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  • in reply to: Boot to Kodi #96954

    After this I also added

    comment = kodi userdata
    path = /root/.kodi/userdata
    writeable = yes
    guest ok = yes
    create mask = 0644
    directory mask = 0755
    force user = root

    To the end of my /etc/samba/smb.conf to allow me to copy over my existing Kodi setting from my other RPi’s. The trick was that it uses the config from the root user and not the pi user.

    in reply to: CEC Remote Control #96943


    that is way better than the mess I went through. that command would make a nice addition to the script.

    in reply to: UAE no video #92370

    When I had issues with mine, it was the kick13.rom. I had to use the 512kb version, the first one I used that had issues was only 256kb. It also had to be called kick13.rom in lower case in the bios share.

    still cant get the joystick working though…


    I have since discovered that if you run an executable at the end of the xboxdrv command, it will automatically shut down the driver when you exit that executable.

    here is the new to go in ports

    sudo /etc/init.d/xboxdrv stop
    sleep 2
    sudo /usr/bin/xboxdrv --config /home/pi/kodi.ini --silent --autofire RT=25 --autofire LT=25 --autofire du=200 --autofire dd=200 --autofire dl=500 --autofire dr=500 kodi-standalone
    sudo /etc/init.d/xboxdrv start

    much cleaner

    in reply to: Retropie 2.6 – Crash at Boot after update #92324

    I am having the same issues. I can install the 2.6 image fine, but after i run

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

    or update the binaries from the retropie_setup script, the system becomes unusable. I have re-installed the image several times over the last couple of days and it works fine right up until i run either of the updates.

    Directly after the update i am unable to shut the pi down as when i issue the reboot or shutdown commands i get an error that indicates the binaries are no compatible with the system. Its like the update overwrote my system with binaries from a completely different architecture.

    I have a RPI2 and live in Australia (could be a corrupt local mirror?).

    in reply to: N64 Graphical Settings #89187

    Thanks guys,
    I changed the video plugin to rice and it now works from the command line, but when i launch it from emulation station it comes up with the error

    failed to append config “/opt/retropie/configs/n64/retroarch.cfg”

    and loads up in default mode which is n64 with the crashed screens. From what i can tell this is an issue with multiple configs in retroarch as buzz stated in another post here

    does anyone have n64 working currenlty with the 2.6 image?

    in reply to: CEC Remote Control #89182

    If you haven’t already, check out this thread

    to get your Kodi also working with xboxdrv. It works great with Xbox 360 controllers, and can also work with ps3 controllers with some tweaking.

    in reply to: CEC Remote Control #88962

    I am thinking that several of the commands i listed above need to be run with sudo.

    and the configure command should be one line, but it wraps in this forum, the forum also seems to have removed the double ‘-‘

    here is the configure line again. i will update the post up further

    ./configure --with-rpi-include-path=/opt/vc/include --with-rpi-lib-path=/opt/vc/lib --enable-rpi

    there is also some changes in the latest version of autoreconf that require modification to some files before you run bootstrap

    AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([.]) to the top of
    ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I . to the top of

    in reply to: Supported Update Methods #88224

    thanks Buzz

    in reply to: Resolution and performance #88068

    this is interesting

    If you use RetroPie >= 2.5.0 you can use hardware upscaling. Open /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg and set:
    video_fullscreen_x = 800
    video_fullscreen_y = 450
    Now you can enable 1920×1080@60hz and your Pi upscales 800×450 to 1920×1080 for free.

    is 800×450 the best resolution to run everything? is there a magic resolution that works for all emulators?


    This article was very helpful thank you.

    I did some things different though that other people may find useful. I skipped step 1 and 2 by using the “EXPERIMENTAL PACKAGES” from the retropie setup script to install Kodi.

    I also installed the xboxdrv package from the “setup” section of the script

    I used this page

    to setup the xboxdrv to run as a demon, but I changed my /etc/default/xboxdrv to the following

    # How many Controllers? (support up to 4 Controllers)
    case $CONTROLLER_NUM in
        1) CONTROLLER="-w 0 -l 2 --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button --mimic-xpad-wireless"
        2) CONTROLLER="-w 0 -l 2 --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button --mimic-xpad-wireless --next-controller -w 1 -l 3 --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button --mimic-xpad-wireless"
        3) CONTROLLER="-w 0 -l 2 --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button --mimic-xpad-wireless --next-controller -w 1 -l 3 --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button --mimic-xpad-wireless --next-controller -w 2 -l 4 --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button --mimic-xpad-wireless"
        4) CONTROLLER="-w 0 -l 2 --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button --mimic-xpad-wireless --next-controller -w 1 -l 3 --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button --mimic-xpad-wireless --next-controller -w 2 -l 4 --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button --mimic-xpad-wireless --next-controller -w 3 -l 5 --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button --mimic-xpad-wireless"
        *) CONTROLLER="incorrect amount of controller specified"

    which makes the controller emulate the xpad wireless controller.

    I then used your xbmc.ini (as kodi.ini) as you have it, but i modified my /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/ differently to shutdown the demon and restart it after closing kodi like this

    sudo /etc/init.d/xboxdrv stop
    sudo /usr/bin/xboxdrv --config /home/pi/kodi.ini --silent --autofire RT=25 --autofire LT=25 --autofire du=200 --autofire dd=200 --autofire dl=500 --autofire dr=500 &
    xboxdrv_pwid='pidof xboxdrv'
    sudo kill -SIGTERM $xboxdrv_pwid
    sleep 2
    sudo /etc/init.d/xboxdrv start

    I also installed libCEC using these instructions
    which enables me to use the TV remote when I am in kodi.

    now it all works beautifully.

    in reply to: CEC Remote Control #87649

    Actually the CEC wasn’t working with the kodi that I installed with so I used the following commands to install and compile libCEC for raspberry pi

    Install the necessary tools for compiling:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf liblockdev1-dev libudev-dev git libtool pkg-config

    Clone the git repository:

    git clone git://

    Additional Step

    in later versions you need to add
    AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([.]) to the top of
    ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I . to the top of


    cd libcec
    ./configure --with-rpi-include-path=/opt/vc/include --with-rpi-lib-path=/opt/vc/lib --enable-rpi
    sudo make
    sudo make install

    Link the libraries so that cec-client can find them:

    sudo ldconfig

    Check that cec-client have found the device by running:

    cec-client -l:

    Found devices: 1

    device: 1
    com port: RPI
    vendor id: 2708
    product id: 1001
    firmware version: 1
    type: Raspberry Pi

    i found the instructions here

    now my TV remote works in Kodi, but I still need my controller to launch Kodi from emulation station.

    in reply to: CEC Remote Control #87645

    This would be great, but I think it might be a limitation of emulation station rather than RetroPie.

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