Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI changed the gles2n64.conf and now it seems to work:
#gles2n64 Graphics Plugin for N64 #by Orkin / glN64 developers and Adventus. config version=2 #Window Settings: window width=702 window height=576 multisampling=0 auto resolution=0 #Framebuffer Settings: framebuffer bilinear=0 framebuffer width=702 framebuffer height=576 #VI Settings: video force=0 video width=702 video height=576 video stretch=0 #Render Settings: enable fog=1 enable primitive z=1 enable lighting=1 enable alpha test=1 enable clipping=0 enable face culling=1 enable noise=0 #Texture Settings: texture 2xSAI=0 texture force bilinear=0 texture max anisotropy=0 texture use IA=0 texture fast CRC=1 texture pow2=1 #Frame skip: auto frameskip=1 target FPS=20 frame render rate=1 vertical sync=0 #Other Settings: update mode=1 print FPS=0 ignore offscreen rendering=0 force screen clear=0 flip vertical=0 tribuffer opt=1 #Hack Settings: hack banjo tooie=0 hack zelda=0 hack alpha=0 hack z=0
ParticipantI still have the problem. I also thought it would be something with the resolution. I still have a CRT-TV. Sometimes it worked by changing mupen64plus.cfg, but the next time the error comes again. The mupen64plus.cfg will always be overwritten. Why?
ParticipantSame problem with mariokart 64. Sometimes freezing after the nintendo logo with a white screen. I also had the problem with the rpi2.
Participantpopcornmix has fixed the problem. Thank you all for helping me.
Asudo rpi-update
will do it now!Swampy
ParticipantWilling to test but does one use the rpi-update tool for this?
First you have to update with
sudo rpi-update
. I think that is not necessary, but I have done that, to get the latest firmware and kernel. Then you must download the testbuild You have to unzip the file and copy the included files to the /boot directory of your retropie-image. The old files must be overwritten. If popcornmix will include this in the next version of the firmware, you only have to dosudo rpi-update
ParticipantI have tested the testbuild and it solves the problem for me. I only have tested emulationstation, not the emulators. Perhaps, somebody of you would like to do this.
ParticipantI always used a retropie-image. I think popcornmix ( has builded emulationstation from source. Is there anybody, who might help popcornmix to reach the main menu.
ParticipantI opened a ticket on and I hope I described the problem correct.
Participantkernel: Bump to 3.18.13 (Commits on May 9, 2015) is the last which works good.
With firmware: video_render: Use crop rectangles rather than port parameters to handle opaque images (Commits on May 13, 2015) the problem appears.Last working:
First not working:
ParticipantOK, i will check that in the next days and post it. I never opened a ticket on github. I hope I will manage this.
Thanks for your help!
ParticipantOK, just tried kernel: Bump to 3.18.12 -> works too
Bump to 3.18.12:
sudo rpi-update 2f4703cbee9801ef04adcf63d74823961cc3c275
The problem must be somewhere between kernel 3.18.12 and kernel 3.18.14.
I will test them too!For now the screen-problems disappeared with kernel 3.18.12
ParticipantOK, just tried kernel: Bump to 3.18.10 -> works
kernel: Bump to 3.18.16 -> Don’t work
kernel: Bump to 3.18.14 -> Don’t work
kernel: Bump to 4.0.5 -> Don’t workBump to 3.18.10:
sudo rpi-update 8751db9fd7138848c29cc55ec05f95c9eea80acb
My TV: Panasonic TBM8E2145 (CRT)
ParticipantThank you for your fast post. One additional question:
What was the firmware/kernel-version of Retropie 3.0?
It would be easier to test, if I have a specific timeline.
Then I can reply from which version the problem appears.Swampy
ParticipantI think, you have to press the Test or Service Button. Then you must exit the internal menu of the rom. After that, you can normally start the game.
ParticipantYou have to edit the dosbox-SVN.conf! Set usescancodes=true to usescancodes=false. You might also change keyboardlayout=auto to keyboardlayout=gr too.