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  • pausuri

    Anyone know how to overclock the Pi3 in Retropie 3.6 running under Berryboot?

    in reply to: EmulationStation translations? #121751

    [quote=121395]While EmulationStation is used as a part of RetroPie, it is not written or developed by RetroPie’s devs.
    Sadly, the original developer of ES has been out of the picture for the last few months. That means that very little is currently possible within the ES software.
    In it’s current shape there is not even full unicode support let alone a proper localisation layer to enable different languages.

    If you feel that having ES in your own tongue is essential for your needs , I would suggest looking at Recalbox, which is also based on ES, but have localisation options (i.e. Many different languages). They support fewer systems though.


    Thanks for your reply, I mean I don’t bother having ES in English, just would be (even) better and more customizable.

    in reply to: Pi 3 Wifi and Ethernet connectivity issues #119988

    Anyone has tried WiFi and Bluetooth services in a Rpi3 with the Retropie 3.6 Berryboot´s image??

    I couldn’t make it work

    in reply to: New version of sselph/scraper v0.9.0-beta #119694

    Hi Sselph, is there any way to prevent adding the region to every single rom?



    [quote=119109]You can delete this post. I now have it working. I think the onboard bluetooth just takes longer than my USB bluetooth dongle to become available. With the USB dongle, I could start the controller when I first saw the retropie screen, and it would sync up. Now I have to wait till until it is completely booted, then turn on the controller.


    Hi, how did you achieve it?

    I have the same problem, Rpi3 with the berryboot 3.6 image and I couldn’t make the bluetooth and WiFi working. I followed your same steps and no luck.
    If a use the my bluetooth dongle the controller (at least) pairs but every time I turn on the Pi it didn’t reconnect, I have to go to the bluetooth setting and pair it again…

    in reply to: RetroPie + Pi 3 – Wifi & Bluetooth issues #119078

    Same problem here, fresh berryboot image, and I couldnt find any Wifi when I run the WiFi settings.

    Same with the bluetooth, I updated the retropie script and after that I went to Bluetooth and nothing come up

    Should just try to reinstall everything to see what happens?

    Any way to install the v15.2 of Kodi instead of the preinstalled v14?

    in reply to: Retropie 3.4 and 8bitDo bluetooth Pad #114897

    Thanks Flood! I followed to your video guide and it worked like a charm!

    in reply to: Retropie 3.4 and 8bitDo bluetooth Pad #114867

    [quote=114853] @hobbswon – ok cool, so the bluetooth side is sorted its just the mapping then.
    If you paste your current controller file to I’ll take a look at the contents.
    Although this one should work for the FC30 Pro – is that the exact model you have?


    Floob, could I use your cfg for a SFC30?


    in reply to: Retropie 3.4 and 8bitDo bluetooth Pad #114779

    [quote=114776]I’ve gotten them to work almost flawlessly with the wheezy build. The jessie build has been a nightmare. Guess I’ll just roll it back until they work out the wrinkles.


    Same thing here

    in reply to: Retropie 3.4 and 8bitDo bluetooth Pad #114694

    Same problem here, I successfully pair my FC30 but ES do not recognize it

    I tried star it with START, START + R…. but ES keep saying “no gamepad detected”..


    [quote=114591]Update your setup script and try again.


    Thanks Herb, its working now and the pad pairs successfully but EmulationStation doesn’t seems to recognize the pad….

    Any fix to automatically starts the connection when I reboot?


    in reply to: RetroPie 3.4 download? #114624

    [quote=114531]I fixed the link. Images are available from github now.

    As far as the scraper if you use sselphs scraper from the setup script it places them in the same place as the built in scraper. Those files are now editable over samba shares so they are easy to copy over from the configs folder.


    Everytime I try to pair a 8bitdo gamepad on Retropie 3.4:

    in reply to: Simple Big Art Theme #114055

    Thanks for the quick reply, I´ll wait for the Kodi theme!

    I have a little problem, every time I exit from any Emulator I get this log on the screen:

    in reply to: Simple Big Art Theme #113617

    Any plans to add Kodi??


    in reply to: Simple Big Art Theme #113026

    What’s the recommended artwork resolution for this theme?


    in reply to: Eudora Theme #111742

    Im using the Big Shot theme, my currently cover dimensions are,like AmadhiX recommended, 745×745.
    Is there any fix to give the game browser some speed?

    in reply to: 8Bitdo Bluetooth Controller Guide (Retropie v3) #111570

    Any help to make the L and R buttons as hotkeys, for instance, save and load save games?

    in reply to: 8Bitdo Bluetooth Controller Guide (Retropie v3) #111473

    [quote=111160]Yes, your rc local file is right

    I would try the commands in a terminal first, and see if a error message appears..

    I tell you, and trust me, my method works fine, you can leve the raspberry on for days, and everytime i turn on the 8bitdo pad it works flawless

    Update the system, write a new password, whatch the entire menus of retropie looking for optimal options,….

    Check everithing, and tell me things


    Hi, I try your method but no luck.
    When I mod the rc.local file with all the commands you wrote, the pad doesn’t connect at all.

    Could you copy/paste here your rc.local file to double check if I am missing something?

    in reply to: Eudora Theme #111471

    Any plans to add game & watch to the themes?


    in reply to: Can't reconnect 8BitDo Bluetooth Pad #111120

    Does anyone has the same problem?

    in reply to: 8Bitdo Bluetooth Controller Guide (Retropie v3) #110862

    [quote=110853]Ok, I have fix my problem

    In /etc/rc.local, i have added this lines…

    /etc/init.d/bluetooth stop
    sleep 3
    dbus-send –system –dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0 org.bluez.Adapter.SetMode string:discovereable
    sleep 3
    /etc/init.d/bluetooth start
    sleep 3
    hciconfig hci0 piscan

    I’m sure above that my problem, was not if the gamepad is trusted or not
    The key is that with my BT Adapter “BT-400 asus” only search for one instance at the begining and never more

    I know that “raspbian” uses a standard driver for the bluetooth device and maybe, the problem is that with other bluetooth devices, other “things” may ocurr

    For me, the problem is gone away

    Bye everyone, thanks


    Hi, I have the same problem as you, as the systems boots up I turn on the Snes pad and it pairs straight away but if the pad disconnects there´s no way to reconnect it.
    Could you please double check if everything is ok in my rc.local file?


    #!/bin/sh -e
    # rc.local
    # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
    # Make sure that the script will “exit 0” on success or any other
    # value on error.
    # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
    # bits.
    # By default this script does nothing.

    # Print the IP address
    _IP=$(hostname -I) || true
    if [ “$_IP” ]; then
    printf “My IP address is %s\n” “$_IP”

    /etc/init.d/bluetooth stop
    sleep 3
    dbus-send –system –dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0 org.bluez.Adapter.SetMode string:discovereable
    sleep 3
    /etc/init.d/bluetooth start
    sleep 3
    hciconfig hci0 piscan

    exit 0

    in reply to: 8Bitdo Bluetooth Controller Guide (Retropie v3) #110235

    [quote=110225]OK, so far things ARE WORKING PERFECTLY.

    First of all, I want to just say that I took the small step to get PuTTY so I could control my Pi from my Windows PC and it made a world of difference being able to copy and paste and see my screen etc. Everyone should do this.

    I can’t explain how the “Invalid exchange 52” problem was solved. I removed and re-added the devices many times, usually the error would persist. But now, after removing all the paired BT devices and just re-adding the Start-R booted SNES30, so far RetroPie is connecting everytime. *knock on wood*

    What ended up working for me? I have:
    two 8Bitdo SNES30 gamepads (firmware 2.63)
    RetroPie v2.3.1 on RPi 2.
    BT usb adapter (Kinivo)
    Wireless usb keyboard

    Boot SNES30 with Start-R (Joystick mode, I guess). It won’t appear to blink differently.
    Confirm it booted in the right mode with hcitool scan
    For me, instead of showing 01:06:F6:0E:xx:xx 8Bitdo SNES30 GamePad
    it would show FE:F9:09:F1:xx:xx 8Bitdo SNES30 GamePad Joystick

    Set up your first SNES30 as per Floob’s wiki instructions

    sudo bluez-simple-agent -c DisplayYesNo hci0 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    sudo bluez-test-device trusted XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX yes
    sudo bluez-test-input connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

    Repeat the above for the second SNES30. Again, as per the wiki instructions, add sudo bluez-test-input connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX twice in the startup file, each line for each SNES30 MAC address.

    Now, as per instructions on the first page of this post we will modify the keyboard direction input in retroarch.cfg to nul.
    type sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
    under the Keyboard input section change
    input_player1_left = left
    input_player1_right = right
    input_player1_up = up
    input_player1_down = down

    into ..

    input_player1_left = nul
    input_player1_right = nul
    input_player1_up = nul
    input_player1_down = nul

    My SNES30’s have been previously configured with Emulation Station, so I did not perform step 4 on the wiki guide.

    On to step 5, I ensured there was no retroarch .cfg file for my gamepads. Then I ran, from PuTTY, the RetroArch controller configuration script.
    sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/
    Running this from PuTTY allowed me to avoid the prior bug I had where my TV screen would turn black near the beginning of the mapping. I believe I only had to do this with the one controller, since they are identical and write the same 8BitdoSNES30GamePadJoystick.cfg file anyway.

    I think that’s basically it. To use the SNES30’s, I just turn them on with Start-R just before or after turning on my Pi. The blue flashing turns to solid blue around the time Emulation Station splash screen comes on. I have tested in 2-player simultaneous games in NES and SNES that both controllers work great for P1 and P2 with no d-pad crossover as before. Hopefully some of this info can be helpful to others. In the meantime I hope that “Invalid exchange 52” bluetooth connection issue stays away.


    Thanks for the info, are you experiencing any troubles when you try to reconnect the Pad??

    in reply to: RetroPie 3 RC1 – Video Overview #102283

    Hi, I don’t why I can’t find the save/load options in the libretto emus… and the commands select+L or R to save and load doesn’t work either


    Edit: I just founded it, but I can’t make the quick save/load commands work

    in reply to: Can´t access to Retroarch settings! #99954

    [quote=99846]I just deleted the “nul assignment” in the main retroarch.cfg in the last line for the hotkey and now I can navigate through Retroarch Menu and even exit with my controller, but retroarch still does not remember my configurations.

    E: Now I found out this:

    Select + Y Button on Controller = Freeze/No Inputs accepted
    Y (Search) Button in menu = Freeze/No Inputs accepted

    So entering the Menu with Select + f1 also does the trick for me. Workaround, but not a real fix :).

    Now everything ,except my analog sticks, is working (while analog to digital works fine).


    Same happen to me, lets see if someone find a fix for this

    in reply to: Can´t access to Retroarch settings! #99649

    [quote=99647]I am getting this too, on beta 3 for Pi2. Retroarch configured the controller just fine and it works, but if I use the hot key to bring up the menu it freezes. You can connect via SSH however and restart emulationstation.

    Is yours crashing in a snes emulator by chance?

    Has anyone else seen this or found a fix?


    Hi, the only temp fix I found is disconnecting every controller and access to the settings by keyboard, it works in that way.

    in reply to: Can´t access to Retroarch settings! #99379

    [quote=99378]It should move off that screen if you press X, or a button on your controller. Have you tried pressing a few buttons there?


    Thanks for the quick reply, I was using Retropie 2.6 and I updated the emu via the Retropie script and same problem.

    So I decided to fresh install with the beta 2, and I updated the emus via the RetroPie script again… and same problem.

    I try to change the controller to I see if that fix something (I was using a usb snes pad) but same problem with a ps3 controller..

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