Forum Replies Created
Participantjadawan, could you do me a favor and e-mail me at
Participant1: Yes, exactly.
2: Yes, exactly!
3: I tried to use as many of the default buttons on the XArcade as possible.
4: Defaults were fine.Idris_Arslanian
ParticipantYup, I couldn’t get it working when I plugged in a USB keyboard either. I needed to do it through the PS2 connection on the XArcade. Then it’s a matter of making your mappings match with the available keys in inputcommon.c (see above post). I had to program the XArcade stick as well because I couldn’t figure out what the mappings were for a couple of the keys (I believe “]” in particular). It just takes some fiddling. Good Luck!
ParticipantYup, sure did. I’m going to need a bit more info from you though if I’m to be of help. How does your RetroPie.cfg look? How did you hook up your XArcade? How is the keyboard hooked up?
ParticipantYes, the 512 model B is fully supported.
ParticipantI used this tutorial with great success:
Please note that for my installation, installing ZLIB was NOT OPTIONAL. W/R/T the BIOS files, they need to be unzipped inside /usr/local/share/gngeo You will need all of the following BIOS files:
uni-bios.zipAfter you get everything in place, you may also need to modify how the es_systems.cfg executes the emulator. It helps to manually run the command from the command line instead of through EmulationStation in order to debug.
06/12/2013 at 20:59 in reply to: Sega Master System Roms not loading – loops back to game selection screen #2050Idris_Arslanian
ParticipantI had the same issue. Solved it by going into the EmulationStation es_systems.cfg and editing the COMMAND portion for Master System, removing the “-tv” (option that forces the emulator into old-school tube mode).
ParticipantIf you are using the default MAME emulator through emulationstation the config file is in “/home/pi/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
(see command in es_systems.cfg:
COMMAND=retroarch -L /home/pi/RetroPie/emulatorcores/imame4all-libretro/ –config /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg –appendconfig /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/mame/retroarch.cfg %ROM%
ParticipantI can’t get anything to run reasonably without overclocking to at least 900mhz. If you go above that though, a heatsink and small fan would be advisable.
ParticipantWhat does your DGENRC file look like? Also please include the DGEN section from your .emulationstation/es_systems.cfg file.
ParticipantThings to check:
SD Card: Has it been tried before or verified? Try plugging in another keyboard to see if something may be stuck
Power Supply: RasPi can be touchy with power supplies. Memory Split: What are you set at?
Command line attempts: Go into the EmulationStation systems config and try to manually input the commands to start a ROM through it’s specific emulator.
EG: The command line syntax I am attempting from the Osmose directory is:
./osmose /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mastersystem/A.sms -fs (where A.sms is the ROM name… it may help to rename the ROM to something w/o spaces or special characters)Idris_Arslanian
ParticipantHmm, I was able to get Osmose to run when I took out the “-tv” from the emulationstation/command line command. However, that would cause the ROMS to run in a windowed mode, even with the “-fs”.
ParticipantYou forgot the monitor! Preferably one with HDMI and internal speakers.
ParticipantI believe you just have to comment out (# at beginning of line) the emulators you do not want in the emulationstation config file (es_systems.cfg).
ParticipantFYI to anyone who stumbles upon this thread. You can get most of the available keycodes from the inputcommon.c file. I got a good response here:
{ “left”, RETROK_LEFT },
{ “right”, RETROK_RIGHT },
{ “up”, RETROK_UP },
{ “down”, RETROK_DOWN },
{ “enter”, RETROK_RETURN },
{ “kp_enter”, RETROK_KP_ENTER },
{ “tab”, RETROK_TAB },
{ “insert”, RETROK_INSERT },
{ “del”, RETROK_DELETE },
{ “end”, RETROK_END },
{ “home”, RETROK_HOME },
{ “rshift”, RETROK_RSHIFT },
{ “shift”, RETROK_LSHIFT },
{ “ctrl”, RETROK_LCTRL },
{ “alt”, RETROK_LALT },
{ “space”, RETROK_SPACE },
{ “escape”, RETROK_ESCAPE },
{ “add”, RETROK_KP_PLUS },
{ “subtract”, RETROK_KP_MINUS },
{ “kp_plus”, RETROK_KP_PLUS },
{ “kp_minus”, RETROK_KP_MINUS },
{ “f1”, RETROK_F1 },
{ “f2”, RETROK_F2 },
{ “f3”, RETROK_F3 },
{ “f4”, RETROK_F4 },
{ “f5”, RETROK_F5 },
{ “f6”, RETROK_F6 },
{ “f7”, RETROK_F7 },
{ “f8”, RETROK_F8 },
{ “f9”, RETROK_F9 },
{ “f10”, RETROK_F10 },
{ “f11”, RETROK_F11 },
{ “f12”, RETROK_F12 },
{ “num0”, RETROK_0 },
{ “num1”, RETROK_1 },
{ “num2”, RETROK_2 },
{ “num3”, RETROK_3 },
{ “num4”, RETROK_4 },
{ “num5”, RETROK_5 },
{ “num6”, RETROK_6 },
{ “num7”, RETROK_7 },
{ “num8”, RETROK_8 },
{ “num9”, RETROK_9 },
{ “pageup”, RETROK_PAGEUP },
{ “pagedown”, RETROK_PAGEDOWN },
{ “keypad0”, RETROK_KP0 },
{ “keypad1”, RETROK_KP1 },
{ “keypad2”, RETROK_KP2 },
{ “keypad3”, RETROK_KP3 },
{ “keypad4”, RETROK_KP4 },
{ “keypad5”, RETROK_KP5 },
{ “keypad6”, RETROK_KP6 },
{ “keypad7”, RETROK_KP7 },
{ “keypad8”, RETROK_KP8 },
{ “keypad9”, RETROK_KP9 },
{ “period”, RETROK_PERIOD },
{ “capslock”, RETROK_CAPSLOCK },
{ “numlock”, RETROK_NUMLOCK },
{ “backspace”, RETROK_BACKSPACE },
{ “multiply”, RETROK_KP_MULTIPLY },
{ “divide”, RETROK_KP_DIVIDE },
{ “print_screen”, RETROK_PRINT },
{ “scroll_lock”, RETROK_SCROLLOCK },
{ “tilde”, RETROK_BACKQUOTE },
{ “backquote”, RETROK_BACKQUOTE },
{ “pause”, RETROK_PAUSE },
{ “nul”, RETROK_UNKNOWN },
{ NULL, RETROK_UNKNOWN },Note, you need to use the first portion (quoted).
ParticipantWell, I snagged a PS2 keyboard so I could hook up the XArcade and keyboard jointly so the Pi would recognize them both as the same keyboard input. However, I am having trouble remapping the buttons in the RetroPie.cfg. I have the following in the file, but it is not recognizing the reconfigured buttons. I have no .cfg files in any of the emulator specific configuration folders:
# Keyboard input. Will recognize normal keypresses and special keys like “left”, “right”, and so on.
# Keyboard input, Joypad and Joyaxis will all obey the “nul” bind, which disables the bind completely,
# rather than relying on a default.
input_player1_a = “5”
input_player1_b = “c”
input_player1_y = “lshift”
input_player1_x = “z”
input_player1_start = “1”
input_player1_select = “3”
input_player1_l = “lctrl”
input_player1_r = “lalt”
input_player1_left = “4”
input_player1_right = “6”
input_player1_up = “8”
input_player1_down = “2”input_player2_a = “e”
input_player2_b = “w”
input_player2_y = “]”
input_player2_x = “6”
input_player2_start = “2”
input_player2_select = “4”
input_player2_l = “a”
input_player2_r = “s”
input_player2_left = “d”
input_player2_right = “g”
input_player2_up = “r”
input_player2_down = “f”
# input_player1_l2 =
# input_player1_r2 =
# input_player1_l3 =
# input_player1_r3 = -