Forum Replies Created
ParticipantOk, @ekdor was spot on. In v3 beta4, a different config file is used. Emulationstation now reads es_input.cfg within a hidden directory (/home/pi/.emulationstation/).
es_input.cfg is in XML format, and appears to call the /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/*.cfg files. Once I modified these two config files, everything is working now.
Huge thanks to @ekdor and @feederchain!
Participant[quote=101253]Floob has a few new YouTube videos outlining and explaining the configuration changes with the new v3 beta 4.
Fantastic! I just watched two mins of it on my phone and noticed a new configure file: es_input.cfg. Looks like this is the new confit file, but I’ll confirm tomorrow. Thanks for the help all, it’s really appreciated.
@feederchain – thanks for the new kernel. I can’t thank you enough for getting the two joy pads working!!I’ll report back tomorrow.
Participant[quote=101244]My setup has the joystick mappings right in retroarch.cfg. Are there some there that take precedent? I haven’t upgraded my version of RetroPie since I got it all working. So maybe the config stuff has changed since I installed.
Thanks for the reply. No, there aren’t any mappings in retroarch.cfg. Everything is commented out, and is using the config files in retroarch-joypad directory.
I also tried commenting out this line in the retroarch.cfg file:
joypad_autoconfig_dir = /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/…then I added the mapping directly to the retroarch.cfg file. Still no luck.
The retroarch-joypads directory is owned by pi:pi with 755 perms. My config files within that directory AND the retroarch.cfg file are both owned by pi:pi with 644 perms. The parent directory (/opt/retropie/configs/all) is also owned by pi:pi with perms 755. So, the user pi has read and write permission for everything. Can someone confirm the permissions on these files and directories?
I checked for any other “retroarch.cfg” files on the system, and didn’t find any others besides what is in /opt/retropie/configs/all/* (did via “find / -name ‘retroarch.cfg’). So, I don’t think any other config files are taking precedence.
As it sits today, I only have joystick operations and A/B button working now. It doesn’t matter what I do to the retroarch.cfg file, nothing changes.
Are there any logs for emulationstation or retropie? Can I add some debug flags to get more information on the config file being called? I don’t see any information being logged to /var/log/messages that are useful.
ParticipantHi all-
I’m at a complete loss trying to get my joysticks/buttons to work. I have a Xin-Mo Dual controller, two joysticks and 20 buttons. I had joystick 1 and all 20 buttons working initially. Joystick 2 was never showing up in dmesg, nor was /dev/input/js1 present.I installed feederchain’s kernel update, and voila, joystick 2 shows up now! Unfortunately, only the following work now:
Joystick 1 left/right/up/down
Player 1 A and B buttons
Joystick 2 left/right/up/down
Player 2 A and B buttonsNo other buttons work now. Start, Select, Exit, hot-key, C, X, Y, etc… do NOT work now.
My /opt/retropie/configs/all/retoarch.cfg file shows the proper directory for my joypad config:
joypad_autoconfig_dir = /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/I’ve tried everything possible, from using my original working config…to removing “player1/player2” from the variable names…to changing axis numbers and joypad index numbers. I’ve removed quotes, added quotes. Nothing seems to matter. Here’s my latest config:
input_player1_joypad_index = “0”
input_player1_up_axis = “-1”
input_player1_down_axis = “+1”
input_player1_left_axis = “-0”
input_player1_right_axis = “+0”
input_player1_a_btn = “0”
input_player1_b_btn = “1”
input_player1_x_btn = “3”
input_player1_y_btn = “2”
input_player1_select_btn = “6”
input_player1_start_btn = “7”input_player2_joypad_index = “1”
input_player2_up_axis = “-1”
input_player2_down_axis = “+1”
input_player2_left_axis = “-0”
input_player2_right_axis = “+0”
input_player2_a_btn = “0”
input_player2_b_btn = “1”
input_player2_x_btn = “3”
input_player2_y_btn = “2”
input_player2_select_btn = “7”
input_player2_start_btn = “6”No matter what I do, I only have control of the joysticks and the A & B buttons. Nothing more. It’s almost as if some other config file is being used. I ran jstest against js0 and js1, and they both show all the buttons and axis’ working as expected.
Is there a way to see what config file is being loaded? What should permissions be on all the retroarch config files?