeellllpppppppppppppppppppppppi did jstest and my madcatz 360 usb controller works fine according to that.