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ParticipantThanks pajen.
I tried your method, but I can’t get the controller to pair to my dongle. The dongle worked fine on my pi2, but seems to fail. I get the following when I checked (apologies for poor quality picture ><!)
ParticipantI’ve always used my old sixaxis over bluetooth with my Pi2 and Pi3 with a USB bluetooth dongle.
Having said that, recent builds may have an issue with all PS3 controllers over bluetooth.
Participant[quote=122003]what speccy game was it? what emu? I’ll give it ago shortly
It was Starquake. Oddly, I’d played it to completion a few nights ago… can’t remember how long that was for but it usually takes me 30-45 minutes to complete. I’d not put it on to test, just so I could play something I thought would work ><!
Edit – sorry, forgot to say it was in lr-fuse.
ParticipantMine crashed last night three minutes in on a ZXSpectrum game – probably the least taxing (but imho most important ^^) of the emulators in RetroPie.
Though my experience is that the freeze happens much quicker on PSP, PS1 etc; as I said, Crisis Core in PSP is virtually guaranteed to freeze before the opening fmv is complete on my system.
ParticipantYes, I got the new set-up script and did a full binaries update right off the bat. Do you think it is worth doing again, has there been an update?
I don’t know if it is related, but the old bug of not being able to map PS3 sixaxis controllers in mame4all seems to have reared its head again. Neither binary nor source update of mame4all fixed that for me ><.
ParticipantThanks for the info, Bengus. For what it’s worth the workaround mentioned on that page to disable the built in bluetooth didn’t work for me, the pi could not detect the Dualshock over the usb bluetooth.
ParticipantBut at least we know what might be the problem so it can be fixed by those skilled in the mystic arts ^^.
I’m still worried though that the problem for me seemed to occur far more often in ‘demanding’ emulators. I certainly can say I had no problems with my bluetooth PS3 controller using Retropie versions 2.6 – 3.2 on my Pi2, aside from the odd disconnection (easily solved ingame by unplugging and replugging the usb bluetooth dongle).
ParticipantI think you’ve found it! I unplugged my bluetooth adaptor, and set up my wireless keyboard as a controller, and all seems well… I even made it past the opening fmv of Crisis Core for the first time on my Pi3 ^^ Tried PS1 and SNES… Looking good.
So probably a problem with bluetooth and/or PS3 controllers then…
ParticipantYes, I’m using a PS3 controller over Bluetooth. It could be that, perhaps a clash with the inbuilt bluetooth on the Pi3 (I still use a usb Bluetooth receiver).
ParticipantStar Fox froze before I could even fire a shot! Oh dear…
ParticipantPlayed 30 minutes of SNES Yoshi’s island without a crash, then tried Devil Dice on PS1, and it lasted less than a minute ><. Don’t have Magical Quest so can’t check that. Picked Yoshi’s Island as it is quite demanding… I’ll try Star Fox/Wing.
ParticipantPerhaps something in Retropie 3.6 our setups don’t like. I’ll try a SNES game, see how I get on. I’ve tried Amiga, GBA and ZXspectrum games on my Pi3 with 3.6 and no issues.
ParticipantI am having similar issues, but mine is freezing within seconds mainly on PSP (both lr-PPSSPP and PPSSPP) and PS1 games on my new Pi3.
I had a nice set on my Pi2; NOOBS launcher with Ubuntu MATE, OpenELEC and RetroPie – a 10A 6 port (2.4A per port) USB power supply powering the Pi, Ethernet to Wifi adapter and 2.5in 500GB HDD. RetroPie (3.2 iirc) run great on that. All the games ran from the SD card, except the PSP and PS1 games from the HDD (all my own homemade rips which work great on the Pi2 and other machines).
I have tried to copy this set up on my new Pi3. Ubuntu runs like a dream, and OpenELEC similarly flawlessly, but this RetroPie issue has me stumped. I thought it might be the power supply so I bought an official (looking!) 2.5A supply – no fix. I changed over to an independently powered 3.5in HDD (3TB, one partition formatted to ext4 and mounted in fstab), still no luck. Tried a adding a heatsink too, no joy.
Reading other posts, perhaps there is a fair bit of variation in quality in the manufacturing of Pi3’s. I tried overloading (no overclocking, don’t do overclocking!) my Pi3 in Ubuntu to see if I could get it to freeze. I run all four cores at 100% (using ‘stress’) for half an hour with no ill effects, except a quite hot heat sink ><.
I’m not very technical, so any thoughts or ideas on where I’m going wrong would be greatly appreciated ^^
ParticipantThanks for the reply, I suppose retroarch isn’t really focussed on machines with keyboards. It is a shame that the other spectrum emulators available have their own issues too ><. I’ll ask at Github!