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ParticipantCount me in
ParticipantFor me the controller buttons appeared as something different in the new image. So start and select were no longer 8+9 but 6+7 instead. Running joyconfig revealed the change in assigned buttons.
Participantthe 2.6 img for pi2 seems stable, with none of the freezing i was getting with 2.5 beta. i mostly do SNES and NES emulation so i didn’t do to much tinkering outside of setting controls. But setup is largely the same. The first thing i noticed is that i can play kirby 3 and super metroid with no issues so that’s a nice change.
ParticipantYou need to add Roms to the folder and then the bios too. I’ve only had luck with .bin files though, not .iso
Participanti’ve only tested a handful of games that had issues before but seem to work jut fine now (kirby’s dreamland 3 and super metroid were UNPLAYABLE on the old models, work perfect now). the new 2.6 image is more stable and things feel snappier overall. the actual emualtors will need to be updated to take advantage of the new hardware but it’s very promising so far
Participantthe price is a bit much at $99 minimum. For $65 you can get the odroid U3 i feel they offer a bit more bang for your buck. not sure what hurdles you would come across getting retropie on there, however.
ParticipantStupid emojis, its “:pi” after the first pi in the chown command
Participant2 things you can try. You can make yourself the owner of the folder by using the chown command so its sudo chown pi:pi /opt/retropie/emulators/gpsp and that will let you post files via cyberduck or wincsp or the startx desktop OR you can place the bios file in your /roms folder and then use the mv command to move the file so sudo mv home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gba/gbabios /opt/retropie/emulators/gpsp
ParticipantHow do I go about making it 720?
ParticipantGet some heat sinks and go turbo. I don’t have many issues now that I’ve done that. However if anyone has gotten Kirby 3 running smoothly, can you share how you did that?
ParticipantWhat controllers are you using? I swap controllers/keyboards all the time and haven’t had this problem. Have you tried taking ownership of the retroarch. Cfg file?
ParticipantHave you made sure the SD card is actually properly inserted? I had that issue once where I thought I had put the card all the way in but it didn’t boot so as per tech support 101 I “unplugged it and plugged it back in”. Turns out the SD card wasn’t making contact
ParticipantI don’t know why, but the source based install did some weird things on my end. It kept saying that certain emulators didn’t exist. For Mame I had to get the most recent mame4all-pi from the source, download the .zip and transfer the contents to my /opt/retropie/emulators/mame4all-pi folder. As for games not loading, make sure the rom path is set in your es_systems.cfg file which is located in /etc/emulationstation
Participantfrancesconuma i don’t understand how to use the clrmame.dat, could you post instructions on that?
ParticipantYou probably have a “quit emulator” hotkey set. This is usually done when pressing multiple buttons (for example I have mine set to be select+start) these settings are set by retroarch automatically in most cases. could you post your retroarch.cfg file from /opt/retropie/configs/all?
ParticipantWhen I got a copy of TMNT, I put the .zip in the /roms/mame folder. But it didn’t work. But I also had and as well as the main so with the alone I get the “missing files” error. But when I put those other .zip files in that folder, the ROM will load fine
Participanti had an issue with my 360 pad where i had run retroarch too many times, so i had to delete the controller settings listed in my retroarch.cfg and run the joyconfig one more time. another thing you can do is bring up the retorach menu in-game (usually a combination of button presses like select + X, or F1 on your keyboard) and run the controller setup in there, that’s worked well for me
Participanti don’t have that error, but i have an error where mame tells me i’m missing certain .bin files and the rom will not work. TMNT is a good example of this. When i check the .zip, it shows the exact files that mame said a re missing. However, when i put other romsets for the same rom in the roms folder, the game plays fine. does anyone know why this happens? i’m happy the game works, but the downside is i now have 4 listings for the same game in ES.
Participanti don’t get that error but i will occasionally get an error where i get a list of .bin files and it says those files are missing and that it can’t load the rom. For example, the original tmnt was giving me that error but once i transferred several other versions of the same rom (i.e. the japanese and US sets in addition to the main world set) it will work. any idea why that is? the downside to adding all those extra .zip files is i get the same rom listed in ES 2 or more times.
Participantok so for .cfg files, is there a way to have it set so i when i want to play NES,snes,gen, etc that i can plug in my snes usb controller and play that way, and then when i want to play psx gaes i can plug in my ps3/360 wired controller and play those games with those seperate controls? because i got the ps3 controller setup easily, but then i wanted to go back to the snes controller and i had to delete a bunch of buttons and run the retroarch config again, which is a hassle.
ParticipantNice to see that I’m not alone in this. I never even tried a higher split than 256 in previous versions. but I thought that all model b’s were the same as of late 2012. so if one model b can do it, shouldn’t they all be able to?
ParticipantJust go to zsprawls 2.2 setup guide. Everything you need for controller setup/permissions is in there.
Participantdid you mean bluetooth? because the USB setup seems to work out of the box, all i had to do was run the retroarch setup once in the menu and it was fine
ParticipantOk is there a crash course in the pisnes .cfg somewhere? I like that you put your own settings up for us to use but since it’s a different t set of instructions than what retroarch uses, I have no idea how I would change anything. For instance the screen for pisnes with your settings is smaller and has a large black border along the bottom of the screen. Plus you put a note about using a js0 file for controller input but what do you mean?
ParticipantIn Mame you need to hit tab to bring up the input settings and then set controls from there. The most recent version of the retropie image was supposed to fix the issue where mame wasn’t saving settings.
ParticipantI haven’t gone turbo yet. Need to get those heatsinks still. But I’m doing a modified 1ghz overclock that seriously fixes plenty of performance issues. I’ll need to tinker with pisnes more. I will say that certain games look MUCH sharper in pisnes with zsprawls settings, but super metroid runs poorly. And right now getting that game running PERFECT is my white whale.
ParticipantAnother weird thing: I tried updating the image through the setup script and it added esconfig and a few other tweaks, but every time I quit a rom, it doesn’t load ES. I’ll just get a white screen that hangs, or a flickering black one and the rom will reboot. From the white screen I can use the keyboard to f4 back to prompt and thrn get back to ES but that is quite a hassle and not the seemless experience I want. This could be my fault for tinkering too far in the wrong direction but if someone has an answer it would be nice to know.
ParticipantI will give that approach a shot tonight when I get home. I had grabbed the 7502 bios since it was the newest. Is placing the file in the BIOS folder still the only thing we have to do? I read that you need to put a path in the psx retroarch.cfg file to tell it where to look.
ParticipantIt displays beautifully on my 1080p monitor but the image is cutoff around the edges on my 720p TV. Anyone know how to fix that? overscan is turned on and I’m using HDMI. Does anyone have everything working smoothly? If so, could you provide your retroarch.cfg so I could check it out?
ParticipantI had to create it so maybe? I just created a .cfg in the cyberduck window and copied and pasted from the guide. I actually want to switch some of the settings for the video because some games play worse in pisnes than pocket SNES and vice versa. I already mentioned that its possible to have both emulators appear in the ES menu by adding pisnes to the es_systems.cfg but keep the pocketsnes entry there. I feel that since there really isn’t a “one size fits all” solution then why not have both?
ParticipantThat’s something that I’m looking at too since everything I’ve done still results with the “bios not found” message. But for saving I’ve just been using save states (by using hotkeys on my controller), and that’s worked out alright for me so far. Could work for you in the short term until someone figures this out.
Participantcyberduck or wincsp are your friends on windows, both offer a simple winowed interface that allows navigation of the files via mouse/keyboard. you could also use startx to do the same from the pi itself. or you press f4 to get to the command prompt and type sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg and then arrow down to the end where it should say “input_player1_l2_btn = “4” ” and so on , just delete everything from there down and then press control+x to save, then press Y and then ENTER. type sudo reboot and you’re good to go
ParticipantYou can edit config in gsps by hitting “select” and “r” in a game and then change setting there. F10 on a keyboard does the same. Not sure about the saving of the settings
ParticipantIf I configure an xbox controller after setting up my USB SNES controllers, will ES automatically change to accommodate the appropriate controller? I would rarely use the 360 one after the issues I ran into with gsps but I need a controller with more buttons for psx emulation
ParticipantGrabbed a set of 2 super famicom-colored usb snes controllers off of ebay for ~$12. They feel pretty good for the price. Played a good chunk of mk2 and super c which both require some precise button presses and they did just fine.