Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI went into the retropie category then advanced
then gpu-memI chose 128 by 128 split
didn’t make a difference.
Any other ideas?
What is the default gpu_mem split so I can set it back
ParticipantJust going to go with that.
ParticipantGrabbing it from there now thanks.
Still funny how I am using 3rd party sources to dled there stuff..
ParticipantNice I am grabbing it
ParticipantYa with mu custom image I already had to wipe everything to move to berry boot 2. So its already backed up I just got to redo it all … Bleh…
But Ubuntu LXDE instead of Raspbian so we will see.
Seems like its just easier to redo it all.
ParticipantAlso that little video with the addition of the using the select and start to exit gracefully didn’t really work for me.
I think the button #’s are not lining up. I am still confused as to what is the default script syntax naming it needs for each emulator and controller and which file is the correct file to use.
What’s the controllers script syntax I guess and couldn’t I just write my own.
Maybe but then where do I put it in which I know it activates.I will play with this some more soon and post up my feedback but if someone has any direction I would be appreciative, the only issue is the joysticks and dpad etc don’t move anything in the emulators I mentioned above, the rest seems to work and yes I have done the driver install and retroarch walkthrough script.
ParticipantOkay been busy haven’t had a chance to test this until now. I just tried your little auto-detect trick and its not working. Many of the emulators work without any issue and already did without any further work needed.
However ATARI, NES, SNES, Sega Master System the joysticks don’t work. Now I would like to say prior to this script nothing was different.
It seems like all the buttons are correct for all the above systems but the joystick directional does not work.
I have also gone to the direct directory and tried to override the script but that’s not working either.
Still looking for help
ParticipantBut what the heck all the Micro SDXC cards on the list that where working.
ParticipantDammit I hate it when I quickly answer my own question… Can’t find can’t find, okay I will make a post about it, 5 mins later found it.
ParticipantI haven’t gotten this far yet, but I am interested to know this answer as well. I thought it was as simple as you have laid out. I might be to working on DOS emulation in a couple days and might have some sort of input then.
Till then I will watch this thread with anticipation.
ParticipantOhh ya worked 52GB’s available ;P
ParticipantThink I got this problem solved.
take your SD card to another pi or same pie but in a reader with the pi booting off a different SD card.
Boot up Raspbian hit the terminal and
sudo apt-get install gparted
will probably give you a sudo dpkg –configure -a run that then the above command
open file browser /usr/share/applications/gparted <– launch itNow choose device and being that the device AKA SD card is not currently in use because you booted off another card… You can unlock the partitions, tell gparted to resize it to the size you want.
Sad thing is berry boot doesn’t keep a partition for each OS it has loaded. Thus Berry boot is the partition and everything resides on it. So you can not dedicate particular space to an OS.
Oh one other thing never take up all your HD space if you do everything starts to act really weird and not work. so pay attention to disk space.
Its resizing now, if this doesn’t work I will follow up with a post otherwise this is the solution.
ParticipantAfter fresh berry boot install of retropie 2.3
F4 to exit emulation station
sudi raspi-config
choosing expand file systemERROR!
/dev/root does not exist or is not a symlink. Don’t know how to expand.osias
ParticipantKarlos – what does overclocking have to do with volume management?
Floob – that’s what I said I already did at the beginning of my post and it didn’t work.
Is there not a piece of software out there to manage partitions?
ParticipantYa well I just made a post about that – your comments on it would be appreciated.
ParticipantFloob I will have to look into that and see if it works. I will get back to you now I am having to work on expending the volume its a 64gb card and only using 8gb and its full.
MZP its no hijack, wish I could help you more in return. Look I think I had some sort of incomplete or corrupt install or I really messed up permissions and or the code somewhere. A fresh install following these instructions should work.
Berry boot
Install retro-pie 2.3
exit it run sudo ./
update scripts – succeded
run sudo ./
run binary normal setup – alot of items seems like they failed
run install xbox driver — failed with force yes not used
run register retro-arch controller
Launch WinSCP
Move over a nes test rom so more emulators show up and I can test controller
When station starts setup controller from menu
launch new rom – controller finally worked yay!osias
ParticipantAny word on getting this included in the default program, I would like to play my coleco roms as well.
ParticipantStill that above video tutorial doesn’t work I have put the config in the /all config file and in the individual emulator config file.
Some more information on controller scripts would be great and what each emulator is expecting and how to override the global.
Why because currently the nes is working with the d-pad and I would like to use the analog.
I know I am just winy aren’t I. Just so close want to get it working the way I want it to work without any fuss.
ParticipantI finally said screw it something is wrong I dumped the OS and went from scratch and this is what I did.
Berry boot
Install retro-pie 2.3
exit it run sudo ./
update scripts – succeded
run sudo ./
run binary normal setup – alot of items seems like they failed
run install xbox driver — failed with force yes not used
run register retro-arch controller
Launch WinSCP
Move over a nes test rom so more emulators show up and I can test controller
When station starts setup controller from menu
launch new rom – controller finally worked yay!osias
ParticipantI am able to load a mame game and hit tab and program my wireless 360 controller there and it works in mame. But all the automatic if it works in emulation station does not work.
I have redone that script and rebooted several times.
ParticipantI was actually just about to post this up I just found this and ran through it and it didn’t work… So yes I found this, although the structure is out of date again I found the files etc. I even put the relevant lines of config information into the individual emulator config files and it doesn’t pick up the controller.
Also I notice that I only have 8gb avail of space when I am using a 64gb card.
I found this command to expand the file system but its not working
expand_rootfs, finish, reboot says command not found even if I put sudo in from doesn’t seem to matter. -