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03/23/2016 at 03:48 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #121213
Participant-nocrc quiets the error that I’m ising ROMs that reorder the game to the progression of the animation storyline.
-nolog should be added when it is working the way you like, and don’t need to read a log file for errors.
-noserversend I don’t even know if it builds with this feature. Possibly not needed.
-latency 950 (milliseconds) does not work in this build the last I checked the logs, but it is for adjusting the endings of the scene clips.
-x 640 -y 480 is setting a screen size, probably redundant since you can choose the output resolution and the buffer resolution when launching.
-bank 1. And -bank 0
are dip switch settings. I forget what exactly they do, but it at least gives 5 lives per credit, not 3 lives.Lots of arcades had 3 lives for 2 quarters. The first popular game I saw that could get the 50¢ per game.
03/23/2016 at 03:37 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #121210iesposta
ParticipantThe info is there in the first and second pages of this thread, but I make it clearer.
The folder:
contains the folders of each game and a roms folder. The game folder is named what the name of the rom is (there are different roms for Dragon’s Lair, and naming the zipped roms different name lets you have different game folders).My case I have the 2.5 altered roms, but I chose just to name it:
So that makes my game folder lair.daphne/
which holds vid/sound files:
lair.m2v lair.ogg
the frame file: lair.txt
And a text file named: lair.commandswhich contains:
-nocrc -noissues -nolog -noserversend -latency 950 -x 640 -y 480 -bank 1 00110111 -bank 0 1001100003/22/2016 at 22:25 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #121183iesposta
ParticipantI keep my output rez low and the game buffer low because it is Standard Def video, then upscale it with scan lines.
Maybe you are having the Pi2 upscale more than it can handle?iesposta
ParticipantAbout a year ago, I compiled first try successfully the last version before version 4.
I believe it was 3.9.3Now that I have started fresh, I see the version in RetroPie is 4.1.1
Can’t help with screen size issue as I use XRGB-Mini upscaler.
02/27/2016 at 05:34 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #118329iesposta
ParticipantA real LED scoreboard is the ultimate, also if you were making or restoring a real cabinet, just too much for single-use Pi2 emulator.
I would spend $100 if it was on an LCD display that I could use for other Pi2 projects, like a pinball backglass with animation as the main display is the pinball table.02/21/2016 at 11:33 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #117663iesposta
ParticipantIf that isn’t clickable:
[attachment file=”lairlog.txt]
ls: cannot access /proc/kcore: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:7843:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
–DAPHNE version 1.0.13
–Command line is: /opt/retropie/emulators/daphne/daphne.bin lair vldp -nohwaccel -framefile /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/daphne/lair.daphne/lair.txt -homedir /opt/retropie/emulators/daphne -fullscreen -nocrc -noissues -noserversend -latency 950 -x 640 -y 480 -bank 1 00110111 -bank 0 10011000
–CPU : UnknownCPU 0 MHz || Mem : 0 megs
–OS : Linux 4.1 || Video : Unknown video
–OpenGL: Compiled In
–RGB2YUV Function: C
–Line Blending Function: C
–Audio Mixing Function: C
Setting alternate home dir:
Disabling ROM CRC check…
Setting Search Latency to 950 milliseconds
Setting screen width to 640
Setting screen height to 480
Set 640×480 at 16 bpp with flags: 20
Initializing sound system …
GI Sound chip initialized at 2000000 Hz
Joystick #0 was successfully opened
Remapping input …
Loading compressed ROM image dl_f2_u1.bin…8192 bytes read.
Loading compressed ROM image dl_f2_u2.bin…8192 bytes read.
Loading compressed ROM image dl_f2_u3.bin…8192 bytes read.
Loading compressed ROM image dl_f2_u4.bin…8192 bytes read.
Framefile parse succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/daphne/lair.daphne/./
YUV overlay is done in software (ie unaccelerated).
Booting ROM …
LDP : disc is already playing, play command ignored
Display disable received
Search to 323 received – [25] Attract Mode, Sequence 0 Attract Mode
WARNING : search latency needs to be redesigned, it is currently disabled
search succeeded d0
Display disable received
Search to 300 received – [25] Attract Mode, Sequence 7 Attract Mode
WARNING : search latency needs to be redesigned, it is currently disabled
search succeeded d0
Display disable received
Search to 303 received – [25] Attract Mode, Sequence 9 Attract Mode
WARNING : search latency needs to be redesigned, it is currently disabled
search succeeded d002/21/2016 at 11:27 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #117661iesposta
Participant[quote=117648]Are you referring specifically to Dragon’s Lair?
As I understand it, the arcade ROM intentionally ended scenes too soon to account for laserdisc seek latency. The dle11 and dle21 ROMs fix this scene cropping, but as a result makes it less like the arcade experience.
How are you adding the latency parameter?
Yes, Dragon’s Lair.
See this log text. The 6th line is in the command line (also “-latency 950” is on the wiki) and the 16th line sets latency to 950 milliseconds, then at the bottom there are warnings that latency isn’t working .iesposta
ParticipantI never experienced noticeable input lag until yesterday.
PSX “Kiss Pinball” is unplayable.I’m at the start of running a new RetroPie v3.5 with a new Class 10 card, normal Pi2 overclock, 256MB GPU split. I know about LCD Game mode, all TV options off.
The high-speed HDMI is something I can try. And maybe a different PS1 emulator?
Devil’s Crush pinball on PCE is playable, even through Framemeister XRGB-Mini… so I’m interested in this thread and other users experiences.02/20/2016 at 02:06 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #117563iesposta
ParticipantLast I built/checked it was still throwing “latency” not working.
Latency is not really necessary, but helps the program come closer to the arcade. Just thought I would mention it. ( I don’t even know how/where to post an official request/issue. )
The scenes ending a bit too soon, in my case, might not even be latency. It could be my video files or frame files.
Thanks again for this.
02/17/2016 at 19:44 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #117352iesposta
I’m more inclined to think it’s going to be the hardware on the B just isn’t up to the task of running the emulator without hardware decoding, but I’m willing to test it out.
I’ll post back once I’ve got this B up and running.
Same issue after creating a new system on the class 10 sdcard, it’s just chop central. Looks like the B just isn’t up to the task as things stand now. Was definitely worth a shot! I’ll play with settings and with moving the data to an external source when I get home just to be thorough, but I’m not expecting much.
Going to build a 2 up and get it going so I can see Daphne on a Pi!
The Pi2 software decoding gets compiled with neon, something the others don’t have (if I remember correctly, it’s been over a year since I used my Pi2). The experts here will have to explain how neon is a sign create speedup.
For this to work with brute CPU force on a Pi B, I would guess a video file that is easily software decoded (as the daphne developer used mjpeg but still needed some kind of acceleration on the orig Pi), or added code to use the Pi B’s Hardware Mpeg2 purchased codec.
02/17/2016 at 06:37 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #117270iesposta
ParticipantI just built daphne with the Experimental install. Raspberry PI 2, launching from Emulation Station, not just the command line.
Plays lair just fine where I had placed the files and ROMs originally.Complains about the rom’s crc errors because I used the method I posted previously to get the drawbridge back.
Thanks to everyone who worked on this.
Where is the command line text so I can add my switches, and -nocrccheck, -no[whatever], etc.?
BTW. Forcing it to a lower resolution, and then up-scaling and adding scan lines with XRGB-Mini is beautiful. No problems with control, still just using a USB keyboard. Back in the arcade we figured out when to die so we would get the highest score, now I can’t even get to the Princess anymore, and the scoring for Dragon’s Lair isn’t emulated I guess. I remember Lair 2 has computer video over the laser disc – also saw probably one of the last laser disc arcade games in a YouTube video. That has the laser disc footage buffered so it could be moved all around and sped up or slowed down along with computer graphics.
02/15/2016 at 01:13 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #117060iesposta
I have it working from the command line, with the drawbridge scene. It’s a start.
I recall researching the daphne forums and came up with this:To get the drawbridge scene back, download the DLE_21 rom, unzip it, duplicate U3, then rename them dl_f2_u1.bin, dl_f2_u2.bin, dl_f2_u3.bin, and the duplicated u3 to dl_f2_u4.bin
My original command line was in a bash script called from the run command launcher, but I will try to get that working later.
./daphne lair vldp -nohwaccel -framefile /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/daphne/lair.daphne/lair.txt -homedir /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/daphne/ -nocrc -noissues -nolog -noserversend -latency 950 -x 640 -y 480 -bank 1 00110111 -bank 0 10011000
I still am not happy because the animation ends too early, and haven’t decided to add the blanking or not.
02/14/2016 at 21:12 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #117039iesposta
I’m glad I saw this before trying to get the “mystery binary” I had running so well previously. (I did not make that, I just used it.)Probably saved me lots of time wondering what I was doing wrong, had I tried to make it work under Jessie.
I hope my commands still work with the ROMs and files I used previously; Mostly to set the latency and the dip switches to get the beginning bridge sequence as I remember playing on the machine in the bowling lanes when it first appeared.
My videos were obtained from running Daphne under Ubuntu Linux on a desktop, and having the Digital Leisure DVD release. Once Daphne verifies you have the Digital Leisure DVD release, you are able to download the video files without having to re-encode or compress them from the DVD.
ParticipantThe wiki answers the original poster’s question.
I would like to add I was able to compile source on the pi2 at version 3.9.3. I could not compile the 4.0 and later sources.
Last I checked, RetroArch had version 3.9.3 which should run all classic and modern game programs.
But if any newer version is available let us all know.iesposta
ParticipantTry this homebrew.
Probably the inspiration for Activision’s Megamania.
I used to hate it in the arcade because of its difficulty and it didn’t give much play per quarter.
Now I can’t stop playing!
Final version here:
Participant[quote=92921]tested a bunch of games and they all work perfect. Minus barnyard blaster mainly because I don’t own a light gun. Thanks Buzz![/quote]
Seroiously? That’s great news!
I have it working under AdvMESS from the command line, the colors are a bit wrong, and I can not figure how to run it in Emulation Station, and every thread with this problem dies without a solution.Are you running .bin or .a78, or do both work?
ParticipantUse the following syntax to run a game:
chmod +x
./ yourgame /full/path/to/your/framefile.txt
Works for me.
I have run lair and lair2.You need to have the dispmanx SDL installed.
Participant[quote=92505]I own Photoshop. It shouldent be a problem:)
I have startet experimenting and hope for the best. Right now i am using a with og 700px. It may be to large but then i can just try a smaller size.
Thanks for all the help:)
I find using a large size image, but reducing the colors makes an acceptable file.
First you only need 72 dpi.
Even 1920 x 1080 at 72 dpi and 256 colors is great for emulator selection pictures.
In Photoshop, choose export for web.
I make a png8 file with 256 or less colors, dither, no transparent background.
A large JPEG may only be 400KB, but decompressed it can use 5-6MB!
A png with 256 or 128 colors at 1080 may be 500KB, but that is neither compressed nor does it need to be scaled up.
I just described using this for 1920×1080 images, but you can do the same for game art.iesposta
Participant[quote=91557]Could you send me it by PM or email? For the momento I do not have the new PI2 but I am planning to buy one soon!
Regarding the Monaco GP and the Game&Watch simulators, there is nothing to do with them in the PI, Yes?
If you’ve set it up before on Windows or Linux, I can help.
Do you have the m2v/ogg video/audio file?What is posted above is just the Daphne emulator.
You also need the correct game ROMs AND the laser disk video files, either converted from the original laser disk, or from Digital Leisure DVDs (having Dapnhne verify these DVDs in your Windows/Linux computer’s DVD drive lets you download the correct video/audio files without having to rip and resequenced the actual DVD), or remastered and resequenced from the HD re-release into compatible video (m2v) and audio (ogg) format.In other words, that step is quite complicated.
Once you have the proper game video/audio, the set up is simple.
ParticipantThis is my command line for in your script for my preferred Dragon’s Lair gameplay:
./daphne $1 vldp -framefile $2 -nohwaccel -nocrc -noissues -nolog -noserversend -latency 950 -x 640 -y 480 -bank 1 00110111 -bank 0 10011000
(Remember this is for Dragon’s Lair and its ROMs 2.1, renamed so this version runs with them.)I don’t know if I like the blank seeking or not. You would have to add -blank_searches and/or -blank_skips for the emulation to blank like the original.
My first arcade experience must have been a prototype machine in the US (Pennsylvania) because it definitely had the drawbridge scene.
Participant[quote=91539]My English is not too good, nor my technic and programming knowledges, so summarizing:
It is posible to run it on the old PIs, only on the new PI2 or it is not posible at all?
If it is possible, could someone make a step by step guide to install it? It would be great!
[/quote]Only new PI2.
I posted my command line string for in the .sh script, but when I edited it the forum deleted the whole post… Twice!iesposta
Participant[quote=91113]Yes, I’ve read that. But as long as he does not release his work, we might have to live with what we got.
Apart from some simple optimisations all of that is over my head.If somebody else is actually able to reimplement this, it would be really nice.
But that’s not me.
Ah, when you said about reencoding the video to make it easier on the CPU I remembered that is what was done to get it running on the older Pi, and maybe you hadn’t read that.
I’m still impressed you quickly compiled it working and impressed with what this Pi 2 can do even without optimised source code.iesposta
ParticipantThe original Daphne coder managed to get it running on the earlier Raspberry Pi using OpenMAX and GLES2 to decode video JPEG.
Too much for me to follow or compile! :)
ParticipantThat works great now!
To get the drawbridge scene back, download the DLE_21 rom, unzip it, duplicate U3, then rename them dl_f2_u1.bin, dl_f2_u2.bin, dl_f2_u3.bin, and the duplicated u3 to dl_f2_u4.bin
Create a folder in daphne /roms/ named lair, set permissions to 777, copy the four .bin files into /lair/ (I set their permissions to 777 also).
When run, it will complain each file’s checksum doesn’t match, then it will go to a black screen, wait, it will beep, then start
ParticipantSo close.
After the ROMs load, I get “Could not load VLDP dynamic library!!!”Do I need to buy the MPEG2 license? (I ordered it anyway).
This is just plain Dragon’s Lair
ParticipantI just set up Daphne on my AMD 750MHz Ubuntu.
It checks if you own the Digital Leisure DVD then downloads/uploads a file P2P so ripping the DVD is not necessary. I would hope to be able to use that video file.
You can, however, rip your own copy, but it must match exactly so the timing works out.The creator of Daphne has it working on the original Raspberry Pi using MJPEG and some kind of hardware video acceleration that the Pi has, but he is not releasing any code.
ParticipantI just followed this tutorial:
Tutorial to get wiimotes with classic controllers to work with RetroPie
Participant[quote=90490]I got 7800 working using AdvanceMESS. It’s not a part of RetroPie, so I’d still like to fix prosystem libretro for inclusion in RetroPie, but it does work.[/quote]
I also got 7800 working using AdvanceMESS, but I compiled from source and launch in root from the command line. Turning off all video options (and I think I have VSync off) it runs good on RPi2 @ 1000MHz.
I would still like a Prosystem build. I have a custom PSP binary version that fixes some old bugs that got fixes in the Wii build, but not in the Win build.
Even with some great advances in new games and new hardware for the Atari 7800, some aspects of the 7800 seem to have a curse over them, being it emulators, flash carts, Dev Carts, Expansion Module hardware, customised anniversary editions, etc.
ParticipantGot one Wii remote with the Classic Controller working by following a tutorial.
When it connects, there are no blue lights shown.
Works on the ES menu, but I had to map it for Stella, which I run as a stand alone emulator (not Stella-libretro).iesposta
ParticipantWhat / where is the xml file that gets scraped, so I can delete it and start over.
ParticipantI guess that could be the problem, but it is not startup. Everything starts up in under 40 seconds from plug-in.
I’ve barely set up Intellivision and Turbografx 16. Atari 2600 has 5,000 ROMs though. -