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Participant[quote=115221]Hey @jwh02017
I edited the config.txt file which you can find in the /boot folder, or if you put the SDCard back into your Windows PC you’ll find the file there.
The only lines I added were:
hdmi_force_hotplug=1The hdmi_drive=2 forces the output to be hdmi so the Pi won’t switch to composite when the TV is still waking up.
The hdmi_mode=81 specifies the screen resolution of my TV. You need to specify this because the auto detect doesn’t seem to work when using the hdmi_drive=2 line.
To find the correct code to use for this, use the following link and look for your TV’s native resolution under the “hdmi_mode” DMT section: (You’ll need to look up in your Vizio’s specs what the native resolution is)Hope this helps!
Thanks for the info. I currently painting my cabinet so it will be a few days before I can test this.
ParticipantNice build. I also like the marque with the white border. I’m building a cabinet very similar to yours. I’ll post pics in 2-3 weeks when I’m finished. I’m using a Vizio tv for my cabinet and I believe I’m having the same timing issue. When they are both off and I turn everything on at once then the video never shows up. I have to reboot the pi in order for it to work. I’m a newbie so could you explain what you did exactly with the config.txt file?
ParticipantGlad you got it working. I didn’t have to make the changes to every emulator. Not sure if there are multiple retroarch.cfg files or not but I changed the one located here… \\PI IP Address\configs\all
FYI, I also found this link useful for adding “turbo buttons” in the NES….
ParticipantI’m also running the same setup as you. I programmed and verified the IPAC2 keystrokes in windows. Since I originally booted the retropie with a standard keyboard, it wouldn’t recognize the IPAC2 when connected. So I had to go to controller configuration by hitting the “START” button and then hold any button on the IPAC2 control panel to register the new controller. The only other thing I did after this was modify the retroarch.cfg file and add the following lines under the player1 controls…
input_player2_a = s
input_player2_b = a
input_player2_y = w
input_player2_x = i
input_player2_start = num2
input_player2_select = num6
input_player2_left = d
input_player2_right = g
input_player2_up = t
input_player2_down = fBelow are a couple pics of my setup. With a little trial and error I found this configuration to work pretty good right out of the box with most emulators. My 1B button is my exit button and I programmed it as a macro so it has a key combination of (ESC, 5, 1). This will get you out of most emulators that I’ve tried. The only other macro I have is for 1SW7, it is programmed to the keystrokes (E X I T Enter), this will exit the terminal. And hitting 1SW2, 1A, then 1SW2 again will get you into the terminal. This is useful if you are updating rom sets in the retropie and need to refresh the list…. basically enter the terminal and then exit it. I’m a newbie to all this so there may be better methods than what I’ve done.
Quick question… why isn’t the atari 2600 overlay supported in the tool?
I have linked in other users settings into the tool, so its just that no-one has applied one yet. But if you use the No TV border option and take a look at the retroarch.cfg it produces, you can apply that to the atari one. Or you can put a request/issue in on the github page for it and I’ll see what I can do:[/quote]
Ok thanks, I’ll take a look at it. It would be really awesome if the atari2600 had the same tv overlay and scan lines as the NES or Genesis.
ParticipantThis stuff is AWESOME!!! Thank you guys so much. And thank you Floob for all your excellent youtube videos. You really go the extra mile and I know it must take a lot of time to make the videos. Just wanted to say it is very appreciated…. especially for a newbie like myself.
Quick question… why isn’t the atari 2600 overlay supported in the tool?
Participant[quote=103153]jwh02017, did you figure it out? I would love to know what all you did to get it set up? I am having the same problem.
Not yet. I’ve been busy lately with work so I haven’t had time to play with it much. The last few times I was playing with it, the controller would sometimes work fine but then it would have issues other times. I haven’t tried it on version 3.0 RC1 yet. I’m starting to think the cheap controllers are more trouble than they are worth. I really hope I don’t have to buy PS3 controllers since a single PS3 controller is more than the Pi itelf.
ParticipantThanks rougerasha for the help.
I now have one set of cheap controllers working. I didn’t install Recalbox OS. I’ve only tested it with RetroPie 2.6 so far. I’m going to test it with 3.0 Beta 4 to see how it goes. Once I do some more testing, I’ll post some instructions of what I did. For whatever reason, I’m still having trouble with one set of cheap controllers I got from ebay. The “good” controller has normal looking button decals on the right side, but the “bad” controller has modified button decals. See the attached pic. The “bad” controller does work with the PS3 console, but I can’t get it working with RetroPie 2.6 or 3.0.
[attachment file=”ps3 controller – good-bad.jpg”]
Participant[quote=101477]Hehe.. Are your controllers now working?[/quote]
No, I’ve been trying to make sense out of those instructions. I’m very new to RetroPie so I’m not sure what I should type in and where I should put all the files. I can’t believe it’s this hard to get the cheap controller working whereas the genuine Sony controller works with every bluetooth and USB hub I have. I’ve spent so much time reading and trying to figure this out that I’m thinking it might be better to just buy a genuine Sony controller and toss these cheap ones in the trash.jwh02017
Participant[quote=101336]Just “make”
Thanks for the detailed explanation haha
ParticipantI’m very new to retropie, in the instructions from your link, what is the “DO A MAKE”
To make/install
download attachment, save on your pi
tar xfvz ps3controller.tar.gz
go into the ps3controller/sixad folder
do a make
sudo service sixad stop
sudo make install
sudo service sixad start -