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  • in reply to: Hifiberry Dac and Retropie? #112033


    in reply to: Issue with Adafruit-retrogame, help! #111879

    Well, can it be synchronized it somehow? The retrogame won’t work due to this.

    in reply to: Modify the Retropie menu interface, fonts etc? #108078

    Perfect, thanks!

    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #107823

    No change when removing the quotes, no.

    I added a hotkey for scrolling through the shaders in-game, but that’s the only edit Ive made in retroarch.cfg really, other than editing the shader options as mentioned above.

    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #107747

    I have a problem. The shader(s) works when scrolling through the dir with hotkey, but I can’t seem to get the shader to load on startup

    Am I doing something wrong? My retroarch.cfg looks like this:

    video_shader = /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/pe358shader.glsl

    video_shader_enable = “true”

    video_shader_dir = /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/

    in reply to: MAME issue with USB sound card #106762

    Im running mame4all with the 037b05 ROM set.

    They all work with the USB-sound card disconnected

    But as soon as I connect it, MAME games wont launch.

    Very strange…

    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #106761

    Thanks Dave, it’s working now and it looks PERFECT!

    Just PM me if you’d want something in exchange for the help.

    This is so appreciated!

    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #106638

    I tried Apply Shader Changes in retroarch, no effect what so ever.

    Maybe you can download my shader and and check if there something wrong with the file maybe?

    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #106559

    Hi again Dave. Sorry, but I can’t get the shader to work. I copied everything from “#if defined(VERTEX)” to “#endif” and made a .glsl file, put it in there with the rest of the shaders. It’s listed, but without effect. Probably something stupid I missed. Any idea?

    [quote=106548]Save everything from the <strong class=”d4pbbc-bold”>#if defined(VERTEX) to the <strong class=”d4pbbc-bold”>#endif inclusive to a file with a name that ends in .glsl and copy it into the same directory as the other .glsl files. It should list it when you next try to pick a shader in retroarch.

    You can tweak the amount of barrel distortion by altering the value in the BARREL_DISTORTION line. Changing it to 0.0 will produce no distortion, the 0.25 it’s currently set to is quite large to demonstrate the effect.


    in reply to: MAME issue with USB sound card #106549

    So I tried this link:

    How to enable USB Sound on a Raspberry Pi

    and now some MAME ROMs actually work, most still don’t though.

    When trying to launch a game, I get this message flickering by real quick:
    “lv10 Error saving gamelist.xml to “”/media/usb0/games/mame-mame4all/gamelist.xml”

    Is this the issue?

    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #106544

    That looks amazing Dave, just what I need. Thank you for being bored!!!

    And sorry again for being a n00b. How do I turn this code into a shader, do I make it into a .glsl file somehow?

    in reply to: MAME issue with USB sound card #106543


    Update: I moved my MAME ROMs to the SD instead and loaded from there, same issue. So this has nothing to do with loading ROMs from USB. It just seem the USB sound card / audio adapter interfere with mame4all somehow.

    So, when I try to launch a MAME ROM with USB sound card connected, I just get thrown back to emulationstation menu(No error messages, no missing file message etc)

    When I launch a MAME ROM with the USB sound card disconnected, it load perfectly without issues.

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    in reply to: USB flash drive issue MAME #106542


    Update: I moved my MAME ROMs to the SD instead and loaded from there, same issue. So this has nothing to do with loading ROMs from USB. It just seem the USB sound card / audio adapter interfere with mame4all somehow.

    So, when I try to launch a MAME ROM with USB sound card connected, I just get thrown back to emulationstation menu(No error messages, no missing file message etc)

    When I launch a MAME ROM with the USB sound card disconnected, it load perfectly without issues.

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #106362

    Thanks. I scanned though the crt sub folders and found some more shaders, but for me, only “crt-interlaced-halation” has curvature. It’s slowing the system down a lot as predicted, but this is on my 1280 x 1024 display. Might work better on the small 320×240 lcd Ive ordered. Btw, can you edit the curvature in crt-interlaced-halation? I would like more symmetry, not like the default, which is wider down the bottom(as your screenshot)

    Or could you give an example of another curvature shader, cause for me, crt-interlaced-halation is the only one with curvature?


    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #106266

    Found it, just had to change the directory from shader/ to shader/crt/

    When I’m hot-key scrolling through the CRT shaders in-game, most of them seem to work, but there’s no curvature on anyone, at least not by default I guess.

    As I said, most of them work, but the crt-geom.glsl(that suppose to have curvature by default?) just gives me an empty pink screen.

    Maybe this is because Im trying it on a 1280 x 1024 LCD?

    [quote=106261]there are curvature shaders in there by default – just try the various ones in the shaders/CRT folder. that crt-geom one should already be there:

    you might have to update to the latest version of retroarch, depending on what version you’re running right now.


    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #106259

    I’m not sure how to add new shaders to retroarch. There’s no default shader in there dealing with curature, so I wanted to try out GRT-Geom for example. Do I simply download the shader from

    and place it in the retroarch/shader directory?

    Sorry for being a complete n00b.

    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #106229

    Hi again Dave

    Thanks for the detailed info. I had no idea res was of such an importance. I will give this a shot tomorrow, and we’ll see. The issue of loosing bits in the games that you’re talking about would really go against what Im trying to achieve here though. My goal with barrel distortion is to prevent the loss of game information in the corners, when using a curved front panel / bezel like I am. Fingers crossed, and Thanks again!

    [quote=106228]after b[/quote]

    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #106222

    I’ve got a 3.5″ LCD with 320×240 res, and I’m gonna try this tomorrow when Im in the studio, thanks.

    I’ve never played around with shaders before. Does all of the Retroarch shaders work with the lr-nestopia emulator? I’m basically going to play NES. And do you happen to know which ones using curvature for effect?

    in reply to: help with OpelGL / barrel distortion #106213

    Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard too, way too demanding on the RPI. But then I got the answer below from a guy at RPI official forum:

    Yes it’s possible. The HLSL shaders you’ve seen do a lot more than just barrel distortion and whilst the Pi might have problems implementing the full range of effects it should be easily able to do the barrel distortion and probably a few others as well.

    It’s not complicated OpenGL ES to do this. It’s basically upload the image you want to display as an OpenGL texture, draw two triangles to make up the rectangle representing the full screen and run something like the above code in a fragment shader.

    When this guy realized I couldn’t do programing myself, he didn’t want help out anymore.

    in reply to: Curvature/CRT-simulation on A+, possible? #105310

    [quote=105309]I guess you could cheat and use an overlay that emulates a CRT curve just outside the game area?
    A bit like this


    That’s what I’ve been doing, and I dont like it. Looks a bit strange and you loose some info in the corners

    in reply to: Curvature/CRT-simulation on A+, possible? #105307

    [quote=105292]there are various shaders built in to retroarch that do this, but they are a slide-show on the pi 2. what’s the context? do you to want to emulate the CRT curvature whilst running emulators? as i think this is demonstrably unplayable on the pi 2, unless these shaders are totally inefficient (and given that most of the shaders in retroarch have the same result on the pi, i’m not sure that they are!)


    Yes, I would like to simulate the curvature during game play. If retroarch’s shaders makes gaming unplayable, theres no use. I really hope there’s a way to create some curvatature for in-game on the Pi. I would gladly pay someone for making it work!

    in reply to: Retropie – Delete ROM files from terminal? #85147

    That did the trick, thank you for your informative answer.

    One last question:

    Often, especially in MAME, the original game ROM file name differ from the corresponding game name displayed in the interface/game list.

    Therefore it can be tricky to delete some games, not knowing the actual file names that is. Is there away to get the real file names, maybe to see the actual files in the folder?

    If not, is there a command for deleting ALL the ROM files in a specific folder?

    in reply to: Retropie – Delete ROM files from terminal? #85097

    Hi again.

    Sorry, Im a bit of a n00b. How do I navigate to /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/{Systemname}/?

    I tried
    sudo nano /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame/
    for instance

    Should I insert something there, or what do I do with “rm filename”?

    in reply to: Retropie – Delete ROM files from terminal? #84611

    Thanks a bunch!

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