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Participantso no one has anyway to fix this. i have tryed Configure Input for RetroArch but every time it gets to the up and left it does not reg right at all?
have no clue why its not anyone know?
ParticipantSo it works as far as i can tell but have one issue when i try to go into and do the Source Based Installation but when it does it stops about 5 h in or so and i left it going for 3 days still stuck lol. does anyone else have this issue if so how did you fix it.
Participantok so i found out how to fix the
terminate called after throwing an instance of boost::filesystem3::filesystem_error’ what(): boost::filesystem::status: Permission denied: “/media/Kingston/Games/GBC” /usr/bin/emulationstation: line 11: 2396 Abprted
$es_bin “$@”but still stuck on the ES-scraper still tryign to fine where the main config file is so that i can run it and all the pic and Gamelist.xml go on to my USB HD. if anyone know where that is that could help thanks. just need to change files are saved when running ES-scraper.
ParticipantThanks have to take a look at that file
So i took a look at that file and it does show where it loaded pic from but i am looking for where that ES scraper tells to make that list in “/home/pi/.emulationstation” and hold all the files there so when i run it it will do all this to my usb HDD.
But now i have also have a diffrent issue now. I was able to change where it gets the roms from to my USB drive but when i fo back in to emulationstation it wroks great. but when i restart my pie i get this
terminate called after throwing an instance of boost::filesystem3::filesystem_error’ what(): boost::filesystem::status: Permission denied: “/media/Kingston/Games/GBC” /usr/bin/emulationstation: line 11: 2396 Abprted
$es_bin “$@”Just found out if i ctrl+c just before emulationstation comes up then i go into startx and then log out it works fine if that helps.
if you can help me what that thanks.
ParticipantSo no one know where the config file is for the es scraper? so that i can change where it saves its .xml and the pictures. looked every where and seem to find it at all.
Thanks for the help.
ParticipantJUst want to know if any one can fine the config file for the Scraper co i can save the information on a usb hard drive. if any one can let me know when all his is kept that would be great.
ParticipantThanks but still can not fin anything at all.
ParticipantNo one know where the config file for the Scraper is so i can set where it saves all the pic and information?