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ParticipantYou can configure safestates with these lines in your retroarch config:
savefile_directory = /home/pi/RetroPie/savestate savestate_directory = /home/pi/RetroPie/savestate input_save_state = “9″ input_load_state = “11″
Remember to change the button number to the corresponding button of your controller
ParticipantYou can set an exit button in retroarch with:
input_exit_emulator_btn = "9"
You have to enter the corresponding number to your L2 button.
If you want to have an additional hotkey so that you can only exit the emulators if you’re pressing two buttons add:
input_enable_hotkey_btn = "8"
For everything that’s not retroarch you have to check the config files if there’s any way to configure the exit button.
I’m not sure if it’s even possible for mame4all, pifba, pisnes, osmose or gpsp to customize the exit button.Mutex
ParticipantFor mame4all press [Tab] wenn you are ingame. There you can configure the controls for mame4all and the different roms. It may be possible that saving won’t work since mame wants to write the config files to /opt/retropie/emulators/mame4all-pi/cfgs which needs root privileges. If that’s the case you have to run mame manually with sudo and configure the controls.
pifba has it’s config file in /opt/retropie/emulators/pifba and it’s called pifba2x.cfg I think. You have to configure your controls manually in the file.
ParticipantYou still have to configure the controls for the retroarch framework. Emulationstation has its own control configuration that has no influence on the emulators themselves. The configuration file lies in /opt/retropie/configs/all/ if you want to do it by hand. But i think there’s also a menuoption in the retropie_setup script.
See this link for how to configure your retroarch controls.
Participant[quote=11792]i’ve also same problem with kevin…i’ve last version (2.1) of retropie and my es_systems.cfg for mame is
<fullname>MAME</fullname> <name>mame</name> <path>~/RetroPie/roms/mame</path> <extension>.zip .ZIP</extension> <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 4 “/opt/retropie/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame %BASENAME%”</command> <!– alternatively: <command>/opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/emulatorcores/imame4all-libretro/ –config /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg –appendconfig /opt/retropie/configs/mame/retroarch.cfg %ROM% </command> –> <platform>arcade</platform> <theme>mame</theme>
now every game that i open give me an error missing files and it return to emulationstation. how can i fix that?
[/quote]Check the post right above yours and do the same thing.
[quote=11788]Editing /opt/retropie/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame.cfg and replacing the line
rompath=/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mamenow MAME4All works ! thx
ParticipantNeither uae4all2 nor the new PCE core are included. But using them in your own setup is as easy as changing a line in the es_systems.cfg. I just tried the new PCE core and it runs pretty solid, definitly smoother than the old core, although I only had minor slowdowns when I tried Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire with the old one.
ParticipantThe folderstructure of retropie is still the same. The only difference is that everything got moved to the /opt/ folder. You can find the retroarch-joyconfig in:
ParticipantIf you switch the tty (ctrl + alt + f2) and then switch back to the first one (ctrl + alt + f1) the terminal will be there. Seems like something goes wrong with closing emulationstation.
ParticipantThe fba controls are configured in /opt/retropie/emulators/pifba/
There’s somewhere a fba2x.cfg or something.
ParticipantThe MAME page in EmulationStation is not related to the emulator you are using. It’s just a theme for EmulationStation, so nothing will change here by using mame4all.
Your problem with the ROMs sounds like you’re trying to use a wrong romset version. mame4all uses the MAME 0.37b5 romset. Roms from newer sets will probably not work. Google should show you how you can get that specific romset.
06/23/2014 at 10:03 in reply to: Does Retropie require Raspberry Pi or can I boot it using Android Mini hardware? #9080Mutex
ParticipantThe Retropie image is built on top of the Raspbian image and that needs a Raspberry to run on (it’s just a Debian tailored to run on a Raspberry Pi so…).
What you can do is installing Retroarch on your device. There’s even an image in the Play store (). I don’t know if EmulationStation will compile on an android system but you shouldn’t need it since RetroArch seems to have a GUI on Android.Mutex
ParticipantTried those games:
Cadash: no problems at all
Double Dungeons – W: also no problems
Pac-Land: Got into the game but the controls are really wierd
Ballistix: Game loaded but i couldn’t select anything in the menu
Order of the Griffon: same as Ballistix (just as you described)
Dungeon Explorer: Got to a tavern view with some text telling me to select the numbers of players. At that point the game got really slow and didn’t take any inputsMutex
ParticipantWhich emulator are you using? The retroarch core or the standalone one?
I didn’t have any problems with running too fast in the standalone one (mame4all-rpi).Mutex
ParticipantGenesis/SNES games run mostly at fullspeed.
But since almost every emulator on the RPi is optimized for speed and not compatibility you are bound to run into problems with obscure roms.That said, there are roms that bring the speed of the emulators down, especially the current NES emulator. If you don’t want to tinker with your RPi you should better keep your hands off. As you see in this forum you will run into problems setting the hole thing up and you will find the limitations of the system.
I overclocked my RPi to values comparable to the Turbo settings and i’d say:
SNES: 99% (Depending on the game, some games have sound stutter)
Genesis: 100% (Haven’t run into any problems with this one)
NES: 90% (Lots of games run fullspeed but some have serious slowdowns)Mutex
ParticipantSince the emulator doesn’t need the files you can ssh into your RPi, go to the specific folder and remove all files with ._
You can remove them easily withrm ._*
Although you have to be certain that you don’t have anything named ._ that you are still going to need because once they are deleted it’s really hard to get them back.
ParticipantFor the NeoGeo roms you definetly need the neogeo bios. The games won’t work without the bios.
About the non NeoGeo roms… maybe your using the wrong version of the roms. Mame is very specific about the roms it can use. Imame4all uses the 037b5 romset. Some roms are still the same as in that romset but a lot of roms aren’t compatible with that version anymore. Google should show you some sources with the right version if you search for it.
If you don’t want to go through all the hassle you can check if the roms you want to play are compatible with final burn alpha. (Capcom CPS1/CPS2 & NeoGeo games for example) This emulator normally has no problems with newer versions of roms. Every rom I tried worked out of the box. Although you still need the bios files for NeoGeo games.
ParticipantIf you don’t want to add them to the retropie install scripts, you can put them anywhere. All you have to do is add them to the es_systems.cfg. It doesn’t matter where the emulator is placed.
ParticipantWhat about overwriting the button layouts in the system specific retroarch.cfg?
ParticipantPlease stop using sudo for accessing all files. Using sudo in this way can be very dangerous.
Files in your home-directory shouldn’t require root rights to be accessible. If there’s a file that does require it, something is terribly wrong.If you have to use sudo to access a file, it normally means that you can break your system (or atleast a part of your) if you’re doing something wrong. So always be sure about your changes if your system asks you for a root password.
About the gamepads:
Does your RPi register that there’s a gamepad connected via USB? You can check all USB-devices with lsusb.
Replug your gamepad while your RPi is running. After that check if dmesg has any useful information for you.Mutex
Participant[quote=6622]You could try being a parent and telling your son not to play during certain hours or you’ll bust his ass!
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
[/quote]What a useful answer…
You could create a cron job that removes and adds the permission for execution from the emulationstation binary. After that the GUI can only be started during certain hours. But that would only stop emulationstation from working. The different emulators would still be executable.
Participant[quote=6539]Now I’m kind of curious… Has anybody gotten Retropie to work with Turbo CD games? I haven’t seen proof that anybody has. If you have, what did you do?[/quote]
I just got the PC-Engine CDs working. I had to put the syscard3.pce into the roms folder, because the emulatorcore somehow ignores the system_directory entry in retroarch.cfg. After adding “.cue” to the EXTENSIONS in es_systems.cfg the games show up and can be played. Both .cue/.bin and .cue/.iso work.
What you have to look out for are errors in the cue files. I found some that hat the path to the iso completely in upper letters, bu since Linux is case sensitive i had to change that to the actual name of the iso-file.
ParticipantYou just have to change the order of the entries in ~/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg.
The emulators will show up according to that order (top to bottom).
If you want an emulator to not show up just comment it out in that same file.
Participant1) Although the controller works fine with all the emulators, How do i configure the controller for individual emulators? Does this involve editing the retrocharch.cfg file in the relevant emulator folder?
That depends on the emulator you are using. Only the retroarch cores will use the retroarch.cfg files in the different folders. Most other emulators (mame4all-pi, pifba, gpsp, etc.) use their own config files. Check the folders in RetroPie/emulators/ for the different config files.
4) I can start the PSX emulator fine but get the yellow text ‘Bios not found..expect’ message. I have put the file schp1001.bin in the /home/pi/RetroPie/emulatorcores folder and its also in the roms\psx folder (filename is in lowercase).
Any ideas? What problem will be caused by the psx emu not detecting the bios (if any).I think Retroarch looks in the Bios folder for the different system bios. You can either change the config or move the bios in that folder. Check the retroarch.cfg for the specific folder.
I don’t have a xbox controller so i have no idea about that.
ParticipantI switched to the uae4all by chips.
It has a working GUI, so you can easily change the disks during play.It runs okish with the cyclone binary. I had some heavy frameskipping when the emulator was still loading the disks. But every game that I tried so far works pretty good.
I tried to get the uae4rpi working but never got the keyboard to work.
ParticipantHave you tried to start the emulator from command line? It seems the runcommand script doesn’t find the path/binary that you are trying to execute.
You can start the emulator from commandline with:
See if theres something in that specific folder with:
ls -l /home/pi/RetroPie/emulators/gpsp
ParticipantThe Genesis emulator used in retropie right now is not part of retroarch. So changing stuff in the retroarch.cfg won’t change anything in that specific emulator. In your config/all/ folder lies a second config file next to your retroarch.cfg. It’s called dgen.* (don’t remeber the exact name). That’s the file you’re looking for. When you open the file you will see that it already has configured bindings for your gamepad. To change your select & start button on the gamepad just switch the values of the two entries:
joy_pad1_mode = joystick0-button9
“joy_pad1_start = joystick0-button8I don’t now if it is even possible within DGEN (the Genesis emulator) to emulate the behavior of the hotkey button thingy in retroarch, but you can add a custom exit button to that config.
Hope I could help you & good luck changing the config.