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Participant[quote=111039]Are you sure you’re using pifba?
it is using the default emulator : lr-fba-next
Are there different files I need to eddit in that case? if so which ones?
Not sure if I misunderstand but did you make a folder within the fba rom folder?
Participanthp 1740 17inch
ParticipantI noticed not only the up and down was different I also noticed when pressing left or right made the character jump up diagonally.
When installing my retroarch controller I had my d-pad, Analogstick and C-buttons overlap with eachother
If I remember correctly the c buttons on the N64 controller of the official game when pressed would give a diagonal jump in SSB. That could be a reason why the c buttons can’t overlap D-Pad and Analogstick directions.
I temporarily removed the following lines from my DragonRiseInc.GenericUSBJoystick.cfg
input_r_x_plus_axis = “+0″ input_r_x_minus_axis = “-0″ input_r_y_plus_axis = “+1″ input_r_y_minus_axis = “-1″
this has solved the SSB issue N64.
But here comes the actual problem:
Seeing I wanna play multiple N64 games with only one joystick and 8 buttons to my disposalI’d like to bind Analogstick with my select button to input the d-pad directions
And 4 of my arcade buttons in combination with select to input the c buttons
And bind B with select to input the z-trigger. Although I wonder how I can bind a ‘press and hold’ z-trigger :P
I wonder if anyone else has come up with a solution to this problem with let’s say a standard Snes controller ;P
ParticipantSo what folder do you put the roms to work? and any other changes? I use retropie v3
ParticipantI was able to solve the issue in version 3. I’m using a dragon inc usb encoder and I have a joystick 6 buttons plus start and select.
for some reason though when I press down in a N64 (smashbrothers)
the character goes up…when I hold down it will ‘crouch aswell’
so right now 1 button is doing 2 actions.
my DragonRiseInc.GenericUSBJoystick.cfg has the following settings.
input_device = "DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick " input_driver = "udev" input_b_btn = "3" input_y_btn = "0" input_select_btn = "6" input_start_btn = "7" input_up_axis = "-1" input_down_axis = "+1" input_left_axis = "-0" input_right_axis = "+0" input_a_btn = "1" input_x_btn = "4" input_l_btn = "2" input_r_btn = "5" input_l2_btn = "2" input_r2_btn = "5" input_l3_btn = "2" input_r3_btn = "5" input_l_x_plus_axis = "+0" input_l_x_minus_axis = "-0" input_l_y_plus_axis = "+1" input_l_y_minus_axis = "-1" input_r_x_plus_axis = "+0" input_r_x_minus_axis = "-0" input_r_y_plus_axis = "+1" input_r_y_minus_axis = "-1" input_enable_hotkey_btn = "6" input_exit_emulator_btn = "7" input_menu_toggle_btn = "4" input_load_state_btn = "2" input_save_state_btn = "5" input_reset_btn = "3" input_state_slot_increase_axis = "+0" input_state_slot_decrease_axis = "-0"
anyone know what can cause the issue?
ParticipantI might have installed the wrong version of retropie :doh: will check if version 3 will help me out :E
Participantonly nvidia video cards can stream? Correct me if I’m wrong
ParticipantI vectorized the design but I can’t seem to find the maker of the original artwork.
also modified a bunch of it.
/edit, here it is
ParticipantCool! Not so sure about the positioning of the start and select button. Maybe place them in the middle underneath the display?
ParticipantIs this the solution?
Description of the issue: ‘solution’? so can someone explain me how it needs to be implemented? Not sure what to do.
ParticipantI only get a black screen when I have been in emulationstation and loaded up a game.
If I enter emulationstation and exit without loading a game I don’t have the issue.
Does anyone know the solution to the blackscreen problem?
Participantit’s your lucky day! atleast I hope you are having the same problem as I had. so here goes.
One way to see wether your controls are working in FBA is to use the insert coin/start on your keyboard…. one you have done that you should be able to play the game. Move around, shoot jump etc :p
my standard retroarch said buttons 8 and 9 are start and select but in the fba2x.cfg located in fba emulator folder the start and select buttons needed to be 6 and 7…
anyways give it a shot It might be a solution or bring you closer to it.
ParticipantI stepped moved over to joystick emulation of the gpio instead of keyboard emulation of the gpio…
The keyboard ended being a big hassle because when using ‘register retroarch controller’ from RetroPie setup I could only have 1 keyboard connected thus not being able to initiate the proces because the enter would only work on the keyboard and not on the ‘gpio’ keyboard. (and it is not possible while having 2 ‘keyboards’ connected.
not sure if it makes sense but if you end up here with the same problem as I did you will :E thus my advice use joystick emulation of the gpio instead of keyboard emulation. Someone called DigitalLumberjack made a nice joystick emulation setup on github
ParticipantThanks I worked somehow :)
Participantis there easy tutorial to walk to to resize the partition before writing a backup?
ParticipantI tried the video using your latest scraper file from the latest releases page.
followed the video but I get error processing No valid roms found in zip
it happens to each rom
Participantthat is not for mame/neogeo games
oh it is my bad! thnx hopefully it won’t give any errorsbut seriously though… how is it even possible for the problem that I have to occur… it frustrates me to no end
Participantthis happens when I try and register retroarch controller with just the gpio/keyboard connected
ls: cannot acces /dev/input/js*: No such file or directory
/opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin/retroarch-joyconfig: option ‘–joypad requires an argument
couldn’t open joystick #0.
grep: /opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/configs/tempconfig.cfg’: No such file or directory.peanut
ParticipantRegister RetroArch Controller does not work for me :(
ParticipantHi I have used the suggested solution. I havent tried it out fully but it does seem to ‘work’.
I was able to used the first player keys in mame.
However I was not able to reconfigure the buttons for emulation station or any other emulator. Does anyone have any idea to get that to work?
Participantbooo anyone :(
ParticipantIt won’t let me type in a new password when I use ‘sudo passwd root’
no keys on keyboard work except ‘enter’… im stuck :(
ParticipantI’m gonna start messing around with Retropie again. I tried getting my xin mo PCB to work but there was a mistake in the Linux kernel of retropie and I was wondering if this issue has been resolved yet so all buttons work properly
ParticipantI remember I used to execute a different configfile within a config file back in the days of Half-Life. Maybe you can bind a key to execute a config file “exactly the same but with player 1 and 2 reversed.
Bind “key(s)” “exec playerswap.cfg”
Something on the lines of that
Ofcourse bind another key combination to return to the previous config file so you can switch between the two.
Config a execute go to config b
Config b execute go to config apeanut
Participantthnx! That seems like a looooot of work :( I’m not really a technical person and seems a lot of people have a problem patching the kernel. Wish it would work out of the box :p
I don’t plan on using more then 2×6 button layout with start select for each player :o
so thats good for mame4all though if I were to try get more buttons to work it doesn’t say how to modify/compile the source.
Could you maybe post your
/rpi/gp2xsdk.hfiles? then I could copy paste them without fidling the wrong way with them :o
I’m willing to buy and try it out.
Participantdone :p
ParticipantBut had issues with sound with a few games.
ParticipantI solved the issue changing the config.txt in the bood folder. hdmi_mode=9
ParticipantI tried the package but the first titel of a game overlaps the TOP gamesystem logo’s
My resolution is 1280×1024…17inch monitor anyone else have the issue?
Participantdo you use 2 player Xin Mo? I’ve heared that the 2nd player has issues…. or havent you tried it out yet?
ParticipantI’m actually wondering if it is possible to play a video in emulation station on a timer (3minutes) inactive play video fullscreen?
ParticipantI put the capcom theme folder in .emulationstation
referredDESCNAME=Capcom System I & II NAME=capcom PATH=/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/fba .ZIP COMMAND=/home/pi/RetroPie/supplementary/runcommand/ 1 "/home/pi/RetroPie/emulators/pifba/fba2x %ROM%" # alternatively: COMMAND=/home/pi/RetroPie/supplementary/runcommand/ 1 "/home/pi/RetroPie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin/retroarch -L /home/pi/RetroPie/emulatorcores/fba-libretro/ --config /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg --appendconfig /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/fba/retroarch.cfg %ROM%" PLATFORMID=23
but the theme doesnt load :(