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  • in reply to: No DHCP on 3.0 beta #93703

    I’ll try that when I’m able, thanks.

    in reply to: No DHCP on 3.0 beta #93600

    Finally got around to trying this. It seemed to half work. The unit took the IP that I gave it, but I couldn’t connect to it via winscp.

    in reply to: No DHCP on 3.0 beta #93093

    Thanks for that info. I have to go to work soon (damned third shift), but I’ll be trying this as soon as I’m able.

    in reply to: No DHCP on 3.0 beta #93042

    Yes, it works. It’s the same one as in the link I provided. The Edimax ew-7811un.

    After the system boots it just sits there and the led blinks on and off regularly a few times, then stops, then starts again. Over and over.

    I haven’t tried a static IP and I wouldn’t know how to set one on this system. I’ve only ever used the raspbian wifi scan tool or the modified /etc/network/interfaces to just automatically grab one.


    Um, he said TIME Crisis, not Crysis.

    Time Crisis 2 was released on the PS2, for what it’s worth.

    in reply to: NES resolution #91326

    Well, my RPi B+ is hooked to my computer’s lcd via DVI. If I start a snes game via pisnes, the game doesn’t take up the full screen. There are black bars at either size and the game is at the correct size.

    However, nes games take up the full screen. It doesn’t look horrible, but I prefer to view it the way it was originally intended. Sorry, I’m just a little picky in that regard.

    I tried what the 4th comment on said about, but it didn’t seem to work.

    in reply to: Rainbow Icon top right of screen!!! #89473

    Hi, I think I’m getting the same thing that’s being talked about here. It’s a small 4-color box in the top right corner of my screen that fades in and out while my RPi1 is doing anything other than booting or just sitting at the main ES screen.

    I’m using a Belkin 2.1amp power adapter. Model: F8J052.

    FWIW, my /boot/config.txt OC settings are:

    in reply to: How can I install XBMC next to RetroPie? #85637

    Hello! I’m trying to get all of this to work and have mostly had success, except for one thing.

    Currently I can get to the point of this picture ( and can launch kodi. If I exit the program via the exit menu right away the system drops right back to emulationstation. However, if I play a relatively demanding file like… say… my 1080p avengers rip, the movie with halt every so often like it’s buffering and then when I stop the movie and quit kodi the screen will just hang with a black screen and not do anything.

    I’m guessing this is because of the additional load placed on the system due to launching kodi from emulationstation? If I run kodi by itself from another microsd card, everything is fine.

    I have two questions:

    1) Can I set a buffer size in kodi manually to make the playback smoother (I didn’t dig very deep to look for one and wouldn’t know where to start)? edit: Figured it out.
    2) This issue where the system just sits at a black screen after exiting kodi…. has anyone else experienced this, fixed it and would they care to share how you did this?

    in reply to: Moving files to a new microsd #85230

    Was confused for a minute. The program doesn’t explicitly say how to make an image file.

    Then some digging showed me it was the “read” option.

    Excellent. Marking as solved and keeping bookmarked.

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