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ParticipantThanks for sharing this method.
This link way will help a lot of people since it’s easier to do.polluxpt
ParticipantGlad you make it and thank you for sharing this info!
For controls I suggest fba topics as they are pretty useful.
Just one final note:
some problems solved by ext4 were related to save states in my case.Cheers!
ParticipantI had issues with filesystem in my usb drive.
Once I changed to ext4 I got it fixed.
What about yours?polluxpt
ParticipantYou have to set your Windows point of view into Linux.
Try to browse into your drive like DOS.
When you get your roms folder you get your path.polluxpt
ParticipantDefault is to SD. If wrong path is set it uses default one.
<path>/dev/sda/retropie/*</path>* emulator folders
and give us your feeedback if everything ok.
ParticipantThat is your problem.
Try to get your roms destination under DEV or so.
Once you get your folders your are able to set your path.
I’m using a 64GB usb drive.Type this command to list your drives:
sudo fdisk -l
ParticipantSeems like a path mismatch problem.
What is your full path to roms?
I give you my example:
I got my Amiga roms in this:
MEDIA -> USB -> Retropen (folder in root) -> retropie (emulator roms folder) -> amiga (roms folder)
I guess something is missing between USB and RETROPIE
If you browse your system you can check if your paths are correct.
ParticipantChange /media/usb0/ to /media/usb/
Your problem is that zero.cheers!
Does this method still applies to the new version of Retropie for RPi2?
I was unable to get it to work with the tutorial above. It gave me errors.
My device bought from DX only works in Windows (but I needed to install drivers…).
I give up on this.
This device it’s not worthy of such work to get wifi.
I have a TP-Link one that runs smoothly.polluxpt
ParticipantOk are a few things here that makes the difference.
If you are on Windows I suggest you edit your file in your raspberry pi as you cannot see your file properly.
To edit your file under Rpi (linux) environment you can use this command:sudo nano /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg
Please note you must exit Retropie first in order to get your command prompt.
If you use linux in your desktop (Ubuntu ou other operating system) you can edit your file with other application like gedit but I’m affraid it’s not your case.
Because NANO has a very simple interface this link will help you in your find and replace journey:
You will find lines as it follows
(something like this, I don’t have it in my mind right now as I’m outside my house)And what you need to do is to replace this address to Your USB PEN Roms Directory.
ParticipantYou must replace every path before your emulator name.
In the example above that line already exists in the file, I just edited the path.polluxpt
ParticipantYou can find it in /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg
If you have another doubt you can always check this link:
ParticipantThe easy way is to edit your es_systems.cfg file and changing the path line.
Here’s an example:
/Retropen/retropie/ are my USB pen drive folders
ParticipantSince my opinion is like patrickm’s post I ask if anyone had issues running Retropie by SDCard and Roms by USB drive?
I have a 4GB SDcard (got it free) where I have Retropie image and all my roms are in a 64GB USB Drive.
So far I got no problems at all but somehow I figured out some time ago that if I have my USB Drive as ext4 and I don’t have saving problems (I got them when it was Fat32) nor loading problems.
Everything runs fast enough for me and the only thing I think it will improve running OS by USB is the Retropie startup because it takes some time to load all my roms for the first time.
In my opinion to run a “real” OS (like raspian or ubuntu mate) this guide will be the best choice but to run Retropie I don’t see any advantage since it takes less time using another sdcard and if something go wrong it can be a huge frustration to lose a lot of roms.
For the other hand I have another RPi for multiple purposes and I got a “generic” USB drive (64GB as well) with a folder in it with some roms and I can run them like a charm just by plugging it to my RPi. This is why I like USB Drive option most.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
Finally I got my issue solved and in a easy way.
I had to change my emulator by pressing X when my game started to “lr-imame4all”.
After doing that everything was like before.
Hope this solve some newbi issues like me.polluxpt
ParticipantThe problem is that I have roms that work in libreto before and now I cannot use them because v3 does not recognize the older folder.
ParticipantGlad it helped someone!
ParticipantI tried ’88Games and I my coin (Select) button did not work like yours (this game works fine in FBA?).
I tried other few games and they were ok (Mortal Kombat, Snow Brothers, Samurai and NBA Jam).
I tried Moon Walker and it failed so I guess I will try it in FBA later.
I tried Run N Gun as well but it said the game is not supported (my rom set did not have this game included but I really would like to be surprised… hehehe).polluxpt
ParticipantNot really I tried just a few games while setting up Retropie (Sunset Riders, Pang, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs and The Punisher).
I just tried FBA with the games that did not work in MAME.
The coin issue came while trying different FBA emulators(looking for a 4:3 setup).
I don’t have my rom set copied into my USB pen drive (because I’m waiting for it) but will copy them soon and I can check it.
So far it seems like when I had a Dingoo… some games work in a different emulator. I will know it in a few weeks.polluxpt
ParticipantI agree with you.
That’s the beautiful thing of this… anyone can choose what it fits better.
Btw in MAME I got coin working fine.polluxpt
ParticipantThis is a easier solution but changes the hotkey to all emulators (in case you use multiple systems like me).
My solution just apply the change to fbalibretro and you can still exit by pressing Select+Control (has this is configured in retroarch.cfg file).
You have now two possible solutions for your problem which is good because you can choose the one that fits you best.polluxpt
Participantsudo nano retroarch.cfg
ParticipantThis was my solution to a similar problem:
I hope it will help someone.
ParticipantAfter several tries I got it fixed.
As I think this will be usefull for other people I write my solution:
1st – I made a fresh new install and put
in myfba
config folder.
This config folder was edited by me, starting from the original one (post above) which I got directly from Retroarch;2nd – I edited
file from/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 1 "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/fbalibretro/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg --appendconfig /opt/retropie/configs/fba/retroarch.cfg %ROM%" "fbalibretro"
to/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 1 "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/fbalibretro/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg --appendconfig /opt/retropie/configs/fba/fb_alpha_libretro.cfg %ROM%" "fbalibretro"
I tried a copy-paste solution intoretroarch.cfg
but somehow it messed things up so I prefered to add thisfb_alpha_libretro.cfg
file;3rd – After previously edited my
file I checked my button configuration running some games and figured out that they need to be ajusted (I got a ShanWan Usb WirelessController, LINK: ).
I edited my controls infb_alpha_libretro.cfg
file (insidefba
config folder) and got my general controllers set up inretroarch.cfg
config folder) so they both work with hotkeys, save/load states, etc, not messing each other.
Just one quick note: Somehow in some gamesSelect
button don’t work asCoin
. So I changed Coin from Select to another button and it works great (and I can live with that).I tried just 3 games this far (Pang, The Punisher and Cadillacs & Dinosaurs) and all of them worked great, with 4:3 resolution. I’m waiting for a 64GB mini pen so I probably will find issues in the future and I will update this post later (if needed).
In case someone needs them I attached my cfg files (renamed to TXT) here.
fb_alpha_libretro.txt exists already in this post so please rename fb_alpha_libretro1.txt to fb_alpha_libretro.cfg in order to use it.polluxpt
After creating my file as done in the other topic I got the same results.
I attached my error log to see what I’m seeing as a problem.Any help I will apreciate a lot.
ParticipantThank you for your answer but I got that already.
I don’t have my Retropie with today but I’ll try another thing tomorrow: I will try to create a “CONTROLER_NAMED.cfg” file and put it in “/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs” folder and set up everything to point to it in “retroarch.cfg” main file.
As far as I’m seeing I’m in the right way and I’ve done everything like others except this.
What I’ve done this far was writing all my inputs in “retroarch.cfg” main file and everything was working fine for the other emulators (including SCUMMVM and GPSP).
I’ll give my feedback tomorrow about this step.By the way, what is FBA best emulator? PiFBA, FBAlibretro or other?
I’m new to RetroPie but I’m in touch with emulation since Dingoo, got a PC with Hyperspin and a Minix X7 Mini running Mamedroid and others just fine. Retropie took me a lot of time this far only with FBA… I think as much as I took with Dingoo FBA emulator.
PS: I’ve attachded my original “fb_alpha_libretro.cfg” the one I saved from Retroarch and make somethings work. Please note that what matters is just input buttons because other settings like video ones are running from “retroarch.cfg” file.