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Participant[quote=113833]Here is a brief overview of gngeo config if it helps
<span class=”embed-youtube” style=”text-align:center; display: block;”>
That 35 min. video was very helpful for me when I set up my Pi for the Neo Geo. But it does not explain how to convert ROMs from one romset version to another (nor where to get the “old” romsets…).meneerjansen
ParticipantAbout GnGeo-Pi and its controller setup. You can choose almost any button to activate the menu and set certain buttons on your Gamepad to be the “yes” and “no” to choose options in the menu (like Exit). This is my from my personal tips and hints text file, hope it helps:
About GNGeo-Pi:
Emulator used: GnGeo-Pi. See Once you’ve started GnGeo-Pi at least once a file called gngeorc will be created here:/home/pi/.gngeo/gngeorc
For more info about the config file, see:
Example, my /home/pi/.gngeo/gngeorc file:
# Meaning of the code:
# Kxxx : keyboad key number xxx
# JxByy : Joystick number x Button
# JxAyy : Joystick number x Axe yy (use a lowercase ‘a’ if you need to invert the axis)
# JxHyy : Joystick number x Hat yy
p1control A=J0B0,B=J0B1,C=J0B2,D=J0B3,START=J0B9,COIN=J0B8,UP=J0a1,DOWN=J0a1,LEFT=J0A0,RIGHT=J0A0,MENU=J0B7
# system type? arcade or home
# ‘home’ doesn’t seem to work…
# country?
# japan, usa, europe
rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeoAbout Joysticks:
Config files -> Joystick configuration is vague and complex. The following config files are but a few:[1] /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/ThrustmasterTMiniWireless.cfg
[2] /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
[3] /opt/retropie/configs/nes/retroarch.cfg (EXAMPLE)
([4] /home/pi/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg )Button codes -> Find the numbers for the various buttons on your particular gamepad in [1]. File [4] seems to be an over ride. Example of gamepad entry fot the Nintendo NES in file [3] []:
input_player1_a_btn = 0
input_player1_b_btn = 1
input_player1_y_btn = 2
input_player1_x_btn = 3
input_player1_start_btn =
input_player1_select_btn =
input_player1_l_btn =
input_player1_r_btn =
input_player1_left_btn =
input_player1_right_btn =
input_player1_up_btn =
input_player1_down_btn =
input_player1_l2_btn =
input_player1_r2_btn =
input_player1_l3_btn =
input_player1_r3_btn =Test joystick/determine numbers of your buttons etc. []:
jstest /dev/input/js0
Setup controller -> from command line:
sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/
and choose “Register Retroachch controller”.
Participant[@mod: sorry for mentioning a specific ROM site, I thought that it would be okay because I did not post the exact internet address of the site]
If some games do work in GnGEo-Pi then the BIOS file you have and the configuration of GnGeo-Pi is good. The only thing that’s probably wrong is that CrlMame did not convert all ROM’s that you have into something that can actually be used by the GnGeo-Pi version that RetroPie uses. Since I do not know where to upload the ROM’s that I have, and given that it is most definitely forbidden to even discuss this on this forum, I guess that you’ll have to jump through some pretty difficult hoops to get Neo Geo ROM’s from romset 0.138 (see this link for info) then from the internet (torrent?).
The link that I mentioned says that GnGeo-Pi in RetroPie uses romset 0.138, piFBA uses romset 0.114 and that lr-FBA uses romset 0.154. That means that if a ROM works in GnGeo-Pi (in RetroPie) then it wil definitely not work in FBA because they need different romset versions.
Good luck! :)
ParticipantI tried downloading Metal Slug from REMOVED do not post romsites! and switching it for the working version of M. Slug that I have on my RetroPie. It didn’t work. So I’m convinced that you’ve got one of those infamous ROM incompatibility issues.
I’m lucky enough to own a ROM set that I downloaded years ago. That GeoGeo and Mame set works w/ the versions of the emulators in RetroPie.
I guess that you should ask help on converting your ROM set to and older version and check that the BIOS file you have works too. I don’t know if the BIOS Zip file needs to be of a certain version too. In the links that the others gave you above there appears to be a method of converting ROMs if I’m not mistaken.
Good luck in converting!
P.S. I use GnGeo-Pi.
ParticipantWow. Configuring HDMI output is more difficult than I thought. See this site for alle the options. It appears that I have a very small 4:3 VGA monitor (used only for RetroPie) and that you use a full blown 16:9 monitor w/ 1280×1024 pixels (hence hdmi_group=1 and hdmi_mode=35).
ParticipantMaybe it will help: this is what I have in my /boot/config.txt:
hdmi_group=1 hdmi_mode=0 sdtv_mode=2
I use a HDMI to VGA converter too.
ParticipantSee this topic.
I can not get sound from ColEm. On the other hand, Cool_CV runs too slow on a Pi 1B to be useful (see this forum).
I do have, however, an emu w/ which I can play CV games in RetroPie. But I got it via a private mail from a user named IntvDave from the AtariAge forum. It is an emulator of the home computer “version” of the CV named the ‘Adam’ (the emu is calles AdamEm). However, he cannot release this emu because he is not the owner of the emulator so he has no say when the emulator will be released. He does have the permission to share it, like he did w/ me.
ParticipantStop the press! I’ve been using Linux for ten years now and had many a problem. When I got the solution I always understood why the solution worked. This time, however, I don’t get why the following works:
1. Goto the Retropie config screen in EmulationStation
2. Choose ‘configure audio’
3. In the dialog script/screen choose ‘Auto’ (as opposed to HDMI or headphones etc.).
4. Sound works.Maybe one day I’ll find where this shell script is on the SD card and then I’ll kmow why it works and Alsa settings don’t… :-)
[edit] Oops. Sound works via command line except in ‘colem’ (the Colecovision emu that runs games at the right speed).
Did you configure CoolCV to run from Emulation Station? If so, did you get sound from it? If you have not tried it from ES, would you?
I do not know why you would not get sound from the command line. I have not tried Retropie 3.x yet.
[/quote]No sound when I try to run coolcv_pi from within Emulation station. This is probably because ES is simply a frontend. However, ES runs emulators via a script that probably activates audio the proper way. Because when I run mame4all from within ES it does have sound (of course) but from the commandline it doesn’t. Think I’ll start a new topic on sound.
[edit] Sound issues from command line solved. See this topic. however, only ColEm still has no sound… Which is a pity because coolcv_pi runs too slow but ColEm can be tweaked to run faster.
ParticipantStrangely enough I cannot get sound from any emulator from the command line. Only via Emulationstation…
BTW I’m running RetroPie 3 (I think, I installed it last week) on a Pi 1B and I downloaded coolcv from the last comment in the mentioned AtariAge forum from the date of the 10th of November 2015 (strangely indicated as 11-10-’15 instead of 10-11-’15: American English?).
ParticipantWait a minute. If I start Mame from the commandline there’s no sound either… How does one start a game WITH sound in RetroPie from the commandline? Strange… :?
ParticipantDownloaded said coolcv_pi executable but still no sound…? Did you try it? And did you have sound?
ParticipantGot it working now w/ the proper coleco.rom BIOS. But I have no sound… Weird.
ParticipantTried to compile ColEm w/ help of instructions in post #27092 above. Only source code version currently downloadable is ver. 3.3. I believe I have RetroPie ver. 3 (dunno how to check that, installed RetroPie last week). The make command exits w/ an error message. So it’s not possible to use ColEm for the Colecovision.
Some people advise to use Mess, advMess or even FBA incarnations for the Colecovision. I can not find instructions on how to install/compile those on RetroPie anywhere unfortunately.
Any progress on the Colecovision front?
P.S. Found the source code for ver. 2.9 of ColEm via the Wayback Machine ( (zip file included in this post for others to try and compile). Tried to compile that one. This one indeed compiles successfully!
[attachment file=””]
ParticipantP.S. The official way, I found out, to configure which emulator to use for which game etc. is by pressing the A button on a rom (i.e. to start it) and then to press any key on the keyboard, or to move the joysick around when the game/emulator starts. You then access the Roncommand Menu (see:
ParticipantAfter you a try to play a new game for the first time then all settings in the gngeorc file will be removed except for the comments. I do not know if gngeo, RetroPi or Emulationstation (or retroarch? what actually is is retroarch?) does this. The following line is also added to gngeorc:
rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo
Seems to me to be a bug.
ParticipantThanks for the video.
My Pi did not have a gngeorc file in the ~/pi/.gngeo/ dir (which is actually a symlink to /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo). I created gngeorc in the mentionend dir and filled it w/ these settings:
p1control A=J0B0,B=J0B1,C=J0B2,D=J0B3,START=J0B9,COIN=J0B8,UP=J0a1,DOWN=J0a1,LEFT=J0A0,RIGHT=J0A0,MENU=J0B7
(see this link for an example gngeorc file)
And now it works. One can switch to “home mode” instead of arcade mode (the game then lets you save games on an emulated memory card then). By adding the following line to said file:
# system type? arcade or home system home
[edit] If I choose Home Mode then some graphics are garbled…