Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHI snowscars, Im now able to exit to emulation station and shutdown that way, all I done was reboot the system…I can live with that :) thanks everyone for the input, I now have an endless supply of tv for my little girl.
Participantmaybe time to start from another fresh image, this time using 2.4.2 !
Thanks for the info and the lesson! im in the process now of reading rasp pi for beginners. Thanks Floobnoobaphile
ParticipantHi Floob, sorted the kodi start up issue thanks, I renamed it like you explained.
starts ok now….however it gives me a black screen freeze when powering down or restarting form Kodinoobaphile
ParticipantFloob i have navigated to that location now im ready to edit, but what to and is it just acase of deleteing the txt here and typing a different name ?
Sry im a complete begginer to Rasp Pi.noobaphile
Participantis this the correct file to rename ?
Participantsry Floob where should i be looking for this .sh file ?
i have atached a pic of the directoriesnoobaphile
ParticipantHi Floob, in the location ports i have
i tried renaming it to Kodi,
to get it to run
from console i type kodi, sry not xbmc, it just took a while to start after typing kodi.
so should i add -standalone to the ?
im confused arent they both the same in your previous post ?noobaphile
ParticipantIm having trouble with this i get the error Xbmc standalone command not found.
i tried editing the file to Kodi but still doesnt work.
to get the Kodi to run from console i have to type xbmc.
any ideas…i updated prior to install using sudo apt get update.
ParticipantI think I’ll go down the fresh image route, I have multiple duplicate roms, so this time I will take my time and do it right, Thanks Floob, I’m going to follow your video for configuring Mame controls. Your a gentleman if your ever in Glasgow I’ll buy you a pint.
ParticipantNever mind I found it, but now none of my Mame roms start after editing this file
ParticipantHi Floob. sry i have taken so long to reply, i transfered all my roms using usb so this was my first time using filezilla to view the directories. I cant seem to find this location that i need to alter the default.cfg. I have attached a pic of my directories, could you point me in the right direction, Once again thanks, your help is really apreciatted!
ParticipantHi Floob, Im using a windows based pc, should this txt file look like jibberish on my pc ?. if i navigate to this file using ssh, can i just delete then replace with your copy, I dont want to have to go through reflashing an image of retropie and tranfering all my roms. Thanks agian Floob.
ParticipantThanks Floob, I was hoping there was an easier way
ParticipantHi Floob. Its 2.4.1 i beleive, when i was configuring inputs , by accident i wiped the button for select, so now i cant select anything to rectify it. I know im an idiot, thanks for the quick reply Floob.
ParticipantHi that would be very helpful for me, thanks, but I can’t see the link!
ParticipantThanks Floob! Btw I asked you the same question on your retropie 101 video on YouTube comments tonight, Great Video! Do you think I would be best to start a fresh install of Retropie 2.4, I’m currently using 2.3, it looks like a lot of my roms have the wrong file extension.
Example genesis games=.gen . Thank you -