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Participantretroarch makes it incredibly hard to configure anything that is not like a Play Station 2 controller (one hat, two analog sticks with one button each, 4 shoulder buttons, 4 thumb buttons, Start Select. Anything more than that, like 6 thumb buttons like sega consoles, are at it’s best useless.
Participantlooks more like a bug in the emulator than anything that you can fix with settings. So everything you can do at the moment might be a bug report to the emulator you are using. The only option that I remember right now is, that on some snes emulators you can often disable some layers, maybe one of the is turned off. But by default everything should have been turned on, so I doubt that this is the problem.
Participantthank you very much. Is there a way to configure it that the mapping is only done on one gamepad, but different on another gamepad. I only have one 6 button gamepad. Or do I need to redo all button mapping when gamepads are plugged in a different order?
Participantthe controller you configure in the frontend is only for the frontend. You have to configure your controller as a retro-arch controller in the setup. Then it works also ingame, but you won’t be able to exit the game with the controller. There is documentation about it, but I just want to mention you are not alone with having this problem.
Participantyes this is what I would like to know, too. I am not new to emulators, not to linux, but the emulation station 2 does a pretty good job of hiding, how it works.
As far as I found out, the retroarch.cfg does not have any input_c_btn or input_z_btn. But there is a dgenrc, which lists all the buttons that are important for a megadrive controller. I think (but I could be wrong) that the button numbers you define there, are new indices of a virtual controller.
I do know jstest. But jstest doesn’t let me test weather my button mapping of x on the controller is x on the sega genesis emulator.@mr9v9
Yes that is totally true. Configuring a controller is just way too much of an headache. By default I can’t even exit a game with the controller. There is a way to do it, but it is not nice.I would like to be able to configure the controllers for the genesis emulator within the frontend. And then, when I have configured the controllers, I would like to decide which usb controllers is connected to which port on the emulated device. Keep in mind, that every gamepad needs it’s individual configuration for the system. Having just a global mapping to a controller that is not the superset of all controllers feels just wrong.