Forum Replies Created
Participantan other thing that would be possible is to let raspbian boot kodi and open emulationstation from within kodi.
is retropie upgrading to jessie any time soon?
I think there is a start made to it. I believe you have to run the compile option though rather than being able to download the binaries.
hmm I hope there is.. the user who compiles kodi packages normally to wheezy now doesn’t support wheezy no more. he does only do jessie packages. hopefully we will see a update of retropie soon..
Participantis retropie upgrading to jessie any time soon?
Participant[quote=104701]the wiki details how to reinstall it manually (method 4):
it was removed because it causes cpu scaling issues.
hmm. true I have noticed some..But is it possible to make this new method more updated with saving passwords of previous networks?
ParticipantI have managed to update Kodi to the new Isengard but whenever I quit to emulationstation there is no black screen which is a good thing but emulationstation will have small window in the left corner instead of full screen.
Any fixes for that?pattaboy
Participant[quote=98849]Nice, so many new additions have been fixed and added this weekend.
in a new update?
Participant[quote=96550]It has been added. Thank you for your suggestion.
For steps on how to update it see this post:
And for a quick tutorial on how to use the tool (wicd-curses) see the first option on this post:
It will be included in future releases of retropie.
Wow awesome! glad to help.
wicd works great with it.pattaboy
Participant[quote=95228]so what .cfg file did you put that in because it not working for me. My analog sticks dont work when running a psx game.[/quote]
its the retroarch-coreoptions.cfg file
ParticipantWhat I have found out is that this only happens when I add in core options that both controllers have analog sticks.
ParticipantPin this!!!!!
Participant[quote=93648]Is there a way to navigate Kodi with USB controlers other than XBox 360 controllers?[/quote]
normally you just edit the keymap.xml and activate the gamepad support in the settings but for some reason the whole setting isn’t there so we can’t map it.
Participant[quote=91263]Try following this, let me know if it works for you:
<span class=”embed-youtube” style=”text-align:center; display: block;”><div class=”fluid-width-video-wrapper” style=”padding-top: 61.1650485436893%;”>[youtube</div></span>
does not work with dualshock 3 controller
04/02/2015 at 21:31 in reply to: Wireless 360 controller not responding in n64-mupen64plus emulator #93582pattaboy
Participantare you on 3.0? if so check if you’re on lr-mupen64plus when pressing x if you start the game.
also lr-mupen64plus uses retroarch config file for your controller.IF you use mupen64plus-gles or rice I don’t know how to edit the controls. I haven’t figured it out yet.
Participantweirdly enough I got it working!
It was double written in the same .cfg
normally in 2.6 it was on the bottom but now in 3.0 it was written at the top.
changed it to analog and it worked.Thanks
Participant[quote=93148]Got it working in with
pcsx_rearmed_pad1type = analog
pcsx_rearmed_pad2type = analogin retroarch-core-options.cfg, but it really slows down the psx emulator. (testet with Medal of Honor, SHANWAN PS3 Bluetooth controller). Searching for a solution right now, help appreciated
[/quote]weird for me it’s not working but did you test it out in 3.0 or 2.6?
Participant[quote=93139]Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention that my HDD is plugged into a powered USB hub. I thought that would be sufficient. Or isn’t it?[/quote]
haven’t tried it out yet.
You can check if you listen to the case. do you hear it spinning?and do the lights flash?
ParticipantI think this well be easier too!
ParticipantI know PS4 controllers are hard to do with. but I had no problem with the ps3 controller. Dualshock or Sixaxis.
You need to install the ps3 drivers first using retropie-setup and follow the instructions on screen. after that you can just use them wired or wireless once you register them in emulationstation en retroarch controller setup.
I bought last weekend a second controller who turnt out to be fake.
they don’t work wired or wirelessly too bad but my original works wired and wireless.pattaboy
Participantthey should work once you register them as a retroarch controller..(retropie-setup)
Are you also on the latest retropie?pattaboy
Participantdoes somebody know how?
ParticipantI think an external HDD won’t be able on a raspberry pi.
The HDD needs to have enough energy to spin the internal drive.USB Sticks will work because they don’t need a lot of powe.
is this an original controller??
just bought a fake one today without knowing and that won’t work on retropie too bad. gets detected as gasia controller.
Participantyou need to enable pscan for the bluetooth adapter to actually search for any bluetooth devices.
Participant[quote=92830]you can try adding a few lines to crontab s(started every minute with sleep 5, sleep 10, sleep 15, sleep 20 and so on…
the command would look like this:
sudo bluez-test-input connect 65:03:22:B7:04:07i’m not sure about performance impact though. i havent tried it yet.
Just found out how to set scan all the time so that when your controller times out then you can repair it.
just go to
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
add the following 2 lines right before the “exit 0″ line:
hciconfig device up hciconfig enable pscan
This should do the trick
ParticipantI had the same issue. ended up doing this.
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
uncomment hdmi drive 2pattaboy
Participant[quote=92805]I put in a 30s delay on boot to give me more time to pair, see the instructions here (look at comments 84419 and 84681)
It would be ideal if you could connect anytime though, and I still have issues where sometimes only one controller will connect at a time.
[/quote]connecting isn’t really an issue.
it’s more that when I go out for an hour or something and come back to play again my controller is deactivated which is a good thing but I can’t reactivate it.I’m sure it’s possible with some coding/editing or just an option within retropie setup in the future.
And I’m definitely sure it will help a lot of people!
Participantsomeone knows this problem or is it just the dongle I use?
Participantoh wow that’s a long way.
I always used to have media players for my dad. but now I have decided to make a console of my own using a snes case. pretty similar to the pitendo here on the forum.. only mine does look like the original nes with 2 usb on the front.
Participant[quote=92392]I’ll say the same as Mutex. The best way to do this would be to run the RetroPie setup script on top of an OSMC setup. Then you could autostart EmulationStation and put in an option to start the media centre from there or find a way to set a launcher to start emulation station from inside OSMC.
Thanks a lot guys!
I never even looked in to Kodi before but I recently installed it on my retropie and it works flawlessly. never liked the skin but changed now and it looks great thanks guys!pattaboy
ParticipantWeird.. after a few reboots it now detects the dongle again and I can pair as soon as the splash screen from emulationstation comes up.. Maybe it’s the dongle that sometimes does and sometimes doesnt work?
Participantwould love to see these options for the n64!!!!
Participant[quote=90373]Try running
sudo ~/RetroPie_Setup/
and selecting “Register RetroArch controller”This is really just an automated way to run retroarch-joyconfig (which is located in the retroarch binaries folder) and add the results to the retroarch config. So if you’re comfortable with it, you can run this yourself to see the way the buttons on your gamepad are mapped
[/quote]Thanks a lot!
Weird. I did this before and then the player2 controller wouldn’t work.
but now it works thanks a lot!I left the hotkey untagged so that I can return to emulationstation without the use of a keyboard.. PERFECT..