Forum Replies Created
ParticipantYou should post this request in the new official forum of EmulationStation at
Participant[quote=82510]My solution was a bit easier. I went here: Uploaded the .png, had the website save it as .svg, done. I was able to copy one of the themes and modify the files as needed. Below is a snapshot of the nds theme.[/quote]
Converters like these are very crappy. You will never get the precision of doing it by hand. Outlines are scruffy most of the time. Better use Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator to draw the logos by hand.
ParticipantAt the moment there is no menu sound defined in the simple theme as of version 1.4. We first have to implement various points where sounds can be played, for instance launching a game or going back to the systems screen. It will be in one of the next releases of ES. Stay tuned!
ParticipantI have set the maximum image space used for boxart for each system individually. You say that Mega CD does display the UK boxart too small? I will have a look at it.
ParticipantMSX is included in v1.4 of the theme. download @
Participantnow obsolete with v1.4 of the theme. download @
Participantnow obsolete with v1.4 of the theme. download @
ParticipantHey folks,
a quick update from the ES devs. We will include the ability to define sounds for various events in the ES UI. For instance opening the main menu, entering a system or launching a game. No ETA, but it will come :)
Participantnow obsolete with v1.4 of the theme. download @
Participantnow obsolete with v1.4 of the theme. download @
Participantnow obsolete with v1.4 of the theme. download @
Participant[quote=84824]I think nilsbyte got a little upset. I think i need to clarify that im taking about when you first power on the retropie. I dont think its unreasonable to want to hide all the ugly boot sequence that comes up when you power on the retropie. Im not talking about when you load a game that would be stupid. Hiding all that console text is good User Experience Design and give your machine a more polished look. [/quote]
There is actually a better way than overlaying a video over the console output, i have experimented quite a bit with ‘plymouth’, the tool which is used by big linux distribtions such as Red Hat or Debian. plymouth has the benefit that it only lasts until the boot is complete. A video overlay has a fixed duration and will be finished even if the Pi takes longer to boot someday. I have created a nice loading animation and forwarded it to petrockblog, but it looks like he did not care about it. What a shame.
Participant[quote=87720]Excellent! Thanks – I’ve been distracted for a few weeks and have not been working on this at all – nor have I logged into the forum.
nilsbyte – I would never remove any of your credits, believe me.
As soon as I get back into the swing of things I’ll post what I have so far!
Thanks! Please post your theme in the official ES forum over here:
ParticipantFor you system theme wishes:
Any theme requests for the official ‘simple’ stock theme go here:
Participant[quote=89761]I use GIMP (linux version) to edit/resize and export/save .svg files from any source (jpg’s, png’s, bmp’s, etc)[/quote]
Holy ****, guys.
JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP or whatever are PIXEL BASED formats…
SVG is a VECTOR BASED format.
The advantages of this format is that you can scale it without losing quality or seeing pixelation.
We implemented SVG support in ES to benefit from the advantages of this VECTOR BASED format, so you should use a vector based source, not JPEGs or similar.
If you dont have any vector data, you also can implement simple PNGs with alpha channel to achieve similar results, but you will lose the ability to scale the image without decreasing quality.
Participant[quote=89706]Well, it is not that easy, of course.
First of all, a big thank you for the people who worked on the different pieces of the puzzle making the .img uploaded by Buzz.
However, tons of things are missing. First, why is there only a Genesys logo and not a proper Megadrive one? We have the proper Megadrive name referenced 2 millions in all the different paths and so on, but 0 logo???
Also, no Famicom, Super Famicom, and so on… We are not all American, might be good to have the real proper original name and logo of those machines.
And I can already see people saying : “If you are not happy with it, then why don’t you do it?”. Well, I tried. I even downloaded Inkscape, made my .svg and so on… But the next second you dare to change anything, you will end up with a ES segment fault, go F yourself, I don’t boot anymore error. That is correct, swapping something as simple as a .svg file will just mess up the whole thing 99% of the time. And during the last 1%, I could implement a png, but there is no alpha channel and they look like crap. This is the less custom friendly thing ever.
So if any rocket scientist could think of some of us living outside the US, that would be amazing! The work has been done half properly for the PC Engine for example. Supporting Japanese characters in ES would be nice as well, I am sick of seeing all those half ass romaji all over the place.
[/quote]I am the author of the official ‘simple’ theme and UI artist for ES.
First of all, the ES ‘simple’ theme was made with focus on the US system names. But you are right, in the case of Genesis/Mega Drive there are different games for each system as many of the US games were not released in Europe. You can contribute a theme for that, if you like. There is an official thread in the ES forum over here:
Secondly, your problems with SVG most likely originate from not using decent software. Inkscape is just crap. Better use Adobe Illustrator, if you can afford it.
ParticipantHere’s the author of the original ‘simple’ theme :)
@nolageek i did not get any email from you?If you use my work as base, be sure to attribute me by mentioning the source of the underlying theme. thanks!
You can change the color of the help system icons and text as well as the position of the two:
pos - type: NORMALIZED_PAIR. Default is "0.012 0.9515" textColor - type: COLOR. Default is 777777FF. iconColor - type: COLOR. Default is 777777FF. fontPath - type: PATH. fontSize - type: FLOAT.
i defined the helpsystem properties per-system as each background image in carousel view is differenet, so the help system needs another color value to be readable. you can either change the values in each theme.xml or delete the values there and define it globally in simple.xml. per system values always overrite global values.
Participant[quote=84739]You know what i would like…
a slide show… like when a game is loading you get a slideshow of companies and technologies involved with making the game and then the games actual splash screen until the game is ready like this
<span class=”embed-youtube” style=”text-align:center; display: block;”>[youtube</span>
like a screen saying “raspberry pi” with logo then it transitions to a screen saying “RetroPie” then maybe something like “Powered by: Emulation station” and then the splash screen for your custom machine and it stays on that until it finishes loading.
for now its all on one screen (view attached image)…. and then the emulations station splashscreen again.
[/quote]This makes absolutely no sense as the games are usually ready instantly. Most of the people even want to get rid of the logo intros you are are suggesting (in regular windows games). I don’t get why everybody in here wants to slow down boot/loading process with a damn video. I am leaving this discussion now.
To all people
Feature requests regarding EmulationStation go here:
Me and Aloshi will evaluate every issue posted there.
I personally think RetroPie is the worst case for emulating retro consoles, it’s power is too low to achieve accurate emulation, it’s a pain to setup and it has many issues. Better go with a HTPC, Windows 8 and EmulationStation.
Participant[quote=83516]I have another question, I can’t seam to find anything about it online, but does anyone know how I can play a video instead of “DIM” or “Blank Screen” in the screensaver?
[/quote]You can’t. The screensaver modes are built into EmulationStation, you’ll have to code a way by yourself to do make it play movies. At the moment we are not planning to add this feature. If more people demand this feature, we will eventually think about it.
ParticipantGuys, this is somewhat pointless. The time ES needs to load varies depending on the number of systems and ROMs present in your folders. If you overlay a video with omxplayer, you would have to stop the time ES needs to load completely for your individual installation. And then it’s only valid until you add more ROMS. The video would always play either longer than ES needs to get to the carousel or shorter.
EmulationStation is branded, it will stay like this, but you can always take the source, replace the svg for the logo and compile it. Easiest way.
ParticipantRetroPie itself offers a variety of splash screens and you even can use your own. This should be sufficient for everyone. I won’t discuss this further, sorry. Head over to the github page of emulationstation to file a request.
ParticipantThanks for the instructions. I didn’t know that WEB BASED SVG EDITOR and yes, it opens a new page in your browser if you select “SAVE IMAGE” from the menu. then you can save the SVG to disk. Now I understand.
If it should stay, why do you want to replace it? :-) Just sayin’
I will talk to Aloshi if he can add the switch to hide the splash screen. I will post here if i have an answer.nilsbyte
Participant[quote]or, if it must be changed, here’s a thought, is there any way for the user to select any image, but somehow with the logo actually being automatically added or having the logo over-lay the custom image, not as large as the original maybe half the size, possibly center bottom area, so as the logo and text are always seen/used, but with a custom background, and still giving Aloshe and Nils the credit they deserve
just a thought[/quote]from a graphical point of view that would be tricky to still look good with custom splash screens because you cant really adjust it in a way that suits all possibilities. I will give this suggestion a second thought and some tests. Maybe I can come up with a solution.
Thanks for your feedback!
As for changing the “ES” screen look on the Web for an SVG editor
[/quote]I know, Inkscape for instance
save image and new web page will open right click save page as.
will automatically save as svg file.
[/quote]Thats the part that is not understandable. You cant simply save an image as SVG. SVG = Scalable vector graphics. This means your art is build from vectors. If you save pixel based stuff into an SVG file it totally fails it’s purpose. Your instructions are very unclear.
Copy this file to your RPI as sudo.
If you have any good screeners please upload for all to try.
[/quote]Assuming you want to compile ES from source code, it would work to copy the SVG to your pi. You have to place the SVG in the same folder where the original logo SVG is placed (/data/logo/ES_logo.svg). You will have to overwrite the file or change the path in the source code to point to your SVG. After that you can compile ES with your custom SVG.
Replacing the logo after compiling ES is and will not be possible. Maybe we will add a command line switch to turn off the loading screen completely.
I am not trying to privatize anything, you can fetch the source code and change it as you like. Of course you have to maintain your branch by yourself from that point on. As InsecureSpike wrote, we want to keep the logo because it’s the branding and it credits our work.
PS: Next time, be more accurate with your instructions, that way everyone benefits from it.
And thanks again for the compliment. All of your feedback is appreciated! I pointed out two solutions for your question. I hope it’s in your mind.
As for changing the “ES” screen look on the Web for an SVG editor
save image and new web page will open right click save page as.
will automatically save as svg file.
Copy this file to your RPI as sudo.
If you have any good screeners please upload for all to try.PS
I Personally like the new look
[/quote]Thats just wrong. Don’t confuse people with this.
ParticipantHi folks, i wanted to give a statement over here, too.
I am the UI designer and collaborator of Aloshi on his project EmulationStation. As you can see we pushed ES very far, created a whole new UI, extended the theming system and gave it a logo that is the official branding.
Just like other applications have their logo, so do we. It will be displayed upon launch of the application. It’s not supposed to be replaced by something else. It’s also not possible to change the background color of the logo as it’s supposed to be on white for best contrast.
Of course ES is open source and you can alter the source code to place your own logo or remove it completely, but the official branch will always contain the loading screen with the ES logo.
@retropieGM63 i noticed your bad english, if you are from germany i may be able to describe it to you in this language. i am not sure if you got what i wrote numerous times now.
I hope you all understand. Thank you
Participant[quote=1315]Hey thanks for posting this for me. If anyone wants it, i have the original eps file that i made for the “Mushberry”. Feel free to rework it however you see fit. (just made vinyl decals for my box)
hey, i am Nils and i am working on EmulationStation with Aloshi. I am doing the themes and i would like to use the MUSHBERRY as the symbol for the ‘Ports’-System which houses all game-ports like Doom, Wolfenstein 3D etc.
Can you send the EPS? Thank you!