Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI tried Yabause on a B+ a while back. It was nowhere near playable. I wouldn’t imagine a Pi 2 would help much.
ParticipantThere already is a hack for the xbox360 controller. Use mouse emulation. If it breaks the other emulators, you haven’t set it up correctly. Use the xbox button as a controller mode change button. (That’s actually it’s default behavior in linux, but most people aren’t using it.)
I have this set up on my end, while it works, an actual mouse and keyboard work better. Kodi seems to block some of the keybinds done through xboxdrv. You’ll notice that in that mouse.cfg file, I have added a mapping for the dpad to act like the arrow keys. It works for me in every app that needs it on the retropie except kodi. The actual mouse emulation though, works great.
ParticipantFirst you’ll need to stop ES from starting up at boot time. I believe you can do this from the retropie-setup script. From there the easiest way to get something to run at boot time is to add a command to
ParticipantI think it’s a mistake. If you look in /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/emulators.cfg, its exact copy of /opt/retropie/configs/advmame/emulators.cfg.
Participantawesome, thanks!
ParticipantYou can squeeze in more emulators and/or game art by shrinking the images. Of course this means they’ll be lower quality, but it works.
Using the pixel theme helps too as it re-uses a lot of resources, like the background image, for example. The logos are really tiny too. Being that it’s a pixel art based theme, the low res gameart do to shrinking isn’t as off-putting as it may otherwise be.
I have 55 emulators on my pi without a white screen, most of them with at least some game art, the main ones completely scraped.
ParticipantI’ve been busy. :)
This is on github now. To install it, save the following script as in
. Then you can install it from binary or source (actually same thing either way with this) from the retropie-setup menu. It’ll be listed under individual emulators towards the bottom of the list. (Idk how to get in in the experimental section.)#!/usr/bin/env bash # This file is part of The RetroPie Project # # The RetroPie Project is the legal property of its developers, whose names are # too numerous to list here. Please refer to the file distributed with this source. # # See the file at the top-level directory of this distribution and # at # rp_module_menus="4+" rp_module_id="radio" rp_module_desc="Radio" function depends_radio() { git clone /home/pi/.mpd wait sudo chown pi:pi -R /home/pi/.mpd wait su pi -c 'bash ~/.mpd/install/' } function sources_radio() { git clone /home/pi/.mpd } function build_radio() { } function install_radio() { sudo chown pi:pi -R /home/pi/.mpd wait su pi -c 'bash ~/.mpd/install/' } function configure_radio() { setESSystem 'Radio' 'radio' '~/.mpd/OtherScripts' '.sh .SH' 'bash %ROM%' 'music' 'radio' }
ParticipantUpdated todo list.
I’ve got some more time to work on this today. So it’s possible this could end up on github as early as tomorrow, or even late this evening.
Participant[quote=111194]hi, im a newbie
could you please guide me a way, how to edit this bash script ?
how could i add these code? i am trying to open \bin\bash from winSCP, file is not like config files..if i use command prompt, after i write all these codes, nothings happening.
If you’re editing bash scripts on PC , you need to save the files for a UNIX file system. If you use textpad like I do, the option is on the save as menu.
ParticipantTake a look at what I’m working on. It’s a little more complex than what’s above, but I think I can integrate that into what I’m doing. It may make some things a bit simpler. :)
*Edit: on second thought, the above code looks like it works only with retroarch emulators. I hacked the emulator launch scripts to be more thorough.
ParticipantFirst, forgive me for treating this forum like a blog. However, I think this addition is worthy of a slight bend in normal forum etiquette. I’ll try to keep things tidy, at least. When this is simpler to install, and “fully baked”, I’ll make a wiki entry instead.
Copied from the request forum to keep the important stuff in one place.
*please forgive spelling errors, this website eats my letters when I post from home.
So a little update as to my progress…
So far, things on my end are going really well. I have a sort of install script that does some of the tedious work for you, like editing all of the emulators.cfg files that need it. I started testing the results of that last night. Out of the emulators I tested, all of the file modifications went flawlessly. Also, once the new emulator options generated by my script are chosen, the music fades in and out as it should when an emulator starts. I saw one emulator that possibly needs a work around, (which I have already done for advmame, with success) and I haven’t tested all of them yet. One each, per system that works with my mod, would meet my requirements.
Playback script that plays startup sound, and starts music playback at boot time
Fade out and back in when an emulator is started
Playlist management from emulator menu via shell scripts (customizability oh yeah!)
Automated playlist and script creation (handy for large music collections)
Background music for infocom! (I love the bonus that came from doing no work)
Beautiful theme for pixel themeset (thank you google images!)
Handwritten gamelist with “gameart” for some of the scripts
complete gamelist xml with “gameart” and include in .zip
(Somewhat) scripted installationTo Do:
Improve Installation script – in progress
create themes for simple and carbon
add descriptions for themes other than pixel
Wiki entry
Git this thing GitHub lol
Module for RetroPie Setup menu
Possible integration into a new build of Emulation Station
(^^ Thank Zigurana for looking into that, not me.)
oh yeah, bug fixingCurrent Known issues:
1. MPC can control the volume of advmame (and most likely advmess, possibly other emulators). I believe this advmame (and advmess) may be using mpg (or a vaiation of it) for sound. After all, it’s extremely felxible and lightweight, so why not? Because of this I had to do two things, first, I had to run mpg on port 6700. (It might be better to recompile a new version of mpg that defaults to port 6700 for this. I have not looked into doing this.) The other piece of the workaround was that I had to bring the volume level back up to normal after the fadeout script ran when advmame started. So the new command line for advmame looks like this (workaround italicized):
runcommand > volume fadeout scrpit > normalize mpc volume > launch advmame > volume fadein script2. This should be easy to fix, but I just discovered it in testing last night. Over time, if several games are launched and exited, volume will decrease. As a workaround, increase the volume from the radio section in ES, via my scripts. I simply need to fix either my start playback script or the fadeout script. I’m not sure yet which is the culprit.
3. This is very minor, as using my scripts naturally works around the problem. Vice has a conflict with mpg. MPG must be shut down when starting vice, or you may get no game sound. In my testing, music still played from mpg, vice made an sub-second audible glitch, then gameplay continued without game sound. Choose one of the fade options from the runcommand menu for normal opration with vice emulators.
I just so happen to have this week off work, and not much to fill it with. I’ll keep this thread updated with my progress, as I hit major milestones. I hope to automate the config file editing piece next so that all you have to do is tell my setup script where your music is located and it’ll do the rest.
I did the whole thing with shell scripts, which I’ve never written before in my life. Don’t laugh at the code, but feel free to tear it apart and make it better. :P
ParticipantSince Zigurana’s merge didn’t go so well, I’ve taken an idea and ran with it.
*please forgive spelling errors, this website eats my letters when I post from home.
So a little update as to my progress…
So far, things on my end are going really well. I have a sort of install script that does some of the tedious work for you, like editing all of the emulators.cfg files that need it. I started testing the results of that last night. Out of the emulators I tested, all of the file modifications went flawlessly. Also, once the new emulator options generated by my script are chosen, the music fades in and out as it should when an emulator starts. I saw one emulator that possibly needs a work around, (which I have already done for advmame, with success) and I haven’t tested all of them yet. One each, per system that works with my mod, would meet my requirements.
Playback script that plays startup sound, and starts music playback at boot time
Fade out and back in when an emulator is started
Playlist management from emulator menu via shell scripts (customizability oh yeah!)
Automated playlist and script creation (handy for large music collections)
Background music for infocom! (I love the bonus that came from doing no work)
Beautiful theme for pixel themeset (thank you google images!)
Handwritten gamelist with “gameart” for some of the scripts
(Somewhat) scripted installationTo Do:
Improve Installation script
complete gamelist xml with “gameart” and include in .zipc
reate themes for simple and carbon
add descriptions for themes other than pixel
Wiki entry
Git this thing GitHub lol
Module for RetroPie Setup menu
Possible integration into a new build of Emulation Station
(^^ Thank Zigurana for looking into that, not me.)
oh yeah, bug fixingCurrent Known issues:
1. MPC can control the volume of advmame (and most likely advmess, possibly other emulators). I believe this advmame (and advmess) may be using mpg (or a vaiation of it) for sound. After all, it’s extremely felxible and lightweight, so why not? Because of this I had to do two things, first, I had to run mpg on port 6700. (It might be better to recompile a new version of mpg that defaults to port 6700 for this. I have not looked into doing this.) The other piece of the workaround was that I had to bring the volume level back up to normal after the fadeout script ran when advmame started. So the new command line for advmame looks like this (workaround italicized):
runcommand > volume fadeout scrpit > normalize mpc volume > launch advmame > volume fadein script2. This should be easy to fix, but I just discovered it in testing last night. Over time, if several games are launched and exited, volume will decrease. As a workaround, increase the volume from the radio section in ES, via my scripts. I simply need to fix either my start playback script or the fadeout script. I’m not sure yet which is the culprit.
3. This is very minor, as using my scripts naturally works around the problem. Vice has a conflict with mpg. MPG must be shut down when starting vice, or you may get no game sound. In my testing, music still played from mpg, vice made an sub-second audible glitch, then gameplay continued without game sound. Choose one of the fade options from the runcommand menu for normal opration with vice emulators.
I just so happen to have this week off work, and not much to fill it with. I’ll keep the thread in the “Everything Else” forum updated with my progress, as I hit major milestones. I hope to automate the config file editing piece next so that all you have to do is tell my setup script where your music is located and it’ll do the rest.
I did the whole thing with shell scripts, which I’ve never written before in my life. Don’t laugh at the code, but feel free to tear it apart and make it better. :P
ParticipantKnown Issues:
- Some scripts default to /hdd/Music, so for now it’s best to set that up exactly as I have.
Participantwhat does your emulators.cfg file look like for megadrive?
ParticipantThe splashscreen comes up for a set amount of time, while ES and whatever else starts up behind it. After the set amount of time, (or if you’re using a video splashscreen, after the video ends) you’ll see the ES loading screen.
Participant[quote=116287]I would suggest removing the .cue extension from the es_system.cfg not the .bin extension. Will the game boot if you launch from the .cue file?
Yes and it’s the only way to get the music working afaik. I’ve removed the .bin from es_systems.cfg.labelwhore
Participant^^ that works for PET roms and c128 too :)
ParticipantThere’s a topic around here that shows how to combine psx .iso files into a single file. Personally, I just put the disk number in the filename and edit the metadata to match.
that magnificent bastard Ben Heck[/quote]Isn’t he though? lol
ParticipantActually, a better way this to create a custom script to luanch your games. I did exactly that for Infocom and BBC Micro so that I could have my mp3 collection play in the background when I’m playing those games.
Check this out:
Just ignore the stuff about mp3s and modify the .sh script to your liking. Simply put the stuff you need to run after the line that launches the game. (Where the sudo killall mpg123 is located.)
Participantnvm about eboot, I misread the topic title. I thought it said PSP for some reason.
Participant[quote=116222]I don’t think I have the expertesie to rebuild romset.
now you do. Everything you need, including step by step instructions is on this page.
[quote=116222]What I noted that few FBA roms work and 90% don’t… I cant figure that out either.[/quote]This is another indicator of an incorrect romset.
ParticipantExit 0 should be the very last line in that file, if it’s not there, add it.
…and that file should be in /etc/ not /etc/init.d
ParticipantTo do it fully manually, which is what you’re going to need for custom names, you need to find images, and manually copy them to /home/pi/.emulationstation/downloaded_images then edit the xml files in /home/pi/.emulationstation/gamelists. Make sure to quit elulationstation first, or it will overwrite your changes.
Unless you mean simply using the scrapeer in ES and approving conflicts, but that’s not going to allow you to easily have custom names on the gamelists.
Another route, would be to scrape the games via Selph’s scraper, then get the missing info via the ES scraper, and once you have all of that, edit the incorrect games metatdata from the select menu inputting the name you want. Either way, if you want custom names in your gamelist, you need to do it manually.
ParticipantWell, the file and folder shouldn’t be deleted, but as a workaround, just change permissions on them, so that they’re not writable. That will at least keep them from being deleted, idk if it will make it play. That really depends on what the cause of the deletion is to begin with, because that should not be happening.
ParticipantI believe the file extension doesn’t matter at all, it’s the filename (not including extension) that the scraper uses. However, there are some caveats. The scraper doesn’t like underscores or brackets, and additional info after the name of the game is generally not helpful. What’s in the files has no bearing on the scraper what-so-ever.
Btw, what did you have to do to get eboot games to work?
ParticipantPeople seem to be recommending that you get a USB to ide adapter and use USB. other way seems to be possible, but I think there’s not much support out there for that method. If something happens, you’ll more than likely be on your own.
ParticipantYou mean connecting an IDE had via the gpio? I didn’t even know that was possible.
ParticipantHave you rebuilt your romset? The only real way to be sure you have the correct roms for the mame, neogeo, or fba emulator you want to use is to rebuild the set yourself.
The wrong roms or wrong bios will result in the behavior you’re describing.
For example, I know of a complete neogeo set on a commonly used rom site that will not work in any of the emulators on the pi.
ParticipantAlternatively, the following command will do the same thing for anything with the wrong ownership in the roms folder:
sudo chown pi:pi -R /home/pi/RetroPie/roms
ParticipantI got this figured out. not working yet, but I figured out what happened which will allow me to unscrew my control situation. It was a cascade of errors that led me to using the correct set of roms in an emulator that did not have controls properly set up. Which was different from the one I had previously used. It’s more or less sorted now though.
Participantcopy one of the section in es_systems.cfg to use for kodi. You’ll need .sh .SH for the extensions.
Create a kodi rom folder, then inside that folder you could copy the kodi launch script from where it’s at now to the new kodi rom folder. I think the script is currently sitting in the ports rom folder.
From there kodi will show up, but you might need a theme. you can simply copy one of the theme folders for another system and modify it, but I think most themes now may come with a kodi theme already.
ParticipantEither a single background track, or maybe an m3u playlist I think would be plenty sufficient.
ParticipantI’ve just found that if I point to the psx retroarch.cfg file I can mostly get my controls to work.
So whatever the problem is, it exists in the retroarch.cfg file. Could somebody using an xbox360 controller share the contents of their /opt/retropie/configs/mame-libretro/retroarch.cfg file?
ParticipantHeck yeah, that would be awesome!
btw the recalbox version of ES, as expected, doesn’t work correctly with retropie. It was worth a shot. :P