Forum Replies Created
Participant[quote=121436]Hey guys where I can get a background music in the ziod theme for the different emulators when I slide to them on the emulationstation home screen. For example I scroll to SNES and see the picture of the SNES with all the data’s below and so on and now I want to hear super Mario music. In the Recallbox system it is like that.
Recallbox uses a different Emukationstation fork, sorry.
Participant[quote=121478]EDIT – Just checked and its actually 3.2.1 i currently have, but the same question still applies.
I’m still using this version for the reasons you mentioned; until there’s an option to disable the saving of gamelists on shutdown (I have no use for it), we’re both gonna have to put up with being behind everyone else when it comes to new features!
03/24/2016 at 20:42 in reply to: Each game, each emulator with its direct access on desktop and menu #121398robertybob
ParticipantI can see the appeal , however the desktop environment is purposely left out of RetroPie.
ParticipantWhat Herb said..
ParticipantGod I wish it was possible to earn Game Boy/Color achievements :(
ParticipantLr-picodrive now supports Sega Megadrive achievements (you’ll need to install from source) (NES) has also just received support for achievements
Participant[quote=119966]I have homemade one
Submit a Pull Request here?
I can tell you that with my RPi2 and overclocked, I had no issues with 32x. This was back on Wheezy so Jessie may have reduced performance.
Didn’t run well on my RPI2 even overclocked running Retropie 3.2, I only tried a few games but certainly was nowhere near full speed.
I also have no issues with 32x on my Pi 2, I’ve tried roughly 16 games..
03/10/2016 at 11:34 in reply to: Kid-friendly Retropie/ES (UI modes, favorites, hiding items) [B-TESTERS WANTED!] #119827robertybob
ParticipantIt’s in the experimental menu now?
ParticipantAbsolutely no chance of PS2 emulation on the Pi. Sorry :)
ParticipantI agree with you
Participant[quote=119394]I think the delay when exiting is due to emulationstation saving all the gamelist data. I agree it is annoying and it would be nice to have an option to switch off the save on exit as once the gamelists are setup it doesn’t need to be saving them every time.
+1. Hopefully this can become a reality.
ParticipantOwn system , definitely.
Participant[quote=118528]Hi Sselph, thanks for your work, I really like your scraper.
You can open that file and add a column with thegamesdb ID and I can add those to the master csv.
I want to improve the hash list with some psone game of my collection. Do you use the .cue hash or the first .bin of each game ?
[/quote]I believe it’s both .cue and all .bin files
Participant[quote=118920]Great work Sselph. One question are there higher resolution pictures available, I use the nbba theme so images are large on the right but in mame the quality is very low, I used the thumbs only switch, should I delete the images and try without the thumbs switch?
Yes, thumbs is for downloading low-res images – this is incase the Pi suffers a slowdown due to having to display large images with themes. You may find each image takes a second or two to load.
ParticipantI also thought it would be nice for a theme ramdonizer (different theme every time you start RetroPie), however a lot of people have more than 7 or 8 systems installed so would end up with the white screen of death sometimes :(
ParticipantIIRC correctly I raised this as an “Issue” on GitHub a while back –
I don’t think there was any appetite for it TBH. Things may have changed though :)03/01/2016 at 13:42 in reply to: [clean_canela] Themes: 70+ Themed Systems! v3.0 UPDATED Logo's #118698robertybob
ParticipantLooks great as usual! Will be downloading tonight :)
02/28/2016 at 11:32 in reply to: SUGGESTION: attact-mode front-end as an alternative to emulationstation #118406robertybob
Participant[quote=118403]WOW this looks amazing!
But wouldn’t this pretty much deck the raspberry pi as far as vram goes?
Also: where are the movies for the games stored? I take it locally when scraped? Won’t that require insane amounts of storage?
The “Layouts” seem surprisingly fine so far as VRAM goes. The movies I got from (they have their own scraper , or you can download as a complete pack) are only 240p so are less than 800kb in size each, so storing them on a 32gb+ card probably won’t be an issue.
02/28/2016 at 02:47 in reply to: SUGGESTION: attact-mode front-end as an alternative to emulationstation #118391robertybob
Participant[quote=118388]tried it last night and failed miserably. its not worth the effort to me atm
Don’t worry about it, I have actually had some success getting Attract to work. Tried it with some video snaps and they work fine with just the normal FFmpeg binaries installed (no mmal).
I’ve just figured out how to run GB games using Mednafen (non-Libretro), no idea how to force it full screen though.
By the way I had to actually be on the desktop in order to run Attract. Maybe I messed something up or its because I’m using Wheezy, but
Xinit Attract didn’t work. Start X then Attract (at the terminal) worked fine though.02/27/2016 at 23:17 in reply to: SUGGESTION: attact-mode front-end as an alternative to emulationstation #118381robertybob
ParticipantThanks Herb! I think the main attraction with Attract is the ability to use video snaps / video previews, so I wondered if you’d like to take on the challenge of successfully compiling FFmpeg (or equivilant) on Jessie too :D
02/26/2016 at 02:51 in reply to: SUGGESTION: attact-mode front-end as an alternative to emulationstation #118192robertybob
Participant[quote=117655] @Robertybob The thread with the outdated image does say the guy that created it will be updating his image in the next couple weeks. Until then, it shouldn’t be super hard to take the old image and update attract mode manually.
The guys image is my only hope TBH, unless Herb shares his compiled image (pretty please?). The guy you mention uses Diet-Pi which is an extremely restricted Raspbian. So much so, that during the initial setup you’re asked if you wish to use an external hard drive, if you say no then you cannot go back and change this. The guy uses network shares so there’s no way I can use my external hard disk – I’m therefore limited to the size of my
SD card :(02/26/2016 at 02:48 in reply to: SUGGESTION: attact-mode front-end as an alternative to emulationstation #118191robertybob
Participantjust to add to my post from the 19th Feb:
then when I run “Attract” it says:
Starting Attract-Mode v2.0.0 (Linux)
Config file not found: /home/pi/.attract/attract.cfg, performing initial setup.
Failed to open X11 display; make sure the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly
AbortedI have tried compiling on both Wheezy and Jessie and yet I get the same errors.
ParticipantWelcome back! Must be nearly complete now! :)
ParticipantAh right. I thought I knew what X11 was but obviously not lol. X86 is 64bit e.g Windows 7 64bit.. what’s X11?
Participant[quote=117745]Bingo! Thank you Robertybob. Making it work on unsupported systems, using “-download_images false” would be my feature request then I suppose.
I’ve not tried it myself, but maybe
-add_not_found -download_images false
could work? The first flag, it seems, will add an entry to the gamelist.xml with no metadata but perhaps with the image if it’s found (?)*edit* I wonder whether this may be of use:
-use_gdb false
Use the hash.csv and theGamesDB metadata. (default true)
I’m just speculating here, but if the games are from an unsupported system then the hash.csv won’t have any entries for them, so maybe if this flag is set to false it will still add the games to the .xml in addition to the other flags above?
Participant[quote=117734]Is it possible to scrape a folder and use custom images which are in the /images folder (as long as they are named the same as each item)? – Also being able to use this technique on an unsupported system?
Presumably this is what you’re looking for?
If false, don’t download any images, instead see if the expected file is stored locally already. (default true)02/21/2016 at 14:36 in reply to: SUGGESTION: attact-mode front-end as an alternative to emulationstation #117693robertybob
Participant[quote=117655] @Robertybob The thread with the outdated image does say the guy that created it will be updating his image in the next couple weeks. Until then, it shouldn’t be super hard to take the old image and update attract mode manually.
Do you think it would be as simple as:
‘cd ~/develop
git clone –depth 1 attract
cd attractmake USE_GLES=1
sudo make install’
ParticipantI’ve come across some ROMs which have one .bin and several .ape tracks, could I do a similar sort of thing Floob?
02/19/2016 at 23:33 in reply to: SUGGESTION: attact-mode front-end as an alternative to emulationstation #117559robertybob
ParticipantRight, so I’ve just tried again, this time using a Jessie image (not RetroPie) and I’m stuck at
pi@raspberrypi:~/develop/attract $ make USE_GLES=1
Where I get the error:
fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.
and everything seems to build, but then when I do
sudo make install
I get the error
pi@raspberrypi:~/develop/attract $ sudo make install
fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.
install -D -t /usr/local/bin attract
mkdir -p /usr/local/share/attract/
cp -r config/* /usr/local/share/attract/Could someone please please upload their image? I really don’t want to have to use the one in their forums which is nearly a year old :(
Trying to get this to build is really stressing me out and I’m desperate for some kind of help.
ParticipantBeautiful theme! Nice touch having a separate .xml file for the info on each system, was that easy to do?
02/19/2016 at 00:11 in reply to: SUGGESTION: attact-mode front-end as an alternative to emulationstation #117498robertybob
ParticipantFresh RetroPie 3.5 image
Configure Xbox Controller
Enable SSH
sudo passwd root – can’t SSH in as ‘root’, access denied (despite entering correct password?)
Quit Emulationstation
SSH as pi
cd ~ mkdir develop
sudo apt-get install cmake libx11-dev libx11-xcb-dev libflac-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libfreetype6-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-ewmh-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libudev-dev libavutil-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavfilter-dev libswscale-dev libavresample-dev libfontconfig1-dev libxrandr2 libxrandr-dev
Attract requires X so we need to install it (took a while! =( )
sudo apt-get update
(installation of lxde will fail otherwise)sudo apt-get install xinit
sudo apt-get install lxde
Back to the instructions from the Wiki:
cd ~/develop
git clone -b rpi sfml-pi
mkdir sfml-pi/build;cd sfml-pi/build
cmake -DEGL_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/vc/include -DEGL_LIBRARY=/opt/vc/lib/ -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_freetype2=/usr/include -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_ft2build=/usr/include/freetype2 -DGLES_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/vc/include -DGLES_LIBRARY=/opt/vc/lib/ -DSFML_BCMHOST=1 -DSFML_OPENGL_ES=1 ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ~/develop git clone --depth 1 attract
cd attract
make USE_GLES=1
sudo make install
sudo raspi-config
– Overclock to Turbo, change memory split to 256mb.-
First time, I got the X log-in screen for Debian 8, keyboard and mouse wouldn’t work. Couldn’t SSH into it so had to pull plug.
Plugged it back in and this time the RetroPie splash screen appeared but wouldn’t go further, couldn’t SSH so had to pull plug again.
Plugged it again and a whole screen of messages has appeared including stuff about systenmd-fsck[72] , Started LSB, Starting Avahi and Starting D-Bus. Frozen. Can’t SSH into the Pi, have to pull plug.
Fourth time, RetroPie splash screen loads, disappears and left with blank screen. Can’t SSH into Pi so now giving up..
Participant[quote=117139]And there is no quicknes core for retropie at this point.
How-To: Change libretro emulator cores in RetroPie (Emulationstation)
Not sure why it isn’t bundled with RetroPie (waiting for a mod to say why) but it is possible to install it yourself ! ;)