Forum Replies Created
ParticipantStill has problems with ps3 controller :(
ParticipantWhat is the cheapest way to go with wireless controllers? i am looking for ps3/xbox layout style ones
Participanthit f4 while in emulation station.
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
uncoment or add
then push ctrl+x to exit then type Y to save
then type
sudo rebootEdit: Sorry I didn’t read first
ParticipantBasicly just try switching the hotkey button and the exit button in controller config and see if that works
ParticipantWhat controller are you using? on my Xbox controller I made the hotkey the back button and the big Xbox button in center of controller the exit button+insert coin and it is working fine.
ParticipantFBA liberto runs great on rpi2, but you will need to remap the exit+hotkey button on controller or it won’t let you input coin in some games
Participantnever mind found it in es_systems.cfg now wondering how to add a photo to menu i want to add a capcon category and picture
Participantsudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf Go to the bottom of the file and add the following: network={ ssid="hostname" psk="Your_wifi_password" }
from here
Participant[quote=90685]If this thing goes through, You can use REAL controllers, not aftermarkets. I have his older single player version, and it is simply amazing!! Works great on the Pi, as it requires NO DRIVERS!!!!!! Also…. NO LAG!!!
That would be nice if that hub was wireless and had a rechargeable battery
Participant[quote=90654]It is already set that way. Which is why analog works for the right stick.[/quote]
OK sorry I am fairly new and am using Xbox wireless controller and thought the above would help since i t was the only way I could get joysticks working in ape escape the character in that game would only look up and down before I changed that.
And I couldn’t get the menu is psx to come uupjustinbeaird
Participant[quote=90652]To clarify: All emulators that I have running are working fine. For SNES/NES/GB/Megadrive I only need, and want, the d-pad. I am only interested in analog support for the PSX, which I think is pcsx-rearmed retroarch core. It’s whatever 2.6 uses by default and is most certainly a retroarch core.
Analog is already enabled. As I said above; the right analog stick does work! The left one is the only thing missing.
[/quote]try this
pcsx_rearmed_pad1type = “standerd” to pcsx_rearmed_pad1type = “analog”
there is a hotkey to do this in the psx emulator menu that you can setup
some games will tell you controller not supported until you change it back to standard. ans some the opposite. thats why the menu hotkey is usefuljustinbeaird
ParticipantWhat emulators you using? it seams many of them don’t support analog joysticks. Mame and pfba are the only ones that do out of the box. Psx you have to enable in the emulator GUI. Their is a way to fake it with dpad as analog
ParticipantRomlister is a bit confusing so after I load XML and create a list of Roms how do I remove or move ones I don’t want?
ParticipantYes but I downloaded Final Burn Alpha 029734 Complete Arcade Rom Set
And there are like 6000 Roms every ROM I have tried in fba-liberto has worked I just need to find a way to get rid of some duplicates or hide them one by one is going to take months.I have seen tryed tools that are supposed to do this but they require a .db file that I can’t seem to find for this romset
Participant[quote=90445]I thought it was clear enough when you have 10 instances of Street Fighter 3 and when you have to launch all of them one by one to know which is which…[/quote]
How does that help you hide the child Roms like you can in almost all Mame FBA emulators
ParticipantI am trying to figure this out also for fba-liberto
ParticipantTo do wireless I do
sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf Then add to file network={ ssid="The_ESSID_from_earlier" psk="Your_wifi_password" }
I got this from
Participant[quote=89770]Has anyone found a way to enable a hotkey for exiting the the emulator?
Anyone? The testing one in setup is a lot better on rpi2justinbeaird
ParticipantBefore oveclocking rpi2 I recommend doing
sudo rpi-update
I have lots of stabability problems unless I do that first
ParticipantSame here I wanted to use ps3 controller s because I hate the big bulky Xbox receiver
I beleve it worked well with retropie 2.5 beta img. But I didn’t use 2.5 very long
Participant[quote=89647]And that was exactly the intention. Not for PSX for me, but I wanted to play all the other emus with the analog stick instead of the dpad.[/quote]
[quote=89106]My controller is working very good in systems like the NES, SNES, Megadrive, etc. It’s also configured to exit an emulator with the hotbutton (select) and the start button.
But I also want to use my analog sticks like in the PSX emulator and also in FBA.But where can I setup my controls for the PSX system and if possible for the FBA system ?
[/quote]fba controller configs are in /opt/retropie/emulators/pifba/fba2x.cfg
Participant[quote=89619]Getting analog sticks + rumble working on PS1 emulator.
Any idea’s how I would go about this chaps?
Struggling using the horrible directional pad on the xbox controller so would prefer to use the analog stick if compatible with the game but ONLY if compatible.
[/quote]sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg
pcsx_rearmed_pad1type = “standerd”
pcsx_rearmed_pad1type = “analog”this line wont be there until you launch psx, this and a few other psx lines are auto added after first psx launch
Ape escape is a good game to test analog sticks.
Wild 9 is good to test rumble/ haptic feedback
Participantfound a out how to fix it on psx all is working including rumble pack on xbox 360 controller, I got pissed so I reinstalled plugged in controller changed one thing in
pcsx_rearmed_pad1type = “standerd”
pcsx_rearmed_pad1type = “analog”thats all i did on fresh install :)
this line wont be there until you launch psx, this and a few other psx lines are auto added after first psx launch
killer101 lines just created a fake analog stick that copied and behaved like the dpad
Ape escape is a good game to test analog sticks.
Wild 9 is good to test rumble/ haptic feedback
Participanthit f4 while in emulation station.
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
uncoment or add
then push ctrl+x to exit then type Y to save
then type
sudo rebootjustinbeaird
ParticipantYou figure this out? I have been trieng to get the analog sticks working in psx for a week now with Xbox 360 remote and no one will help I have seen a lot of others asking also.
Participantanyone? no one playing plastation games with xbox 360 controller?
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/
Goto Setup and disable splash screen
cd && sudo chmod 777 -R /etc/rc.local && sudo sed -i 's#exit 0#echo "Sleeping for 30s. Sync your controller now..."\nsleep 30s\nexit 0#g' /etc/rc.local
this should work…
[/quote]I am talking about #317 in register retroarch controller. It doesn’t give enough time before it skips to next button
Participanti am interested in this also worked fine with the beta. on rpi1 although the sound sucked
Participant[quote=88848]d to the standard overclock setting in raspi-config at 1000mhz. Graphics memory at 384. I’ve only had to moderately change a few settings, but all of the help I[/quote]
Do you have problems with the ps3 controller like i did? like the controller not reconnecting after turning it off. also is there a way for the controller to sleep?
Participant[quote=88249]I’ll start off by saying that I’m a noob of the highest degree. But, having said that… I recently got RBpi B+ and set up ES on it. It’s been a lot of fun and a big learning experience just to mess around with it. I am having one issue that I just can’t seem to figure out. When playing Final Fantasy 3 (6) on the SNES, it runs just fine, but there’s a problem with the sound. At the end of longer notes, like at the end of the ‘victory music’ after a battle, there’s this weird warble. Any one else have this problem? Or a way to fix it? It’s a minor complaint but it’s making the game hard to enjoy because I can’t concentrate on anything but those weird, wobbly notes.[/quote]
have you tried overclocking?
or trying a different rom?justinbeaird
Participant[quote=88241]Ok I have 2.6 up and running but have no sound from hdmi. I looked in /boot for the config.txt file and nothing shows. Am I missing something, is this a hidden file that I need to tell to show?[/quote]
hit f4 while in emulation station.
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
uncoment or add
then push ctrl+x to exit then type Y to save
then type
sudo rebootjustinbeaird
Participant[quote=87922]You have configured the inputs via MAME’s menu whilst in a ROM?
I’m having loads of problems getting mine to connect wirelessly consistently for some odd reason it just connects when it feels like it lol.
Well crap it worked with the last beta and I just upgraded and can’t get it to pair like it did.this sucks xbox 360 receiver works out of the box with everything i have tried but i hate the bulky cable on it :(
Participantmind sharing your video? I am also annoyed by boot text. I was going to give one of these as a gift but boot text makes it look cheap.
Participantwireless ps3 controller. but cant get it to work in neogeo(fba) or mame. :(
works in everything else tho.justinbeaird
uncoment or add
then reboot
Fixed me upNow only wish I could get my ps3 controller working in Mame and neogeo :(