Forum Replies Created
Participant@rgelb I forgot to mention you need to the quick menu and resume game not quit. But gizmo98’s solution works a lot better.
ParticipantI have had the same issue. I thought that i commented twice last night on this post but i checked this morning and my replies were not there so i am posting this one. My solution is only a temporary fix so if anyone has a better and permanent solution please share. I did this last night so i might be a little confusing. If you need clearer instructions i can set up my controller again and write down the exact steps to post on here. The first thing i did was launch a game, in this case it was Super Mario World on the SNES emulator. I had the same error message as you did, “PS3 Controller (1356/616) not configured”. To fix this i used my keyboard pressed F1 to bring up the menu and then i went to settings. For me to continue was to press ‘x’ and to go back was to press ‘z’.From settings i went to driver and made sure that the input driver and the joy pad driver were both set to udev. Then i went back to the first settings page and then down to video and selected full screen. When i say selected it i mean that i pressed the button to choose it, i did not press the arrow keys to turn it on or off, from what i can tell it does not matter if you keep it on or off as long as you press ‘x’ while highlighting the full screen option. Doing this i would get a yellow message in the bottom left of my screen saying that my controller is configured. i then resumed the game. this caused only my PS3 controller to work and not my keyboard but it did seem i had hotkeys on my controller. When i hold down the button i set as select, which in my case was the select button, and then press another button. in my case i pressed select and square, my square was set to ‘x’ for the game pad. This opened another prompt in which i was able to navigate and find something labeled as analog to joy pad driver, you could probably have done this step before you resumed the game. Once i found that i set it to the left analog and this allowed me to use my left analog in game. Again if you want me to have clearly instructions i can run through it again myself this time writing down the steps. Also if anyone else has a better and permanent solution please share.