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  • labelwhore

    First, I’m glad to hear you got past that issue!

    I think in the emulator menu there is an option to save the controller config. I haven’t actually tested if it’s working in 3.3, but I assume it is.

    for the issue you were having logging in as root, I just read in another thread that there may be an SSH_enable setting or something like that in config.txt. Maybe try enabling that then try connecting again with filezilla. For me it makes the whole process much smoother.

    in reply to: SSH not working #115282

    is that something new? I don’t remember having to do that.

    in reply to: RetroPie Multi-Boot Images #115254

    3.3 Jessie is nearly flawless on my end. Kodi 15.2 is totally worth any bugs, but I haven’t seen any first hand.

    in reply to: Dreamcast #115253

    dreamcast controls are supposed to get set up somewhat automatically, but from what I’ve seen you need to edit the field manually. The values that are set in the file are nowhere near correct, at least not for an xbox 360 controller. I have no idea what they need to be for a X Arcade stick, but my guess is not what they start out as.

    in reply to: SSH not working #115252

    once you change the permitrootlogin setting, you need to set a password for the root user. Try sudo passwd root

    in reply to: Amiga emulator not starting (I've read setup) #115227

    No problem at all.

    That was it! Just add “.txt .TXT” after the “.SH” in the command section. (without he quotes, of course)

    Once you get the emulator running, there is a thread showing how to start amiga games directly from ES. It works pretty well. If you haven’t used one of the amiga emulators before, you’ll quickly see why this is needed.

    Launch Amiga games from Retropie menu

    Use the second set of instructions.

    in reply to: PPSSPP slow? Try these settings #115225

    here’s the contents of my /opt/retropie/configs/psp/PSP/SYSTEM/controls.ini

    Up = 1-19,10-4033
    Down = 1-20,10-4032
    Left = 1-21,10-4031
    Right = 1-22,10-4030
    Circle = 1-52,10-189
    Cross = 1-54,10-188
    Square = 1-29,10-190
    Triangle = 1-47,10-191
    Start = 1-62,10-197
    Select = 1-66,10-196
    L = 1-45,10-192
    R = 1-51,10-193
    An.Up = 1-37,10-4003
    An.Down = 1-39,10-4002
    An.Left = 1-38,10-4001
    An.Right = 1-40,10-4000
    Analog limiter = 1-60
    RapidFire = 1-59
    Unthrottle = 1-61
    SpeedToggle = 1-68
    Pause = 1-111,10-200
    Rewind = 1-67
    DevMenu = 10-198

    I added the commands you need to do all of this from the command line, no viewing files from a PC needed. If you hit F4 to kill ES you can follow what I posted.

    in reply to: ROM folders #115218

    I wouldn’t delete the folders, but deleting the contents of those folders should keep the emulators from showing up.

    in reply to: Processes that write to SD Card #115211

    runcommand logs errors to /tmp/runcommand.log I’m not sure what else you may need to be concerned about though.

    in reply to: ColecoVision #115204

    [quote=115191]Yea, that’s awesome that Herb will be writing a script. A libretro port would be really nice [as well as intellivision]

    Labelwhore, could you (or anybody) tell me where the file to configure ES to point to coolcv when launching the roms? Also, where did you have to put the BIOS?


    I had to add a section in es_systems.cfg for colecovision. I just copied one that was for another system. for the _SYS_ blah piece, just put in _SYS_ coleco or something like that. Then you’ll need to create a folder in /opt/retropie/configs named exactly as that variable in es_systems.cfg, so in this case name it coleco.

    Then inside that folder, you’ll need a emulators.cfg file. You can actually just copy one from another system and modify it. I used intellivision, since there is only one intellevision emulator, just like coleco. It’s in that file that you need to add the path to coolcv and any command line options. This way you get all the functionality or the runcommand script.

    There is a quick an dirty way too though. That way, you just need to edit es_systems.cfg and put the entire command line in place of the _SYS_ blah section. So replace everything between the command tags, but leaving the %ROM%.

    As for the BIOS, I believe I just stuck it in the folder with the emulator, but I’d have to take a look. I’m not at home now.

    in reply to: New to Pi, need some x arcade advice #115197

    I went the DIY route with my X Arcade stick. I bought the parts, so the case, joysticks and buttonns from the X Arcade website. So no electronics. I gutted two wired xbox360 controllers and use those in place of the official X Arcade board.

    in reply to: Amiga emulator not starting (I've read setup) #115196

    If the emulator doesn’t show up at all, could you share what the Amiga section looks like in /etc/emluationstation/es_systems.cfg?

    It sounds like something may either be missing or incorrect in that file.

    in reply to: PPSSPP slow? Try these settings #115185

    I should, do you know where it’s stored? I can post it for you once I get home from work tonight.

    in reply to: running Hacked or Modded SNES roms? #115171

    Very nice! I have noticed that as well, when you patch a rom, it needs the exact same version the hacker used.

    in reply to: running Hacked or Modded SNES roms? #115168

    It could be. I’ve had to pad some roms, by duplicating them, then splicing the files together to get them to work on hardware. But I think that’s only because the chips I bought were large enough for the biggest nes roms.

    The guys over at nintendoage may have some advice. That’s where I learned to hack cartridges.

    in reply to: Deleting a Game on Emulationstation #115164

    It’s a known bug.

    in reply to: ColecoVision #115155

    I didn’t need to map them, they just worked form the start. When I posted that, I hadn’t done much testing yet, but have since. Everything seems to work great!

    In regards to the number pad, I sometimes have issue with mapping those keys. I think it has to do with my keyboard that has a trackball attached and no number pad, as well as no left ctrl or alt. I think that keyboard messes with some settings and causes issues for me from time to time.

    Also, I saw Herb mention that coolcv is getting added to the setup script.


    I’m gonna try the same sort of thing with Commodore 128. The thing with that one looks like we may need shell scripts to launch most of those games, because I believe the majority of them are multi-disk (or at least double-sided).

    That will most likely need to wait until this weekend. I’m gonna want to figure out how to create the shell scripts automagically. lol Maybe via python script, which will be entirely new territory for me.

    in reply to: running Hacked or Modded SNES roms? #115146

    It shouldn’t be an issue, I mean, they work on real hardware. I have a fairly large collection of hacked cartridges. I seem to remember trying out a megaman rom that I hacked myself when I first started messing with retropie. The same rom works on an actual cartridge in a real nes.

    ..actually come to think of it, that particular rom was hacked twice. I hacked somebody else’s hack. lol

    in reply to: VIC 20 in Retropie? #115140

    I didn’t need any F keys, My controller worked from the get go. I hit start which brought up the emulator menu. For some reason, the right analog stick was set as controller 1, so I remapped the left one instead. From there, games just worked.

    in reply to: Jessie vs Wheezy Performance #115138

    I’m using the Jessie image. I haven’t used the 3.3 wheezey image, so idk if there is much difference. The reason I’m using Jessie is for Kodi 15.

    in reply to: PPSSPP slow? Try these settings #115137

    I haven’t been able to get hotshots to work, that’s one of my favorite series. The game would crap out when I went to swing.

    in reply to: PPSSPP slow? Try these settings #115136

    yep, that’s why I mostly left it at med. I didn’t notice much difference. The only time I changed it any lower is when the game already was running pretty poorly, which as you know is the case with a lot of games.


    I’ll see if I can get some time today to fill in the commands so that of this can be done via command line.

    Tbh, I don’t know them myself yet.

    As far as what systems I’ve separated; I separated CPS from Neo Geo and the rest of FBA roms. I also took PRBoom out of the ports section and with some .wad files and some MP3s, and now I have about 40 of doom mods on my pi. I separate MSX 1 and 2 roms. And finally, I created a section with help files, explaining my controller setups as well as some other things, which I display using the less command.

    sorry about my grammer, the text editor on these forums seems to eat my letters when I post from home.


    The above only works with $A000 images, apparent haven’t found a more generic way to do this. One would think that the -cartgeneric flag would do it, but nope! That doesn’t seem to work at all. Right now, the only way I can see getting all vic-20 games to work like this is to make a section for each type; $2000, $4000, $6000, $A000, and $B000.

    in reply to: VIC 20 in Retropie? #115109
    in reply to: PPSSPP slow? Try these settings #115107

    I think I tried one game in PPSSPP and game up on that one. Performance on the libretro version is hopeless at best. lol

    in reply to: VIC 20 in Retropie? #115103

    Congratulations newpie, I think you found a bug in VICE. According to the manual, games should be autostarting when launched the way you are starting them.

    I think we’ll need a fix to VICE before this will work correctly. For now, if you want to break out vic-20 games into their own section, I have all the instructions to do that except for the theme changes. I stopped when I ran out of command line options to experiment with.

    in reply to: VIC 20 in Retropie? #115101

    huh… apparently .prg files don’t seem to be automatically attaching like they are supposed to. From what I’m reading they should just start normally from ES as is after you select the correct emulator for the rom.

    …I’m still working on this though. I just found some .crt games to try.

    in reply to: VIC 20 in Retropie? #115061

    I missed “root” on the end of the passwd command. Sorry. It should have been sudo passwd root. (thx for the correction)

    and there’s this part now too, if you’re using Jessie:

    RetroPie 3.0 Jessie Builds:

    before setting a root password, the following must be edited

    sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    look for

    PermitRootLogin without-password

    change it to

    PermitRootLogin yes

    then ctrl+x to save, next set your root password & restart your Pi

    in reply to: VIC 20 in Retropie? #115057

    I forgot to mention, if you upload any roms as the root user, you should run this afterwords to fix the owner:

    sudo chown -R pi:pi /home/pi/RetroPie/roms

    in reply to: VIC 20 in Retropie? #115054

    That’s what I do, it’s way easier. First I created a password for the root user. It’s recommended that you don’t do this for security reasons, but I threw caution to the wind and did it anyway. This avoids permission issues when editing files.

    from command line run:
    sudo passwd

    Then download filezilla or another FTP tool that allows SSH (SFTP). Find the IP address to your pi and connect to it in filezilla using the root user and your new password.

    I use textpad for editing files. When you save a new file, be sure to select UNIX as the system type, if you leave it as PC when you save, errors will occur in retropie. (This is only important when you save a new file, files on the pi will already be UNIX type.)

    in reply to: Corrupt SD Card – what to do with it? #115050

    That’s the thing, stuff could be being written to temp space on the card, or even error messages being written to runcommand.log. I didn’t think mine was writing to the card when I pulled the plug either.

    There are a bunch of tutorials on how to make a button to shutdown/reboot the pi. You only need a couple of components, usually a resistor or two (about 220 ohms will work) and a momentary on switch. Here’s one such tutorial:

    in reply to: VIC 20 in Retropie? #115048

    Well, once I post up the edited files and give in-depth instructions, you’ll have a better picture of what needs to happen to get this to work. It’s not difficult once you understand what it is that ES actually does and the file structure for the whole thing. Basically ES is just a front-end that runs things from command line, and organizes your roms.

    If we really wanted to make this easy, we could just add the new rom folder, and add a section to es_systems.cfg with the command line stuff right in there. But I like to follow the same file structure that exists when adding a new emulator, or breaking a feature out into a new category like this.

    You will have to get your hands dirty with some code to get this working, but it’s not too much work. The hardest part will be figuring out what the command line needs to look like to get the rom to launch directly.

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