Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI’m sorry you feel that way and I am sorry to hijack OP’s thread, but there are people who want this who don’t have the time/ability/inclination to set it up themselves. They are choosing to pay someone to set it up for them and that is their prerogative.
ParticipantI don’t profit from RetroPie, I provide a service and people compensate me for it. I fully disclose that RetroPie is free to download. It’s just like someone paying to have an OS installed and configured on a desktop computer.
ParticipantAlso need to know this. Thanks
01/08/2016 at 04:56 in reply to: Kid-friendly Retropie/ES (UI modes, favorites, hiding items) [B-TESTERS WANTED!] #113405rastendo
Participant[quote=113325]From what I gather you have to add it to the theme, but I haven’t installed this yet so Im not sure. Its somewhere in this thread though I believe.
This is all that I could find regarding the issue, but I don’t see any instructions on how to enable X and Y to toggle the new tags for favorite and kid.
Another thing to remember is that the visualization for these tags are NOT included in the current themes out there. They are easy enough to add, but it will need to be done if you want to see the status of these tags in the detailed-list view. In his/her original pull request, kaptainkia suggested to increase the xml version to 4 to indicate the availability of the new favorite tag. I would agree with this approach. At least from the ES side of things, you can then keep on using the old themes, without anything breaking. You will just not be able to see the values at a glance, or toggle them quickly using x for favorites and y for kidgames. When you open the metadata editor though, they are shown and editable:
Do I need to increase the XML version? Or am I missing something?
01/07/2016 at 04:27 in reply to: Kid-friendly Retropie/ES (UI modes, favorites, hiding items) [B-TESTERS WANTED!] #113322rastendo
ParticipantI just installed this. The only issue I have so far is that there is no option to add games to favorites or kids by pressing the X and Y buttons. It doesn’t even show the buttons in the controls at the bottom.
ParticipantIs there a theme to change PC Engine to TurboGrafx-16?
ParticipantJust an update, I fixed this by manually setting the permissions using WinSCP. It works now.
ParticipantHow can you tell what js number a controller is assigned to?
ParticipantBump for similar issue
ParticipantJust wanted to thank you for updating your post when you found the solution. I was having the same issue and this worked for me as well.
ParticipantUpdate. I found that the new setup script added the following code to the .bashrc file courtesy of ckarini
# RETROPIE PROFILE START # Thanks to st-3965 function retropie_welcome() { local upSeconds="$(/usr/bin/cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime)" local secs=$((upSeconds%60)) local mins=$((upSeconds/60%60)) local hours=$((upSeconds/3600%24)) local days=$((upSeconds/86400)) local UPTIME=$(printf "%d days, %02dh%02dm%02ds" "$days" "$hours" "$mins" "$ secs") # calculate rough CPU and GPU temperatures: local cpuTempC local cpuTempF local gpuTempC local gpuTempF if [[ -f "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp" ]]; then cpuTempC=$(($(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)/1000)) && cpuTe mpF=$((cpuTempC*9/5+32)) fi if [[ -f "/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd" ]]; then if gpuTempC=$(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp); then gpuTempC=${gpuTempC:5:2} gpuTempF=$((gpuTempC*9/5+32)) else gpuTempC="" fi fi local df_out=() local line while read line; do df_out+=("$line") done < <(df -h /) echo "$(tput setaf 2) .~~. .~~. $(date +"%A, %e %B %Y, %r") '. \ ' ' / .' $(uname -srmo)$(tput setaf 1) .~ .~~~..~. : .~.'~'.~. : $(tput setaf 3)${df_out[0]}$(tput setaf 1) ~ ( ) ( ) ~ $(tput setaf 7)${df_out[1]}$(tput setaf 1) ( : '~'.~.'~' : ) Uptime.............: ${UPTIME} ~ .~ ~. ~ Memory.............: $(grep MemFree /proc/meminfo | awk {'prin t $2'})kB (Free) / $(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk {'print $2'})kB (Total)$( tput setaf 7) ( $(tput setaf 4) | | $(tput setaf 7) ) $(tput setaf 1) Running Processes ..: $(ps ax | wc -l | tr -d " ")$(tput setaf 7) '~ ~' $(tput setaf 1) IP Address.........: $(ip route get 2>/ dev/null | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f8) $(tput setaf 7) *--~-~--* $(tput setaf 1) Temperature........: CPU: $cpuTempC°C/$cpuTempF °F GPU: $gpuTempC°C/$gpuTempF°F $(tput setaf 7) The RetroPie Project, http://www.petrockblock.c om $(tput sgr0)" } retropie_welcome # RETROPIE PROFILE END
I had to comment out the second to last line that says retropie_welcome to get WinSCP to work.