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Participantoh i forgot bout that page thanks heap I will give it ago soon
Participant[quote=2745]You would need to configure RetroArch accordingly in /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg to enable the autosave function.[/quote]
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mattyg8 wrote:</div>
I try to but no matter what when i save it i get a script error msgI know if you try to configure Dgen controls it throws a script error but I had no problem configuring Retroarch controls via the setup page. Alternatively you can manually edit the Retroarch controls:<br>
sudo nano /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
all i had to do was updated ES-config in the retropie script
ParticipantI try to but no matter what when i save it i get a script error msg
Participanthow do i change the controls?
Participantits ok the switch I was using was broken so I replaced it…atm I will just leave it so it exits after 3 pushes and shuts-down after 5
by using this method to exit the emulator and to shut down will it allow for emulation station to write saves as it would if you use f4 to exit emulationstation?
ParticipantOk so I will have to change 250
uinput_kbd_write(&uinp_kbd, KEY_R, 0, EV_KEY);
and add in
uinput_kbd_write(&uinp_kbd, KEY_ESC, 1, EV_KEY); usleep(50000); uinput_kbd_write(&uinp_kbd, KEY_ESC, 0, EV_KEY);
I have no idea how to change the sourcec and re-compile
what does make clean followed by make mean
Participantalso ive just seen this:
press and release three times: send “ESC”
press and release five times: shutdown
is this to do with the button? is it possible to have so the button will just escape after 1 pressmattyg8
ParticipantYeh I will have to have a proper look on the weekend…its the last thing i need to do
what setting should I select
SNESDev 1 poll controllers only
SNESDev 2 poll button only
SNESDev 3 poll controllers and buttonmattyg8
Participantok still not getting it to work
I believe I need to setup with a pull down resistor?
this is how i have wired it up
ParticipantOk so I ended up wiring the snes ports directly to the gpio pins and the controllers work perfectly
Id like the use the reset switch as the exit game button by using a momentary switch
Ive looked at the retro pie adapter page and it uses pin 11 as a escape key
so do all i need to do is run both points on switch to pin 11 or does one go to pin 11 and the other to either the ground or is it the 3.3v pin
ParticipantI’m running retro pie image 1.7
Participantohk no problem thanks
ParticipantHopefully the last question
the original snes has a led light that goes on when the console is switched on, id like to incorporate an led to do the same thing, whats the best way to go about this
Participant[quote=2622]I just cut the power line on my usb cable and added a switch to it..still need to shutdown cleaning in Emulation Station, but can cut power to the pi no problems after..just do that and wire it to the snes power button…[/quote]
Cheers, did you make a slot in the back of the console for the cable to come out r did you have some sort of interface
Participantany one?
ParticipantIm looking at adding a micro usb exstension cable from raspberry pi to a hole in the back of the console, I plan on splicing the vcc line in the usb cable to the switch on console so that I can use the snes swtich to turn it on and off
Is it possible to send command sudo halt to shut down raspberry pi from within emulation station? or via pressing of buttons on controller?
this is so that it shut downs properly first
Participantyeh i didnt even realise there was different types on Snes consoles lol
Participant[quote=2569]To use the RetroPi GPIO Adapter you just need to enable SNESDev via the RetroPie Setup Script that also comes with the SD-card image.
Wrr to updating an existing installation have a look at
[/quote]Thanks for that I will keep people informed with how i got as im sure there will be a few questions along the way :D
ParticipantOne question with installing the retro pie image 1.7 will I need to download anything else to get the snes controllers to work with the goip adapter I read somewhere bout installing SNESDev.
Also with future updates to emulation station and the emulators and retro pie image will I have to reinstall the whole image again or can i update the individual files
Participantthis is the version of the console i will be using…i will try open it up tonight so i can have a look inside
ParticipantI will have a look into it…im still waiting for the RetroPie GPIO Adapter and will probally get all that wired up before i tackle the power button