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07/27/2015 at 17:10 in reply to: How to: Exit emulator to emulationstation using GPIO button #102843
ParticipantIt’s a largely undocumented feature using GPIO3 to boot a Pi. See
‘Wake from halt’matthewjosephcordova
Or otherwise use uinput key_ESC to exit
07/11/2015 at 19:24 in reply to: How to: Exit emulator to emulationstation using GPIO button #101886matthewjosephcordova
ParticipantIt’s simple, just connect from GPIO3 to ground using a push button type button. Look at your rpi documentation for the correct pins. On the rpi2 b+ they are right next to each other
ParticipantI think you’ll be able to make a protected-mode version of ES fairly easy. Look at GuiMenu.cpp source code.
If you’re looking to make a whitelisted set of roms, you can do that by using a modified ES_Systems.cfg There can be a kids version and a grown up version. A script can be written that could take the file and do something like,
mv ES_Systems.cfg ES_SystemsKid.cfg
and take adult versionmv ES_SystemsAdult.cfg ES_Sytems.cfg sudo reboot
That’ll reboot into ES using a different set of roms.
The script can be made so you can enter in your Capcom cheat code button sequence.
ParticipantI had to do something similar and make a very friendly RetroPie console for my mother. She likes to play a few older games, but even the menus inside of emulationstation can cause games to be deleted amongst other problems.
So what I suggest is to actually dive into the emulationstation source code if you can handle it. What I did was customize emulationstation to make it super protected. I removed several features like the scraper, nearly all the options under the UI and sound menu, and under the shutdown emulationstation menu, all I left was the ability to turn it off. I set up a button that boots the system up, plays a nice little video that goes right into ES. There are no options where she can mess up or really configure anything. All she can do is select a game. I also set up the button to exit the game back to ES. Then she can shut down from ES and that’s all she can do. I had to make my system be fool-proof, and make it look as nice as possible. I went so far as to completely hide all console messages etc…
So to answer your first question, yes, you can edit and shield/filter the configuration options in ES but it takes a little work and learning how to compile the source.
ParticipantThat’s the exact controller I use and it happens to me too.
ParticipantWhat controller are you using? Try disconnecting the controller and see if it still does it. Mine also does it sometimes. I think the controller is sensitive.
ParticipantI have experience booting a pi2 and exiting emulators using a push button. The code I link to below could easily be adapted to shutdown the system as well. A toggle isn’t necessary, just a momentary push button is all that’s required.
All you need is a push button connected to gpio3. You may have problems shutting down your emulators if you use a script running shutdown -h now all by itself. I suggest for you to check out THIS post.
That piece of code shuts down the emulators gracefully so you don’t lose hi scores and it properly saves SRM’s
You could add the following code to the code in the link detailed above
sleep(10) os.system('shutdown -h now')
Insert that code right after
In config.txt under /boot , add the line
avoid_safe_mode=1That button will then boot up your pi and shut down your system and emulators gracefully.
ParticipantPost your config.txt
ParticipantPlease see the following link to resolve the problem,
ParticipantThanks for the reply, but I did end up figuring it out. I’ll post a guide this weekend. Basically some emulators don’t accept a sigterm and some don’t accept a uinput. Don’t ask me why…
I did however manage to write some code that exits all my emulators to ES gracefully without using sigkill and using a pin on the GPIO and a single external button and without using snesdev.
06/25/2015 at 14:37 in reply to: [Solved] SNESDev issues with reset/shutdown button in Retropie 2.6 #100699matthewjosephcordova
ParticipantAre you sure it’s a clean and exit? Are you issuing a sigterm to the mame4all process? I’m using a ‘kill -TERM’ and it’s not working.
ParticipantThe ES Loading graphic is unfortunately part of the binary. The only way to modify it is via the SVG file in the source code. If you want to change it, you must fork the source and recompile.
I suggest to you omxplayer and make a loading video that’s plays over the ES graphic.
If you figure out the Stella keys, let me know, also if the cmd line started Stella properly.
You can find all emulator command line starting code in ES_systems.cfg in /etc/emulationstation/
ParticipantTry command line
/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/stellalibretro/ stellalibretro
ParticipantCould you make hot key equal multiple button presses? Like select, start, and trigger?
ParticipantI guess I’m not the only one giving a raspberry pi as a gift ;). I made a pi for my mother.
I made the output of the machine appear like a console. I am having the pi start with a customized loading video with all console messages disabled so it looks clean. Then once it gets to emulationstation, I removed several menu items and options. I removed the ability to scrape, I removed the ability to exit emulationstation and to restart. Just the ability to shutdown remains in the quit menu. I also removed the ability to configure the joystick or see the FPS or change the theme. I pre-configured everything and scraped, etc.. So none of that should be necessary. Plus I customized ES to shutdown the hdmi on shutdown so it looks clean. I also removed any console messages on rom boot. You shouldn’t see a cursor or otherwise see any console text ever during the experience. Plus I added a power button button to boot up the pi.
ParticipantI’d also like to ask, how to update emulation station too? Is it done via the setup script?