Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi cooky069, what i can tell from my own experience, and having tried a couple of differnt brands + speeds, this has to do with the card speed, because of the swap handling the emulator does, wich seems to be pretty heavy. I don’t know that brand Integral, maybe the speed advertised doesn’t match class 10 ? It’s the only thing i can think of.
ParticipantHi, the freezing thing was sd card related. I tried IO Timing method from 1 to 3 making no difference at all. I’m using a 32gb sd hc1 class 10 now and it works perfect, once in a while it would freeze for 0,5 seconds, almost nothing. It happens on my cellphone too.
Funny thing is i have the isos on the old 32 gb sd class 4 via pendrive/usb adapter, so it’s related to how the emulator manages memory, specifically swap or some sort of cache the must be read from main sd. Also the size of the iso doesn’t affect performance
Hope it clarifies things for everybody.
ParticipantTried both, the standalone seems to be slightly better. Tried today with an 8gb sandisk ultra class 10. I works way bettter, still freezes once in a while but less frequently, and sometimes yellow light it’s not blinking so it’s not entirely an I/O factor it seems but pi’s processing power. I guess this emu needs more work but impressive none the less. If i had more time i’ll dig into it to see if i can improve it.
ParticipantI have it working perfectly, even Demon Front, you must have something wrong with your roms. When you run the game and the console shows up hit a or b button and a menu shows up, choose second option wich is for select emulator for that rom in particular, maybe choosing another fba version? retropie comes with 3 fba versions, lr-fba-next is what i find more friendly with newer romset and specially pgm. Good luck!
ParticipantHi! i tried a couple of different settings and still freezes for a couple of seconds here and there.
Then i tried something different: used an usb flashdrive with a 2gb sd card and pointed the roms dir en es_systems.cfgt to the mounted sd.
Emulation Station recognized it and listed the roms correctly. Run some roms and it freezes but the light that blinks it’s still the green one that’s beside the red power led on the pi. I don’t know , does that light blinks when there’s *any* I/O activity or just the “main” sd card? If it’s just the sd-card then the emulator is using some kind of caching/swapping system i guess, otherwise it doesn’t make any sense.
What’s your cpu/gpu mem sharing config?
ParticipantExcellent!,thanks for the info!!
My pi2 is even more overclocked than that but the thing here is something related to I/O operations.I’ll try tonight with those settings and let you know. I friend lend me an 8gb class 10 sd card, will try with that too and finally i have a spare external usb hardrive, will see how that works.
ParticipantGreat New!!! Thanks for sharing! So i guess it’s a matter of sd card speed/quality , i should get a faster one if a want better psp support. Thanks for testing buddy!!
ParticipantTried changing many settings , i think the most I/O related ones, like CacheFullIsoInRam and SeparateIOThread, FastMemoryAccess and FuncReplacements.
Now that i see it, i didn’t change IOTimingMethod , i’m gonna tune that one and see what happens.
Anybody tried it? ppsspp or lr-ppsspp ?
Any experiences to share? Cheerz.repuken2
ParticipantI’m pretty much sure it’s the sd speed wich causes the I/O issues, still i’d like somebody to confirm he/she has it working okay with a faster card. I’d love to have this system working properly, it seems to work very well at least with the 2D games. Metal Slug 6 and Metal Slug XX …
ParticipantHere’s my ppsspp.ini located at /opt/retropie/configs/psp/PSP/SYSTEM/ppsspp.ini :
FirstRun = False
RunCount = 4
Enable Logging = True
AutoRun = True
Browse = False
IgnoreBadMemAccess = True
CurrentDirectory = /home/pi
ShowDebuggerOnLoad = False
CheckForNewVersion = False
Language = en_US
ForceLagSync = True
NumWorkerThreads = 4
EnableAutoLoad = False
EnableCheats = False
CwCheatRefreshRate = 77
ScreenshotsAsPNG = False
StateSlot = 4
RewindFlipFrequency = 0
GridView1 = True
GridView2 = True
GridView3 = False
ComboMode = 0
ReportingHost = default
AutoSaveSymbolMap = False
CacheFullIsoInRam = True
InternalScreenRotation = 1
PauseWhenMinimized = False
DumpDecryptedEboots = False
Jit = True
SeparateCPUThread = True
SeparateIOThread = True
IOTimingMethod = 1
FastMemoryAccess = True
FuncReplacements = True
CPUSpeed = 0
EnableCardboard = False
CardboardScreenSize = 50
CardboardXShift = 0
CardboardYShift = 0
ShowFPSCounter = 0
GPUBackend = 0
RenderingMode = 1
SoftwareRendering = False
HardwareTransform = True
SoftwareSkinning = True
TextureFiltering = 1
BufferFiltering = 1
InternalResolution = 1
AndroidHwScale = 1
FrameSkip = 0
AutoFrameSkip = False
FrameRate = 0
FrameSkipUnthrottle = True
ForceMaxEmulatedFPS = 60
AnisotropyLevel = 1
VertexCache = True
TextureBackoffCache = False
TextureSecondaryCache = False
FullScreen = True
PartialStretch = False
StretchToDisplay = True
SmallDisplayZoom = 0
SmallDisplayOffsetX = 0.500000
SmallDisplayOffsetY = 0.500000
SmallDisplayCustomZoom = 8.000000
ImmersiveMode = False
TrueColor = True
MipMap = True
TexScalingLevel = 1
TexScalingType = 0
TexDeposterize = False
VSyncInterval = False
DisableStencilTest = False
AlwaysDepthWrite = False
BloomHack = 0
TimerHack = False
AlphaMaskHack = False
SplineBezierQuality = 2
PostShader = Off
MemBlockTransferGPU = True
DisableSlowFramebufEffects = False
FragmentTestCache = True
Enable = True
AudioBackend = 0
AudioLatency = 1
SoundSpeedHack = False
AudioResampler = True
HapticFeedback = True
ShowTouchCross = True
ShowTouchCircle = True
ShowTouchSquare = True
ShowTouchTriangle = True
ShowTouchStart = True
ShowTouchSelect = True
ShowTouchLTrigger = True
ShowTouchRTrigger = True
ShowAnalogStick = True
ShowTouchDpad = True
ShowTouchUnthrottle = True
ShowComboKey0 = False
ShowComboKey1 = False
ShowComboKey2 = False
ShowComboKey3 = False
ShowComboKey4 = False
ComboKey0Mapping = 0
ComboKey1Mapping = 0
ComboKey2Mapping = 0
ComboKey3Mapping = 0
ComboKey4Mapping = 0
ShowTouchPause = False
ShowTouchControls = False
DisableDpadDiagonals = False
GamepadOnlyFocused = False
TouchButtonStyle = 1
TouchButtonOpacity = 65
AutoCenterTouchAnalog = False
ActionButtonSpacing2 = 1.000000
ActionButtonCenterX = 0.833333
ActionButtonCenterY = 0.750000
ActionButtonScale = 1.150000
DPadX = 0.198611
DPadY = 0.400000
DPadScale = 1.150000
DPadSpacing = 1.000000
StartKeyX = 0.627778
StartKeyY = 0.856250
StartKeyScale = 1.150000
SelectKeyX = 0.500000
SelectKeyY = 0.856250
SelectKeyScale = 1.150000
UnthrottleKeyX = 0.372222
UnthrottleKeyY = 0.856250
UnthrottleKeyScale = 1.150000
LKeyX = 0.095833
LKeyY = 0.089583
LKeyScale = 1.150000
RKeyX = 0.904167
RKeyY = 0.089583
RKeyScale = 1.150000
AnalogStickX = 0.198611
AnalogStickY = 0.808333
AnalogStickScale = 1.150000
fcombo0X = 0.652778
fcombo0Y = 0.500000
comboKeyScale0 = 1.150000
fcombo1X = 0.780556
fcombo1Y = 0.500000
comboKeyScale1 = 1.150000
fcombo2X = 0.908333
fcombo2Y = 0.500000
comboKeyScale2 = 1.150000
fcombo3X = 0.652778
fcombo3Y = 0.333333
comboKeyScale3 = 1.150000
fcombo4X = 0.780556
fcombo4Y = 0.333333
comboKeyScale4 = 1.150000
AnalogLimiterDeadzone = 0.600000
EnableWlan = False
EnableAdhocServer = False
PSPModel = 1
PSPFirmwareVersion = 150
NickName = PPSSPP
proAdhocServer =
MacAddress = bb:90:bc:dd:af:da
Language = 1
TimeFormat = 1
DateFormat = 1
TimeZone = 0
DayLightSavings = False
ButtonPreference = 1
LockParentalLevel = 0
WlanAdhocChannel = 0
WlanPowerSave = False
EncryptSave = True
DisasmWindowX = -1
DisasmWindowY = -1
DisasmWindowW = -1
DisasmWindowH = -1
GEWindowX = -1
GEWindowY = -1
GEWindowW = -1
GEWindowH = -1
ConsoleWindowX = -1
ConsoleWindowY = -1
FontWidth = 8
FontHeight = 12
DisplayStatusBar = True
ShowBottomTabTitles = True
ShowDeveloperMenu = False
SkipDeadbeefFilling = False
FuncHashMap = False
PrescaleUV = False
DisableAlphaTest = False
UpgradeMessage =
UpgradeVersion =
DismissedVersion =
MaxRecent = 30
FileName0 = /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/psp/mortalkombatsKLAX.ISO
FileName1 = /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/psp/Metal Slug XX Jap-Fix.CSO
ParticipantDid you try all the 3 cores? the gles version works quite well for me on some games like Mario Kart. Other games are slow, happens the same on my cellphone on android wich is more powerfull than the pi2 so i guess it’s a matter of the emu improving in the future.