Forum Replies Created
Participantmore pics!
Participant3d printer would be exactly the way you want, but not the cheapest. What do you want from the case other than small? enclosed, waterproof, looks cool? You could just make your own from acrylic and standoffs.
ParticipantSuccess! dont know why its so picky but i ended up changing the permissions of every folder and file. Then I cleared all settings related to shaders out of the main retroarch.cfg and put them into the /*emulatorcore/retroarch.cfg and presto.
ParticipantRetroarch error: failed to parse GLSL shader.
Retroarch error: failed to init shader, falling back to stock.primeform
Participantfixed the hdmi problem but it always gives me retroarch error and loads stock shaders
ParticipantOk now im getting the error: Failed to power on HDMI mode with explicit settings (CEA mode 4)
Participant“ 1“ = VGA
whats with all the greek looking letters after 1?
Participantgoing to give it one more shot updating ultra slim. If the doesnt work im going to have to do a drastic rebuild with retropie and add the applications individually.
Participantany reason these shaders wouldnt work with ultra slim?
Participantno worries. I was able to find the file that was pointing to retropie instead of retroarch. But now it seems the 2 config files are interconnected. I deleted the entire retropie directory it installed but for some reason it is still trying to pull retropie shaders. I edited the retroarch config in /etc, /emulators/retroarch, /emulators/configs/all, AND /emulators/retroarch/configs/snes/ but its still saying it couldnt load /retropie/shader.
I have NO IDEA where it is still pulling the retropie shader info. How many fricking config files does this thing need!
Participantwell crap, installing the retropie setup fubard my ultraslim. now when it boots into emulationstation it goes to a black screen with a white dot in the middle. cant get out of it sigh.
Participant[quote=4918]Ultraslim has another directory structure.<br>
1. Copy to /home/pi/.emulationstation.<br>
2. # chmod u+x /home/pi/.emulationstation/<br>
3. Edit /home/pi/.emulationstation/es_system.cfg<br>
4. Change 1 to 6 (my zip file) or 4 (current RetroPie
[/quote]This is exactly what i did. as soon as i copy the new i start geting errors that it cant find The numbers after the in es_system.conf might be the problem. What number do I want? ALso what about the starttype=?
Unfortuneatly I started the retropie install like you said so Im waiting on that to finish. I wonder if that will mess anything up with ultraslim?
ParticipantIm running a compiled image called Ultraslim that has Emulationstation and retroarch. Im not seeing anything about retro-pie so not sure how to upgrade this.
Sorry I am really new to linux and raspberry pi. Can I download an update and copy those files to the directories?
ParticipantMan i cannot figure this out. keep getting errors about runcommand. Want to get this to work badly.