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Participantok, I am a major noob so this may or may not help. however I have been trying to set up multiplayer gaming using 2 xbox 360 wireless adaptors through trial and error (a hell of alot more error), I ended up half following the git hub site that you posted but the buttons were all wrong for me, so I edited the config file, at the very bottom where it says #player 1 down is what I use. it works for the dpad but i cannot get the analogue sticks working as yet. You may be able to copy and paste it into your config file.
#Player 1
input_player1_joypad_index = 0
input_player1_b_btn = “0”
input_player1_a_btn = “1”
input_player1_y_btn = “2”
input_player1_x_btn = “3”
input_player1_l_btn = “4”
input_player1_r_btn = “5”
input_player1_start_btn = “7”
input_player1_select_btn = “6”
input_player1_up_btn = “13”
input_player1_down_btn = “14”
input_player1_left_btn = “11”
input_player1_right_btn = “12”Input_player2_l2_axis = “-2”
Input_player1_r2_btn = “10”
Input_player1_l3_btn = “9”
Input_player1_r3_btn = “10”
Input_player1_l_x_plus_btn = “+0”
Input_player1_l_x_minus_btn = “-0”
Input_player1_l_y_plus_btn = “+1”
Input_player1_l_y_minus_btn = “-1”
Input_player1_r_x_plus_btn = “+3”
Input_player1_r_x_minus_btn = “-3”
Input_player1_r_y_plus_btn = “+4”
Input_player1_r_y_minus_axis = “-4”#Player 2
input_player2_joypad_index = 1
input_player2_b_btn = 0
input_player2_a_btn = 1
input_player2_y_btn = 2
input_player2_x_btn = 3
input_player2_l_btn = 4
input_player2_r_btn = 5
input_player2_start_btn = 7
input_player2_select_btn = 6
input_player2_up_btn = 13
input_player2_down_btn = 14
input_player2_left_btn = 11
input_player2_right_btn = 12
Input_player2_joypad_index = “1”
Input_player2_b_axis = “-2”
Input_player2_y_btn = “2”
Input_player2_select_btn = “6”
Input_player2_start_btn = “7”
Input_player2_up_btn = “13”
Input_player2_down_btn = “14”
Input_player2_left_btn = “11”
Input_player2_right_btn = “12”
Input_player2_a_btn = “1”
Input_player2_x_btn = “3”
Input_player2_l_btn = “4”
Input_player2_r_btn = “5”
Input_player2_l2_axis = “-2”
Input_player2_r2_btn = “10”
Input_player2_l3_btn = “9”
Input_player2_r3_btn = “10”
Input_player2_l_x_plus_btn = “+0”
Input_player2_l_x_minus_btn = “-0”
Input_player2_l_y_plus_btn = “+1”
Input_player2_l_y_minus_btn = “-1”
Input_player2_r_x_plus_btn = “+3”
Input_player2_r_x_minus_btn = “-3”
Input_player2_r_y_plus_btn = “+4”
Input_player2_r_y_minus_axis = “-4”someone with more experience may be able to help more/get the joysticks working, there is a stickied post at the top with what controllers people are using and has some config files data that may help.
Participantsorry I have realised I have put the wrong thread I used to fix the first controller.
Xbox controller not working in any emulator, blinking light, tried everything
trimmtrabb’s code worked for the single controller
sudo chown pi /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
cd /opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin
sudo ./retroarch-joyconfig -j 0 >> /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfgbut i cant seem to get it to work for a second controller, when i change the “-j 0” to “-j 1” it puts player ones controller on a different joystick but still wont let me configure it anyway. hope this helps.