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ParticipantMissing configs/all/runcommand-launch-dialog.cfg causing blue background in launch menu.
After reinstalling with sudo ./ runcommand install problem is solved.
Found solution here:
ParticipantOk, first problem with premission issue is solved when I change ownership to pi, thanks buzz!
Problem with retroarch launch menu still exist, cant cahnge those blue background color and cant remove launch dialog, becouse i dont have listed option for configuring Runcommand launch menu.
Maybe I still have older version, becouse or I dont know how to get this option: I need to update this menu and how?
ParticipantYes you right, I tried fresh image and background in launch menu is black.
But this is more cosmetic problem, much bigger issue is delay before any emulator starts for about 3 seconds.
Can I shorten this delay and maybe add some command in /opt/retropie/supplementary/ to change this blue background color in black.
I have lots of customized settings and I dont want to start over with fresh image if possible.
Recently I sucessfully make upgrade from whezzy to jessie and update retropie from 3.0 to 3.6, without any other issues, except those I mentioned in my initial post.
If its possible to correct this, it would be almost perfect migration, because everything else works just fine.
Also can you specify what config listing you like to see?
I think that this problem is related with, but I dont know how to change background colour in emulator launch menu and shorten appearance of this launch screen.retrofan
ParticipantYes, you right about that.
Just dont know is it possible to add scalemode option and how.
In standard MESS, there is mess.ini file in the same directory, which can be edited and scalemode option is present, but I dont know is it supported in libretro version.
I tried to add the option video_scalemode = “yv12” but it doesnt work.retrofan
ParticipantI have one more question if you can help me with this.
Id like to add some additional video settings like scalemode, but i dont know exactly where and which config file I should edit.
Found txis explanation about additional options, but stll no luck: I dont know valid format for their use.
Any hint?retrofan
ParticipantYes, thats wold be a good idea, please tell us if you make any progress about this.
Also, do you know is it possible to compile libretro mess from some older versions?
Iv heard that versions 0.149 or 0.150 are much less hardware dependent than latest ones.
Do I need to heavily change script from experimental menu, or just pointed to older source package?retrofan
ParticipantThanks man, it works now. :)
Never relised, how much sesitive mess is, about names and correct crc cheksum for each game and thats makes all the trouble.
I noticed ini file for each individual system in roms/BIOS/mame folder, but it contain much less content for settings, than full MAME/MESS.
Also I want to tweak some video option to gain more speed, but cant find those sections.
Maybe I need to make those changes in retroarch settings?
Id like particulary to get full speed for galaxy computer, but for now I only acheive about 60%, which is quite unusable.
Is it possible to do something about this.
Once again, thank you very much, your answer was very useful.retrofan
ParticipantThanks for quick reply.
I had some experience with standard mess build, but obviously its not enough here.
I just cant figured out, whats I am doing wrong.
Found this tutorial here, tryin online updater in retroarch menu, he update all stuff and put some of this in home/pi/.configs, but cant find mess core or start it, even if I manually select them in retroarch menu.
It takes me long time to compile and feeling preety much frustrating about this.
I also found this small tutorial, but still no luck to start libretro mess:
Any help about make this work is welcomed.retrofan
Participant[quote=115910]Once you have it compiled and running in the places you want it to be adding new systems will be easy. Basically you just add a new line at the bottom
addSystem 0 "$md_id" "mame-advmess arcade mame" "$md_inst/bin/advmess %BASENAME%"
the addSystem function assumes the system is listed in platforms.cfg. if not it needs to be either added or you can use the setESSystem function like so:
setESSystem 'Kodi' 'kodi' '~/RetroPie/roms/kodi' '.sh .SH' '%ROM%' 'pc' 'kodi'
Where the 7 (soon to be 8 with direct launch tag) are listed in this order: Full Name, name, rompath, Extensions, launch command, platform, theme.
Then Once you have added your system and you don’t want to compile advmess again just so you can configure a system you can type:
cd RetroPie-Setup sudo ./ advmess configure
And it should configure the proper launch options (for each system you’ll also likely need to add its rom folder with mkdir <romfolder> in the configure function. Because of how many specific launch options there are with advmess its likely we’d have to do something similar to vice so that even though they are basically the same emulator we treat each game type as it its a different system.
I wonder what I should do to get support for the BBC B Plus, BBC Master and Master Compact?
Is it enough just copying the appropriate romsets or these models should be installed as separate systems?retrofan
ParticipantAll in all, no one knows how to get a fully working BBC emulator in Retropie.
Participant[quote=113347]yup got it working on Jessie, thanks fella!
I installed it, following the same instructions, but I have no sound on Rpi2 and the emulator crashes when entering the disk file selector.
Is there a way to at least get the sound working?
Without sound, its quite useless.
Does anyone know what should be changed (sound driver maybe) to get the sound?
I am not Linux expert but I really wish we had BBC computers in Retropie.
We have emulators for some pretty obscure models but for Acorn, nothing.
Beebem emulator looks so close and within reach, but without sound, it’s simply not good enough.retrofan
ParticipantIs anyone willing to spend a few minutes to start the emulator and do the following?
CPU set to 68040
Chipset set to AGA
Z3 RAM memory set to any value from 1 to 64 MbStart and see whether it shows red “RAM Expansion Board” message with Z3 memory board as Defective.
Just that simple confirmation, nothing else.
Thank you in advance.retrofan
ParticipantCan someone at least confirm this behavior?
I also did the installation from source but the problem is still there.
Emulator works fine, except Z3 memory reported as defective.retrofan
ParticipantYes, you right, this xc64sc version is more slower, than scpu one.
Whether this is a GTK version of the emulator and is it faster than sdl (sdl2) variants?retrofan
ParticipantI would really like to see emulation of Acorn computers BBC/Electron and especially Acorn Archimedes.
There are several Linux emulators (Beebem, B-em, Arculator) but do not know, which one is most suitable for Raspbian and RPI?
ParticipantThank you so much, for this, I installed and everything is working great. :)
I tested several games and demanding demos and so far, everything was ok.
The only issue is the speed of SCPU emulation, which is up to 10 times slower than the standard C64 and practically unusable.
Is there any chance (except oc’s) to accelerate VICE with scpu, because even in warp mode, cant exceed more than 60% of speed?
I know that Vice isnt multithreaded application, but this is really painfully slow.Tested on RPI2 with RetroPie 3.0 Final.
ParticipantI strongly recommend to install Open MSX emulator from experimental packages.
It is as good as bluemsx, but you can have full control of the emulator, access to the menu, manually change the media (disks, tapes, cartridges) and everything works great.
The only problem is the installation, which takes a long time (almost an hour on RPI2) but I think it’s worth.retrofan
ParticipantI dont like too much the new Kodi because he is more hardware-demanding than version 14.2.
Even with the RPI2 I experienced slowdowns in the menus, and it seems that his the more power consuminig.I didnt notice significant improvements in any area, that would be worth the effort.
Helix version runs smoothly and stable, without any overclocking, and I will continue to use it.retrofan
ParticipantIn meantime, I was looking for detailed information on the internet, but looks like no one has solved this problem, yet.
ParticipantYes, I check this and config (same as psx) folder has drwxr-xr-x permission and user pi.
I also checked all folders and subfolders created by emulator itself and all of them have drwxr-x— premission.Interestingly, even the emulator refuses to save global pcsx.cfg file, he can save individual game cfg file.
Unfortunately, for some reason emulator cant retreive this saved game config, when starts and it brings us back to the beginning…retrofan
Participant[quote=102760]Oh, I use the default libretro-pcsx-rearmed version which uses RetroArch. I’m afraid I havent tried the one in experimental.
If it helps, my setup is here:
<span class=”embed-youtube” style=”text-align:center; display: block;”></span>
Thanks for this video its very helpful, especially psx section.
About this stand alone pcsx rearmed I still no luck with saving emulator configuration.
Can I ask you to take a look at whats going on here?
You obviously have a lot more experience with retropie than me, so maybe you can figured out, where problem is?
I looked at the text output, after the emulator exit, and I see this:
failed menu_load_config: ./.pcsx//opt/retropie/configs/psx/pcsx.cfg
For some reason, pcsx rearmed cant save this global pcsx.cfg config file.
Since I cant produce this file, I am stuck here and frankly I’m out of ideas how to resolve this problem.
Currently emulator works with keyboard and only can see D-pad buttons on joypad, so i must remap joypad buttons every time at start, becouse he cant save and read config.
If there is a way to support retroarch joypad configuration, it would be enough solution for me.retrofan
Participant[quote=102726]Are you talking about changing and saving settings with RGUI?[/quote]
I just want to save my settings in PCSX-Rearmed emulator (installed from experimental packages), because every time I try to do it with a “save global config” option, it gives me the error “failed to save config”
I want to emulator save and remember all the settings that I did (especially joypad configuration), but he allways fails.
I really dont understand what the problem is, this is a fairly well-known emulator for popular platforms like Playstation, but still havent found the solution.retrofan
ParticipantI also have exactly the same problem with PCSX-Rearmed and RetroPie v3.0 RC1.
Every time when the emulator starts, I have to reconfigure joypad again.
If there is a way, at least to make the joypad works?
It’s really a shame, because the emulator works very nicely and smoothly on RPI2, but this annoying problem drastically prevents comfortable use.
Does anyone have a closer experience with this emulator or knows what could be the cause, why he failed to save global config.
I wonder what he looks like the original global pcsx.cfg file for this emulator.
Maybe he cant find the right location for saving and reporting the error because of it.retrofan
ParticipantUSP allows perfect smooth scrolling and full synchronization with 50hz screen modes.
Just change /boot/config.txt
hdmi_mode=19 (for 720p) or 31 (for 1080p)Also usp use GPU hardware accelerated features, software streching, work in real full screen…
btw, I finally make a working script, edit script and make necessary changes according your second script, but keeping file format structure untouched.
When I make a script from scratch in Notepad, it doesnt work, dont know why.Only one thing remains for full integration in emulationstation, how to automatically load the game after the usp starts?
I tried earlier to add line usp=”/opt/retropie/emulators/usp/usp %ROM%” in emulators.cfg file, but this obviously not working.
Author claims that usp can start a game from the command line, but I dont know how to acheive this in emulation station.Just one thing, can you explain to me this lines in your script
./unreal_speccy_portable “usp” (what “usp” means?)
addSystem 0 “$md_id” “zxspectrum” “$romdir/zxspectrum/” “zxspectrum” “.sh” (whats “zxspectrum” “.sh” part do exactly?)
Participant[quote=100360]So I deleted everything I had installed and steo by step this is what I did:
I created the second script and called it and I added it here:
I then went into the setup script an installed usp from the experimental menu
I refreshed emulationstation by pressing F4
the file showed up in the zxspectrum menu.
upon selecting I pressed a key and changed the default emulator to usp
I think I do everything the same, but script doesnt have installed anything, file doesnt appear in zxspectrum menu.
Which version of retropie you use, I tried with 3.0 beta 3 and 3.0 beta 4, with the same result.
I prepared a script in Windows 7 Notepad text editor, I hope it did not cause a problem.
I check my internet connection and its good and active.[quote=100362]I’d also like to get this working. I made a from your second script and put it in scriptmodules/emulators (same as Retrofan), but when running it from the experimental menu it doesn’t even download the progrram.
[/quote]Same thing with me, after I run script there is no downloading or anything else, whole process finished instantly with two log message and retrurn to the script menu.
ParticipantThank you very much for your quick reply.
Unfortunatelly, it doesnt work for me. :(
I follow your instructions, make script, put in /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/emulators and run from experimental menu in the setup script.
I only can see briefly on the bottom page, log start, log end message and whole process takes 4 seconds.
There is nothing new in zxspectrum menu page, fuse is still default emulator, no new entries there, except my spectrum roms.
Then, I switch to terminal and try to start this script from command line.
I typed sh (or bash) and he gives me these errors message: line 2: $’\r’: command not found line 10: $’\r’: command not found line 14: $’\r’: command not found line 15: $’\r’: syntax error
‘ line 15: $’\r’: function sources_usp(){Tried both scripts with same results.
I have no idea what I did wrong?? -