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ParticipantThanks guys!
I’ll test and report back. The Mini-Pac, while an awesome unit, is not super plug-and-play Retropie friendly. I’ll bet my issue, though, is a ground wire.
03/29/2016 at 18:11 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #121841tfphumorblog
ParticipantOkay, I have DL, DL2, TQ, and SA in the folder. Actually, after parsing the video files and running it a few times, it actually runs pretty smooth out of the box (no special command line file) through a Pi3 running the most current source install of Daphne. I’m going to tweak a little with command line parameters, and I’ll report back. For some reason my lair2.txt file must be corrupted or incorrect, but that’s probably just a dumb mistake I made. :)
I do need to assign a “quit” button, but that’s pretty simple to do.
Thanks again to the devs. Because of them I went out and bought the games above so I could pull the rom files from Daphne Loader. If anyone needs those DVDs, let me know! Thanks!
ParticipantI just picked up a cheap keyboard on Amazon prime. $7 and shipped in one day. I don’t think there’s much you can do without a keyboard for tweaking things. :)
03/22/2016 at 22:38 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #121184tfphumorblog
Participant[quote=121183]I keep my output rez low and the game buffer low because it is Standard Def video, then upscale it with scan lines.
Maybe you are having the Pi2 upscale more than it can handle?[/quote]
Care to share your command parameters? I’m on a Pi 3 and just using whatever Daphne defaults to. Thanks!
03/22/2016 at 21:21 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #121176tfphumorblog
Participant[quote=121175]I wonder if your SD card is the cause. Do you know what class the card is?
A Raspberry Pi 2 should run these games smoothly, at least with a class 10 card. I haven’t tried slower cards.
Class 10. Brand new 64gb. Definitely a fast sd. Any other reasons come to mind? Thanks!
03/22/2016 at 20:59 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #121174tfphumorblog
ParticipantI’m running a raspberry pi 3 and can’t get any of them to play smoothly. Does anyone have a general command parameters suggestion that should play DL, DL2, SA, TQ?
Right now I don’t have a X.commands file in any of the folders so I’m guessing this is what tweaks everything to playable status.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
03/14/2016 at 18:01 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #120295tfphumorblog
Participant[quote=120293]That would help a bozo like me. Is it a hard requirement to have a single dle21.m2v file and a single dle21.ogg file. In other words if I have the DVD files (multiple .m2v and .ogg) should install on Windows in order to obtain a single .mv2 file and a single .ogg file?
Not sure if this is the BEST way, but I was in the same situation. Instead of trying to figure out how to rip from the DVDs, I just downloaded the Daphne Loader and grabbed all their already existing files. You’ll need the DVDs to verify that you own DL, DL 2, Space Ace, etc. Then Daphne Loader does all the work downloading the files.
03/14/2016 at 17:32 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #120291tfphumorblog
ParticipantHi – thank you for correcting. Yes, Daphne Loader just verifies you own and then downloads the files via torrent.
Thank you so much for clarifying I don’t need .bf and .DAT. As a newbie Daphne roms are a little more complicated and confusing that typical console or MAME roms (at least to me).
If I could make a pitch to the wiki editors to write a “For morons” section for Daphne, that would help bozos like me.
Thanks again!
D.J.03/13/2016 at 18:21 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #120211tfphumorblog
ParticipantSo, if I’m understand correctly, the only files necessary to play the rom are:
game.commands (Optional)
game.oggIs this accurate? Thanks!
03/13/2016 at 08:16 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #120170tfphumorblog
ParticipantThank you for building this!
As a non-programmer, I just want to make sure I understand how to get the roms up and running.
I opened the daphne loader on my windows machine and validated Dragon’s Lair 1 and 2 and Space Ace. (This requires the actual dvds, which I own). My understanding is that this effectively scrapes the DVD and keeps everything on the local pc.
On Retropie, I create a subfolder under the folder daphne. For example, “lair”.
Then I place all the contents of my daphne scraped lair folder in that folder? Or, do I only need certain files?
Below is a link to a screenshot of what is in the daphne loader lair folder. If you could tell me what to copy to the retropie, that would be awesome.
Once I do that, I’m good to go? Or are there other steps?
Thanks again!
ParticipantThanks for the help. I’ll try lr-mame2003 instead.
Oh yeah, I’m sure that this 50 gig collection of MAME roms will produce a few hundred working title. I just didn’t know if there was a rule of thumb when downloading them – to base it off a certain version. I’ll just play around with it.