Forum Replies Created
ParticipantFor retropie how do you remove or hide some emulators from appearining or how do you change the starting emulator? Also I have been trying to change back the audio to hdmi and havent been able to i tried sudo raspi-congif and setting the audio to auto next ima set it to hdmi and see if it works im just scrapping all the roms for info so I cant do so right now.
ParticipantHow would you connect the pi to dvi monitor i have a hdmi to dvi but the screen doesnt show anything
ParticipantThis config setup didnt show the error code or nothing when saving when I went back to the config file I saw the state_state in the file so I changed it set one hotkey followed by the other event buttons. And I set save_state first to see if it at least saves or what now. Muahahahah ITS ALIVE! I changed it and now it saves exits and loads succesfuly all three times showing a line of code on the emulator thanks a bunch. Now ima make it more accesible and slowly add more commands thanks.
ParticipantI did some things for the savestate_state idk what line you were talking about this time instead of exit being fist combo i moved it down to test if the save file works being the first combination. Or at least seeing a error message.
ParticipantThe hotkey is there for three different combinations a save state, load state, and exit emulator. ima try fixing some code and see what happens
ParticipantI think I already have a line similar to that. In my code I have the line to save I dont know if thats the problem or something else
ParticipantAlright ill check the pound sign in retroarch.cfg file but I do know that nothing comes up when I save the file no text appears only for the error message saying it can’t load it.
ParticipantI put back the snes retroarch.cfg file im using a snes usb pad when i get into the game i click the Save state buttons then the load then I get this error message. The exit buttons on my pad do work though.
ParticipantIncluded a picture
ParticipantTheres picture included.
ParticipantThere I did all the steps in the video and I still get the same error message when Im trying to load a game data.
ParticipantLol dang. alright I just installed the roms into it and it was still saying the same error message while some new info popped up on screen this build like joypad or something and press x or n or something like that and it went to the rom and played. I think im getting there ima follow it from scratch and message back. Thanks for the help so far.
ParticipantHow do I know if its 2.4.2 I ran the script but it said something about not having enough space. Now I can’t put the roms back in the pi Im doing the usb method which copys folder and I copy the roms into them and plug it into the pi and it should copy them over.
ParticipantCan you give me the exact link because I clicked downloaded on bottom of the donate button and the torrent link for this site
and both times when I go to the MAIN MENU after flashing it to the sd card it saysEMULATIONSTATION V2.0.0-RC1
ParticipantI downloaded it twice and its 2.0.0 I don’t know what I did wrong.
ParticipantIm writing the image to the usb so ill see right now and I also downloaded the torrent version so that’s last hope.
ParticipantI downloaded and installed it and it says V2.0.0 in Main Menu??
ParticipantI have RetroPie 2.0.0 how do I get 2.4.2? I keep trying to find it but keep finding broken links.
The error is Failed to load state from ‘home/pi/RetroPie/roms/snes/romGammmeehere.
I think it might be easier to update to 2.4.2 to be on the most current version and check the file permission. Can I get a link to 2.4.2 and something else I can do for this error message?
ParticipantIll check once Im home, around 6PM about 7 hours from now you will get a respond from me!
ParticipantIt says something along the lines of could load save data from the following folder and it shows the whole file structure where i have the roms in.
Im not sure how to check the permissions I thought I had already done that because I don’t think saved data hasnt even been creating.
How do I check this? -