Forum Replies Created
Could it be possible to hide the ‘random’ option if it’s something the developers don’t want shown by default?
Ehm, as I see it, *we* are the developers right now for this feature. That is the beauty of open source!
That said – I think it is important not to create a christmas tree of menu-items and only show options that people will actually use. So the way this goes is: someone creates a new feature/option and people try it out. If it turns out no-one uses it, it should be removed from the (default) UI. It is easy enough to introduce a settings item to show/hide some additional features.
Sounds great!
Other ideas I’ve had:
Change: Favorite, Kidgame and Hidden from On/Off to Yes/No in the Edit Metadata menu, makes more sense to me .
If this PR actually works, could this be implemented? I must admit I rarely use the scraper, only for systems not yet supported by the awewsome Sselph’s Scraper, however when I do I get fed up of having to sit there and press A when it can’t find any artwork. I’d rather get it over and done with and then browse the games and see which couldn’t be found.
Bit of a bigger change – I know there’s now a way of having background music playing, but I think it would be great to be able to select it from the Sound Settings menu. Perhaps a user could put MP3s (or whatever the supported file type is) into a designated folder within the EmulationStation folder on their SD card, then have the option to cycle through them. Wouldn’t be a case of one piece of music per system (like I think you can do with RecallBox), but this would play continuously while browsing through all systems and would only stop once a game is loaded.
e.g. Background Music: None > File A > File B etc.robertybob
ParticipantGood suggestions! Nothing worse than having a great background ruined by the permanently white carousel.
ParticipantI’ve been getting the 503 error with the forums and main site lately, keep trying and eventually it’ll work :)
12/18/2015 at 22:31 in reply to: Kid-friendly Retropie/ES (UI modes, favorites, hiding items) [B-TESTERS WANTED!] #112070robertybob
If I choose Kiosk mode and Show Framerate, I get a seemingly infinite loop of error messages:
/usr/bin/emulationstation line:20 2492 Aborted $es_bin “$@”
Emulationstation will restart in 5 seconds. Press a key to exit back to the console.
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::out_of_range’
what (): vector::_M_range_check
/usr/bin/emulationstation line:20 2498 Aborted $es_bin “$@”
Emulationstation will restart in 5 seconds. Press a key to exit back to the console.
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::out_of_range’
what (): vector::_M_range_check
/usr/bin/emulationstation line:20 2504 Aborted $es_bin “$@”
Emulationstation will restart in 5 seconds. Press a key to exit back to the console.
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::out_of_range’
what (): vector::_M_range_checketc.
Participant[quote=112037] @robertybob: I like the idea, this is the easiest to implement on a gamelist level (so not across systems). I could add a menu item like SURPISE ME that would launch either
1) a random game
[/quote]I’d go with this one, personally :) Although I also like the idea of “discovering” as yet unplayed games.. I’ll be interested to find out what others think (!).
Could it be possible to hide the ‘random’ option if it’s something the developers don’t want shown by default?
12/18/2015 at 00:55 in reply to: Kid-friendly Retropie/ES (UI modes, favorites, hiding items) [B-TESTERS WANTED!] #112018robertybob
Participant[quote=111991] @robertybob
If when you press “start” on emulationstation, it will show a popup called “MAIN MENU”, if the bottom of that popups says “EMULATIONSTATION V2.0.1A_GUI_MODES_ZIGURANA” means you are using this build.[/quote]
Thanks for your reply. I installed the package earlier via the script but haven’t yet had the chance to test it – I wasn’t sure if the script overwrote my existing Emulationstation or not , as if it didn’t then I wasn’t sure what text to enter at the command line to run this updates one.
12/17/2015 at 13:44 in reply to: Kid-friendly Retropie/ES (UI modes, favorites, hiding items) [B-TESTERS WANTED!] #111982robertybob
Participant[quote=111905]wget -P /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/supplementary
sudo ./RetroPie-Setup/[/quote]I’ve just done this but no where does it say how to run this new Emulationstation (?).
12/13/2015 at 22:25 in reply to: Kid-friendly Retropie/ES (UI modes, favorites, hiding items) [B-TESTERS WANTED!] #111765robertybob
Participant[quote=111740]If you install it as described above, it will be a separate installation alongside the original ES. Just keep in mind that the two will ‘share’ gamelist.xml files, and will keep rewriting them everytime you exit ES.
Like i said, make sure you have backups in place when trying this out.[/quote]
Sorry if this is a really dumb question, but how does it work?…how could I switch between the default Emulationstation and your one? :)
12/13/2015 at 15:23 in reply to: Kid-friendly Retropie/ES (UI modes, favorites, hiding items) [B-TESTERS WANTED!] #111738robertybob
ParticipantSounds very exciting! Can I install this over the top of my current RetroPie setup, or am I best to start from scratch?
ParticipantWould it be simplier if this mode just tempoarily changed all config/gamelist files etc to read only, so any changes made wouldn’t be saved? I can’t see it being possible to disable the scraper without re-coding Emulationstation.
Participantthanks for this! :)
Participant[quote=111034]I think the big one would be a first-run flag that makes Retropie expand the partitions automatically. Nothing confuses a newbie more easily than adding 1-2 ROMs and then running out of space…
+1 for this idea. Is there any reason why anyone wouldn’t want to expand the filesystem?
ParticipantGreat images as usual! Once all images are uploaded, what’s going to happen with the Basic and Detailed gamelist views? Obviously they’re the SImple theme ones at the moment, will that be changed?
ParticipantJust went to check this and it seems they’ve removed the Megadrive platform (which personally I disagree with..)
12/01/2015 at 14:29 in reply to: Removing month & date from the relased category in metadata #111010robertybob
ParticipantI think I’ve asked this question before, or something very similar. IIRC it’s hardcoded into Emulationstation so can’t be hidden or removed.
ParticipantI have this issue but put it down to using a wireless Xbox 360 controller, what controller are you using?
ParticipantI helped Sselph getting the PSX ability sorted so I know it does work (or at least should work). Do your .cue files point to the .bin (this is case sensitive!)? Perhaps you have slightly different hashes to what’s on – in which case it would be nice if there was a way you could send these hashes to him to update the database for future users :)
ParticipantLooks very interesting! Would there be a noticable quality difference if these were to be saved as JPEGs to save even more space (and not use up as much RAM?)
ParticipantThis was happening to me using the Windows version of the scraper, I’ll try scraping using my Pi tonight and see whether it makes a difference :)
*edit* appears to be only certain Sega CD games which it affects (strange!).
I’m having a little issue getting your scraper working. I’ve ran through the install guide on and my pi2 has downloaded release version v1.0.4.
I’ve scrapped the Megadrive and Snes rom folders and it created the image folders which have many thumbnail size pictures but the gamelist.xml that got created in the roms fokder is empty.
For mame the folder again it created the images folder, but this time no gamelist.xml file.
Is there a command I can run to generate the gamelist.xml properly?
Not sure why it’s gone wrong.
I’m using Retropie 3.2.1.
This is happening for me now on any system – started doing this a little over a week ago.
ParticipantWow it looks like you’ve put in a lot of work! Are there any plans to put this on Github, or would it not work because of the tinkering that may or may not be wanted by users?
ParticipantFolder and/or gamelist.xml permissions?
ParticipantI use the wireless one – with the official microsoft adapter (not tried cheap chinese knock-offs yet) and I’ve not had any problems disconnecting. I do , however, find that there is some noticable lag depending on what kind of game I’m playing – e.g. platformers on the NES are very difficult to play. May be a coincidence of course…
I’ve installed the experimental sselph scraper from the menu system and have gone to my emulators to scraper some games and I don’t see it as an option to use, please advise.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re expecting to see Sselph’s scraper as an option within Emulationstation much like the inbuilt scraper? It unfortunately doesn’t work like that. Maybe one day this scraper will replace the built-in scraper, but for now I believe you must run SSelph’s scraper as soon as you install it from the experinmental menu.
Admittedly, I didn’t realise this when I first used it – the Wiki could be a bit clearer. Maybe I’ll update it :)
It looks great smithers. Great work as always.
I understand where you’re coming from, however I don’t have a keyboard as part of my setup – I use my laptop (WinSCP) to make changes to a gamelist, or add new games, then exit ES (rather than the lengthy process of rebooting) so the changes show up.
So if I am following you then you would mainly use it as a ‘refresh tool’ for emulation station, is that correct? And in that case, on exit, you wouldn’t want it to remain in the terminal, you would want it to keep the normal “loading Emulation Station in 5 seconds” functionality, is that right?
That’s correct :)
Participant[quote=109168]It could be easily added, I think. The hardest part is finding a suitable icon, keeping with the theme. :/
Only thing I would say though is that if you are exiting Emulation Station into the terminal then I would say you are probably going to be using a keyboard straight away anyway. In fact, you have to press a key within a few seconds to remain in the terminal and prevent ES loading up again, so does that not make the ‘Exit Emulation Station’ menu button rather useless? Seems to me the <F4> key is just as easy?
I understand where you’re coming from, however I don’t have a keyboard as part of my setup – I use my laptop (WinSCP) to make changes to a gamelist, or add new games, then exit ES (rather than the lengthy process of rebooting) so the changes show up.
Participant[quote=109081]im upgrading my sd card tomorrow and will be testing lots of psp games,
I’m going to start a compatibility list
[/quote]Please do, I’ve got quite a few games and haven’t had any issues with any of them.
ParticipantLooks good! Is there was an extra option to exit Emulationstation then I would definitely download this. I know it’s not strictly a power option, but I use this option frequently when modifying things while it’s running.
ParticipantKeep up the good work!
ParticipantBanjo Tooie: Initial cut screens play fine (better than Rice), however once finished the graphics don’t render properly (everything is white, except Banjo)
Donkey Kong 64 (Kiosk Demo): Plays perfectly.
Earthworm Jim 3D: Seems to be perfect!
F1 World Grand Prix: Seems to be perfect!
Kirby 64: Audio stuttering during some cut screens, menus are fine, gameplay seems perfect.
Mario Golf: Played a round of mini golf – experienced graphical glitches but was definitely playable.
Mega Man 64: Works perfectly
Perfect Dark: Writing illegible (garbled), lots of slowdowns. Unplayable.
Super Smash Bros. Intro video runs slowly, audio stutters at menus, game slows down when more than 2 characters are on the screen at the same time, but is still playable.
ParticipantMaybe it’s worth adding this information to the Wiki?
ParticipantThanks for this! Very useful to know :)
10/29/2015 at 23:25 in reply to: Reqesting the ability to set default system to boot into directly #108754robertybob
ParticipantThe ‘main menu’ you’re referring to is Emulationstation, which has been pretty much untouched by RetroPie devs. Your best bet is to contact Emulationstation’s Aloshi as I can’t see this as something the RP guys are going to spend time on (more pressing matters IMO).
Participant[quote=107809]I have a question about naming in the XML. I’ve tried the default and the -use-no-intro option. The question I have is about the (USA) and similar extras that get added to the title. When I use the built in scraper to RetroPie, it produces only the game title and no extras. Is there a way with this scraper to just get the title and not extra info like region?
ie, Tetris and not Tetris (USA)
I think this scraper does it because it uses the no-intro data, whereas the built in scraper manually searches
I just open up my .xmls and find and replace the (USA) (En,Fr,De) etc – only takes a matter of minutes.
ParticipantWhats a PGM game?