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Participantalso i should say its also recommended that you buy a realtime clock module for your raspberry pi.
i bought one off ebay for 99p and it works now even without the internet connected my raspberry pi keeps the correct time which is good for the script to determine which save is newer.RazorX2014
ParticipantUpdated To Add Support For Retrode SMS Plugin.
Also Updated Script.RazorX2014
Participantas long as its a wired controller
Participantnp glad to help, please change the topic to resolved
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties pkg-config
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbmcRazorX2014
Participantthat wasnt to install xbmc it was to launch it and the chmod command makes the sh file executable.
install xbmc first then try it try xbmc instead of sudo xbmc if it doesnt launch it.
Participantcreate a file called and add
sudo xbmcthen save it and goto its location on terminal and run sudo chmod +x then put the sh file in the apps folder if you havnt already and that should be it
Participantif its not there just add it.
Participantthis is done in two ways from what i remember one is in the config (/boot/config.txt) to rotate the screen on the desktop environment and on load by setting display_rotate= to 2 or something and in the ingame menu when a game is launched by going to the video options
Participantnp glad i could help remember to set the post to resolved ;)
Participanti can do that on mine it should work on yours try loading up and setting up samba i think it is that might sort it for you all i can say is it works on mine
Participantif you enter startx and setup the wifi and get it working when you logout and go back to retropie it will still be connected to the wifi retropie is basically just a script running on raspbian
once its all working set this post to resolved :)
Participanti dont understand why you need to do this all you do is save your game then load up the ingame gui and click quit retroarch and it takes you back to the emulators screen where you can hit the start button on your pad or whatever you have set the menu to then click shutdown and thats it.
if you have an issue with saving make sure the save directory is set to default on the ingame gui and if it is and its still not working run
sudo chmod 777 /home/pi/RetroPie/roms
and then reboot and try to save and see if that fixes itRazorX2014
Participanti edited my comment but you need to get to the desktop by hitting f4 from retropie then typing in startx
Participantload up wpa_gui from the start menu click scan then double click your network then in the “PSK” field, enter your wireless password and click add
Participantjust change raspberry pi’s resolution with sudo nano /boot/config.txt and uncomment
or whatever it maybe and change 1024 700 to whatever you want then edit
and change starttype=$1 to starttype=$2RazorX2014
Participantyou too if you have a retrode or plan on getting one check out my post for getting it working with retropie
Participantok i’ve created a setup script to get all this working on retropie all you do is download the zip file and extract the files to the retropies desktop it should extract:
retrode-megadrive.zipall you do then is make sure your retrode is connected to your pi and has a snes game slotted in it and if it has a save on the cartridge just back it up to the desktop just incase even though you shouldnt have any issues and make sure you know what its location is ie /dev/sda because the script will ask for it later but without the /dev/ part because it adds that itself then you launch terminal and do cd Desktop then chmod +x then ./ to load up the setup script and it should take you through the process and do pretty much everything for you once complete just launch a rom from the pi not the retrode and change the saves and savestates directories from the ingame gui to the ones it creates then reboot and everything should be working you should now also be able to do the following commands in terminal:
temp = to get the pi’s temperature
shutdown = to shutdown
reboot = to reboot
retrode-conf = to edit the RETRODE.CFG file using leafpad but launched in a way that will let you edit the file successfully.
retrode-nano = the same as retrode-conf just all edited in the terminal window.note:
the first time you load the game from the retrode it will take a little while to load since it will play it directly from the cartridge (maybe 7-8 secs i didnt time it).if you have any issues let me know..
Please respect the work ive put into this and dont alter my script in anyway or try to pass it off as your own..
Participantthats not the kinda battery you want because it would be a bitch to take apart and would take up pretty much all of the space inside your case unless you kept it external and as for a case im probs gonna go for a ZN-40 or AG-85 for my first portable and then in the future shrink it down to a SL-68P
Participantdepends on the battery you use and as for running using the pi’s usb ports no you cant there too underpowered im afraid but you can just run it off the same battery your using though im gonna use something like a 7.4v 1000mah battery that should give me a fair few hours.
Participanti havnt setup that yet until i order a second pi probs in a few days so i dont mess up the one i use right now on my hdtv so i will let you know then what works best.
at the moment im just finishing my setup script for getting the retrode all setup and working on retropie.
Participantyeah should be fine the only issue you will face is trying to find 4 nes or snes connectors because you will only get the bare board with that.
Participantto get better performance you best bet is to overclock you pi
Participantif anyones interested in playing roms on there retropie from there retrode let me know i have completed my script letting me play and save my snes games right from the cartridge i also wrote a script for dumping games the script for dumping games runs straight from emulationstation and my save script runs when you boot a snes game from the retrode.
Participantgonna make a portable retropie with 2 usb ports for external controllers or to hook up my retrode and play games straight from the cartridge :D
Participanti actually kinda like it like that but yes aswell as being able to set it up in the emulator you can set the screen to 4:3 too aswell as adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation ect.
not bad for £14
Participantits better than the picture lets on but taking pictures of screens is tricky.
Participantok here you go bare in mind this is a picture of a screen.
in this picture everything is running off my battery pack.
Participanti havnt tested it fully yet so i will take alook later for you but i did test it to see if it worked from 5v which obviously it did it also has 2 input connections could be cool to use the other on the portable project as a video in
Participantok first go into the emulators gui and change the shader i believe its called from nearest to blinear or something like that also you should change the screen settings in the retroarch.cfg so it loads up at the same resolution you set the desktop too and that should sort it unfortunately i cant be more specific right now because mines busy downloading the covers for all my roms so i cant use it right now but if you dont sort it by the time its finished i will guide you through it if i can
Participantcould you upload a picture? to better understand what you mean.
Participanti cant get my wireless mouse to aim so i cant play it
Participantwell there it is all done :) i can now play my “super mario all stars + super mario world” straight from the cartridge on retropie aswell as the ability to dump/restore my save and dump games woohoo all from emustation
Participantok i have my retrode and playing games straight off the cartridge is working however its not letting me edit the retrode.cfg so i cant save does anyone know a fix for this?
ok i edited it on a laptop so crysis over :) and i think all is well now.
i can backup my cartridges with 1 click or play straight from them -