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ParticipantUPDATE: The solution for the Mayflash stick is embarassingly simple. I checked the Mayflash website and found out that if you press Auto and Clear together once the stick becomes a normal two-axis stick, press them again and it goes back to a hat switch. For MAME doing this is enough, the default controls will then work happily.
Sadly the stick doesn’t remember this and defaults to hat switch mode so you’ll need to do it every time.
P.S. If you do that and return to EmulationStation you won’t be able to navigate until you re-configure the stick using the GUI. Just toggle back to hat switch mode, bring up the menu, click Configure Input, toggle back to axis mode and go through the process.
I also modified my config file so that the stick works in RetroArch in axis mode:
input_device = "MY-POWER CO.,LTD. Mayflash Arcade Stick" input_driver = "udev" input_a_btn = 0 input_b_btn = 1 input_x_btn = 4 input_y_btn = 5 input_l_btn = 2 input_r_btn = 3 input_l2_btn = 6 input_r2_btn = 7 input_select_btn = 8 input_start_btn = 9 #input_up_btn = h0up #input_down_btn = h0down #input_left_btn = h0left #input_right_btn = h0right input_l_x_plus_axis = +0 input_l_x_minus_axis = -0 input_l_y_plus_axis = +1 input_l_y_minus_axis = -1 input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8 input_exit_emulator_btn = 4 input_save_state_btn = 2 input_load_state_btn = 3 input_state_slot_increase_btn = 6 input_state_slot_decrease_btn = 7 input_menu_toggle_btn = 0
I have one of these sticks and it works happily in everything except MAME (still working on that).
I used retroarch-joyconfig to create a .cfg and stored it in /opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/configs/That way it auto-detects the controller and sorts itself out. My config file looks like this:
input_device = "MY-POWER CO.,LTD. Mayflash Arcade Stick" input_driver = "udev" input_a_btn = 0 input_b_btn = 1 input_x_btn = 4 input_y_btn = 5 input_l_btn = 2 input_r_btn = 3 input_l2_btn = 6 input_r2_btn = 7 input_select_btn = 8 input_start_btn = 9 input_up_btn = h0up input_down_btn = h0down input_left_btn = h0left input_right_btn = h0right input_l_x_plus_btn = h0right input_l_x_minus_btn = h0left input_l_y_plus_btn = h0up input_l_y_minus_btn = h0down input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8 input_exit_emulator_btn = 4 input_save_state_btn = 2 input_load_state_btn = 3 input_state_slot_increase_btn = 6 input_state_slot_decrease_btn = 7 input_menu_toggle_btn = 0
As you can see the stick is being detected as a hat and that’s what’s giving me headaches with MAME, but it works just fine with RetroArch cores. MAME just doesn’t see an input when I move the stick, although it sees the buttons just fine.
Hope that’s of some help though.
EDIT: The issue with hats and Mame4AllPi seems to be known, is there any chance that the patch mentioned below might be included in a later RetroPie image/binary installation?
ParticipantHi chrisdem,
After the = you need to add the numbers for the buttons you want to use. They will be the ones you set up using retroarch-joyconfig
Then you need to hold the button you setup as input_enable_hotkey_btn and press the button you setup as input_menu_toggle_btn at the same time.
If you use some controllers you’ll find the button maps differ depending on the drivers, this happens with the Xbox 360 controllers depending on whether you use the image 2.3 native xpad drivers or the xboxdrv drivers to avoid the flashing lights.
Hope that helps.