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Keymasterand read the documentation – which even has a link to a video.
Keymasterpress reset ?
KeymasterThis has been implemented now, but on the rpi1 if the output resolution is great than 640×480 the render res will be set to 640×480 to help with performance. It can easily be switched from the configuration editor – the runcommand launch script will default to the resolution in the config, but can still be used to change the resolution on a per emulator/rom basis.
Keymasterwebhead – I spent a significant amount of time getting it working on the odroid-c1 actually – you obviously didn’t read any of the links above.
The fact is, there is little/no interest and I am not going to spend even more hours of my free time working on something no-one uses. (Bear in mind the downloads for RetroPie are over 250,000). Plus on the ODroid-C1 you can either have accelerated X or accelerated framebuffer, and there is no SDL1 driver for the framebuffer, so it’s retroarch + SDL2 apps only.
KeymasterDid you actually read anything posted above ?
KeymasterI believe it is already fixed in the latest packaged kernel
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Keymasterthere was a bug in retroarch – I have updated the binaries today, so you could reinstall from retropie-setup menu 5 to get a newer version to see if it is fixed.
KeymasterPlease use the forum code tag (large logs can be more easily posted on external sites like pastebin)
Keymasterthen you will have to try and pair manually from terminal with bluetoothctl
Keymastersomehow some of the scripts have lost the executable flags – have you modified any files on the system ?
try fixing with
chmod +x ~/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/supplementary/bluetooth/*
Keymasternot without changes in ES. You should use the scraper if you don’t like the built in names (which cater for a newer MAME, but include some older names also to improve the display on older romsets)
Keymastersounds like sdcard corruption or something to me (especially if dpkg is complaining). try another sdcard / check PSU and so on.
KeymasterThe post regarding memory usage must include the desktop etc as there is far less in use when booting retropie to console – it makes sense that Jessie would use a little more ram – but that won’t affect the emulator performance since we have plenty free on a 1GB machine. if anything performance should be better on Jessie assuming the arm code produced by the compilers is getting better.
Keymastervideo_hard_sync is not used on the rpi
KeymasterI thought it may support SDL2, but doesn’t look like it (just contains references due to code merged from the scummvm project). if GLES works, it would probably need some dispmanx code. There was mention on a ticket yesterday about possibly looking into SDL2 support, so it might be added in the future.
KeymasterThis was back on Wheezy so Jessie may have reduced performance.
Why would jessie have reduced performance ? I don’t think anyone has said there is a problem with 32x on jessie. the rpi3 does handle it better (60-70% cpu of a single core used on virtua racing for example on rpi3)
KeymasterI can look into enabling opengles – probably needs some similar changes as scummvm does with library paths etc and forcing sdl2
Keymasterupdate retropie-setup and try the configuration editor – it makes it easier to adjust aspect ratios on a default/per system basis.
KeymasterSee the end of – you must have missed that part of the documentation.
Keymasterziguara: if someone had a 320×240 display, currently it out render to 640×480 and scale to 320×240 – with the proposed change it would render to 320×240.
The downside of these changes is basically just for RPI1 users with HD displays – if they don’t lower the overall render resolution, they may get performance problems – especially using shaders. But it would be easy to switch.
Yes if you ran it on different displays performance could vary. The old behaviour would be switchable from the config editor (I’m putting in some settings for it now)
See discussion here also:
KeymasterI am of course for changing it to use “config” by default. The more I think about it the more it makes sense. runcommand for everything else doesn’t set default configs, but enables overriding of them on a per core / per rom basis. Except this case, where it ignores your retroarch.cfg and sets 640×480 render res.
If switched to config as I would like – I could also add an additional entry to the config editor to set the default render res in a simple way for those that were happy with 640×480 being the render res for everything.
03/05/2016 at 15:25 in reply to: POLL: Which default video mode do you prefer? (video_smooth on or off) #119150petrockblog
Keymasterthe default is now off
Keymastershort answer: no
longer answer: some parts could work running on top of linux on the xbox. but basically no.
ps. original xbox has 64mb of ram :)
Keymasterto get bluetooth running:
sudo apt-get install pi-bluetooth
Keymasterim running retropie on my rpi3.
Keymasterfor the 3.6 image I only updated the firmware/kernel so it boots on the rpi3- it may lack a package or something – as soon as my rpi3 i setup I will be able to look into it.
Keymaster[quote=118497]I actually received one Two days ago myself and for the life of me cannot get the freakin thing to work properly. I would be certain its something I’m overlooking. I keep getting this
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert ‘spi_bcm2708’: No such device
[/quote]You need to enable the SPI module via rasps-config and reboot before you continue with the installation of the ControlBlock driver. You can find a description at There you can also find a video that demonstrates the whole installation. I am sure you find your missing step with that.
KeymasterGlad to hear that! I am expecting my RPi3 any day now to test it on my site as well.
KeymasterGlad to hear that! Have fun!
Keymaster(you can mark a pot as resolved at the top)
Keymasterit has been updated with the latest raspbian packaged firmware (sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade)
Keymasterthe emulators are already installed. You just need to copy the roms etc.
Keymastertry this
if it doesn’t work it will have to wait until my pi3 arrives.
Keymasterif you hold on an hour ill put an image up for testing.