Forum Replies Created
01/26/2016 at 06:06 in reply to: starting vic-20 games directly frome ES – got it working :) #115115
ParticipantThanks for this! I have a full set of Vic20 roms that I will get to tinkering with now.
You also gave me a good starting point to get thw CoolCV (Colecovision) emu working. Should be easy now.
Out of curiosity, what other systems did you get up and running?
@hobbswon Try turning the controller on at different points in the boot up cycle. Make sure the pair hasnt been lost – this can happen if you hold select for 3 seconds. If you did as per the wiki/video it should have added the auto connect rule.
Can you confirm which retropie version you are running – was it from an image?[/quote]
3.4 fresh install
It’s weird, they are hit or miss on connecting from boot up. But once booted, and still disco’d, they will connect when woken.
And once they are connected, if I power them off and back on (mid game, for example), they connect right away.
So I guess it’s somewhat nitpick.
Yes, I’m talking about reconnecting. Apologies.
If I power the controllers off and on on reboot. They will not autoconnect. I have to unregister and pair again to get them to connect.
I’ve gotten ES to detect them and map no problem. It’s the reconnection that’s the issue.
One thing of notice….if I power off the controllers, then reboot, and power them on. They will not connect. BUT, if I let them go to sleep and wake them, they will connect.
Note: if you wake a sleeping FC30/NES30 Pro with the B button…it will wake in keyboard mode.
ParticipantApologies Floob.
Back to the topic, the controllers will pair initially but how do you get them to autopair on reboot? The bluetooth module doesn’t use the same commands from the wheezy base
I ran into a new issue with the gamepad and Mame now.
Lr-mame2003/10 is the emu
Some games respond to the mapping and some wont.
For example,
Ninja will show a default input of p1 SELECT for coin 1, and p1 start is START but they just don’t respond to the input while other games do just fine.
ParticipantI’m confused why did you make two separate retroarch.cfg files? Are these stored in two different locations?
ParticipantSame exact thing happened with me in 3.3…the cfg file ES created show values co.pletely opposite of what the config shouod look like…but some of the controls work. Just have to go in and manually edit them.
ParticipantIs it necessary to start the 8bitdo pads in keyboard
[quote=114929]there is still one problem for controllers with several modes like my 8Bitdo NES30 or the FC30 on the Jessie plattform:
there are two relevant modes for retropie:
1. Keyboard Mode Start+B (Controller 1), Start+B+R (Controller 2).
Registered as: “8Bitdo NES GamePad”
This mode is important for certain non-retroarch based emulators like VICE.2. GamePad Mode Start+R (both Controllers)
Registered as: 8Bitdo NES30 GamePad Joystick
For Retroarch based controlsThe MAC-Addresses of each controller varies depending on the connected mode. So if I establish all conntections for both my controllers (2x Keyboard mode MAC-Address A,B and 2x GamePad mode with MAC Address C,D) I would see all 4 registered devices in the retropie-setup menu. Unfortunately after reboot only the mode I registered last (via would try to connect. I can always reproduce this by deleting the last registered connection and re-register via another mode.
For Wheezy I wrote a script that would simply auto-connect, depending on the MAC address provided: #64
but that doesn’t work for the later Jessie plattform due to different connecting approach I guess.
Any ideals how to make it possible to auto-connect in both modes?
Can’t the retroarch mappings be edited to correspond to the input of the 8bitdo gamepads in keyboard mode? I’d imagine one would lose the analog stick controls for the retroarch cores though.
This kind of blows because I enjoy the retroarch cores but I do use VICE a ton and to use it you really need the 1-button push feature for the virtual keyboard. Having to toggle between modes by restarting the controllers between cores is enough of a workaround to be a minor annoyance.
ParticipantThat was it!
I guess I should have looked into the retroarch config gui. It never occurred to me.
Thanks Floob.
ParticipantOk here are the results..
I mapped it through ES and when I did there was a noticeable delay when inputting L2 and R2. But it showed map in the GUI. When I went to check the config they were not mapped in retroarch. It also mapped decrease/increase state to Dpad L/R.
So I manually added the L2 and R2 to the cfg, which mapped as buttons 8 and 9 respectively, and then switched the decrease and increase state to correspond. And it worked fine.
So the only controls that do not work are the analog sticks (and buttons)
ParticipantI deleted the .bak and tested with the same result.
I also deleted the USBGamepad.cfg and remapped the input on the FC30 again with no luck
Participant[quote=114877]Can you remove the 8BitdoFC30Pro.bak just to make sure its not being read (Although I think only .cfg would be read)?
And can you describe what (or what doesnt) happen when you try playing a game with the FC30 Pro – which game are you trying?[/quote]
Oh srry…yea the controls are just mixed up. D-pad works fine, analog sticks do not work. Start button triggers A button, r-thumb triggers b button, a, b, L2, R2 do nothing.
When I mapped it through the ES autoconfig prompt initially and I played any game on any emulator I tested, R,1, L1, ABXY, Start, Select and D pad worked as it should.
Game I have been testing was Contra on NES, Tenchu on PSX and Super Punch Out on SNES
I will delete the backup config to test.
Participant[quote=114872] @hobbswon Yes, I skipped the L2 and R2 when I set mine, so that difference shouldn’t matter. Is there only one file in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads ?
When you say the settings “totally screw my controls” what do you mean? None of them respond? Are you turning the FC30 Pro on just with the Power button as opposed to any button combo?
@pausuri – No, but you can find it here. Just turn the SFC30 on with Start+R’d just rip out the relevant codes and edit your existing file rather than use that file.
Yes, starting with POWER only
No also in the retroarch-joypad folder is
USBGamepad.cfgUSBgamepad.cfg is a generic 2-button NES clone that I used to inititally navigate the ES menu
Here is that config file
ParticipantHere goes
I copied the exact config…except. my cfg has L2 and R2 buttons and I don’t see them on your config. Are you sure that’s a config for FC30 pro not the FC30?
I’m definitely using an FC30 pro
These settings totally screw my controls.
FC30 Pro is configured in port#0
ParticipantI am able to get the NES30 Pro and the FC30 Pro to pair on boot just using
bluez-test-input connect xx:xx:xx:xx
The mapping is a mess though. The analog sticks just do nothing and save increment/decrement buttons are supposed to be autoconfig for top R/L and it LOOKS like they all map correctly but they do nothing in joypad mode or keyboard mode. Even when manually editing the .cfg
Participant[quote=114844]If its the FC30 Pro, use just the power to turn it on rather than a combo, and you should get a single blue flash pattern.
Then if you follow the Wiki exactly, can you confirm the first step that doesnt do as it describes?Bear in mind you can (if needed) override your locally generated retroarch file manually with different buttons. The correct mappings are shown here: local file will be in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/
I’ll upload a guide for the Jessie build later.
The walkthrough goes without a hitch. It’s the mapping.
I changed the inputs on the 8bitdoFC30Pro.cfg to exactly what was described in the link. The controls are all backwards now lol
ParticipantHi Floob thanks
I performed a fresh install of 3.3 wheezy and expanded filesystem.
Controller being config’d FC30 Pro. Latest firmware.
Both the wiki guide and video produce the same result whether the controller is started with START or START+R
It will pair
ES will recognize and allow me to map the input
It’s registered as a joystick in hcitool scan (even thought the retropie menu will only show keyboard for input config)The retroarch configurations are off [as expected] and the analog sticks do not function in either tbe ES menu or the emulators.
ParticipantMay I ask what install you are running?
I ask because on my fresh 3.4 install I cannot get ES to detect the NES/FC30 Pro at all. When I rolled it back to 3.3 I had the same issue until I updated ES from the Retropie Setup menu. Then ES would detect the gamepads and they would be configured (even with the udev driver, no editing needed)
So I had a hunch this was the issue in 3.4 as well. But when I did a fresh install of 3.4, uodated the setup script then uodated ES, it did not delete the input configuration. My USB gamepad was still configured and it still would not recognize the 8bitdo pads.
ParticipantMy frustration is really starting to mount now.
I realize it might be in part due to my ignorance but I’m pretty sure I’m covering all bases here.
I just reinstalled 3.3 wheezy and installed the bluez package
sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez-utils blueman
It ran and installed.
When I went to register the bt device in the retropie setup menu…it did something I never saw. It said I did not have the necessary dependencies installed. So it uninstalled my bluez package and installed Bluez 4.99
Then I registered and paired the device. Retropie recognized it as a joystick. ES still would still not detect.
So I unregistered and re-registered with just START mode. ES will still not recognize it.
I was able to do this painlessly on 3.3.
ParticipantI’ve gotten them to work almost flawlessly with the wheezy build. The jessie build has been a nightmare. Guess I’ll just roll it back until they work out the wrinkles.
ParticipantI don’t see how the FC30 Pro would create a retroarch config file when ES won’t even detect it for input. Am I missing something?
ParticipantOk…here’s the contents of my retroarch cfg files.
Retroarch.cfg + retroarch-joypad folder
The USBgamepad config is just a generic 2 button USB controller I used for navigating the retropie menu.
The FC30 Pro is still registered.
ParticipantI’m on the Jessie OS, yes. Fresh install via image.
Ran the setup script before installing bluez.
Buzz – can’t get the dbus error right now. I’ll u/l all the config files updated by morning. (EST here).
ParticipantSorry Floob, it’s the FC30 Pro, not the FC30
One of each. FC30 Pro + NES30 Pro
I upgraded the firmware on both right out of the box.
Start [1 flash] will pair and register the MAC but ES doesn’t detect.
Start + B (keyboard mode – 2 flashes) will not pair and breaks out of the Retropie setup GUI with a dbus error.
Start + R will pair and register a different MAC address but ES will not detect.
Also, I was able to get bluez installed but the recognized commands are different.
i.e. – sudo bluez-test-device trusted xxxxxxxx yes
sudo bluez-test-input connect xxxxxxxx
Didn’t work.
ParticipantYes, my error…in ES when setting the input it will not recognize the gamepad after it is paired.
Would you point me to the easiest way to upload those files to pastebin? I’ve never uploaded files or exported system files from the linux environment.
ParticipantYes, Start+R will give me a different MAC address but the same result…will pair and the blue light will breathe as it should but Retroarch will not recognize it.
ParticipantWhat was fixed? Because I just updated to 3.4 and I am having an absolute nightmare trying to pair my FC30 and NES Pro
I can get my bt dongle to see them and register but Retroarch? Forget it…no matter what mode I start the gamepad in Retorarch will not detect it.
ParticipantWhen you follow the link it takes you to the main dl page and there is no 3.4 image
ParticipantWhere is the release? Because I don’t see any release. Official or unofficial
ParticipantSeveral have gotten coolcv to run full speed on the Pi2 over at AtariAge
Participant[quote=114353]I have split your post as its own post as discussion is better separate from the sticky post.
You can add whatever you like to your theme:
Documentation is Here:
though it would seem that colecovision is already part of your theme:
Also I would be interested in knowing how you got final burn alpha to work with colecovision as I was never able to get successful results.
I actually never tried to get CV to work with FBA. I assumed it worked because there are a few references to it on here and the Rpi forums stating it does run them and that it was the only real viable option.
Cool CV then would appear to be the only option really (maybe ColEm)..I’m going to attempt to compile CoolCV as nanochess provided relatively instructions to do so. If you’re still interested, I’ll post an update
01/19/2016 at 01:02 in reply to: BT Devices (NES30 and FAVI BT keyboard) registered but not working #114329hobbswon
Participant[quote=114315] I wrote a script for the automatic reconnect:
should also work for the pro version
if [ “$(hcitool con)” != *”61:04:00:63:71:01″* ]
sudo bluez-test-input connect 61:04:00:63:71:01
fiIs that the script? I will add this and try
ParticipantI’m having a similar issue. Except I don’t even see a green screen…just a black one with a large arrow cursor in the upper left corner then it exits back to the launcher.
01/16/2016 at 15:43 in reply to: BT Devices (NES30 and FAVI BT keyboard) registered but not working #114097hobbswon
ParticipantOk, so after a long day I was able to get an NES30 Pro, FC30 Pro and a Favi BT keyboard paired and autoconnecting on reboot. ,
I had to do a fresh install of Rpi 3.3.1 and follow the tutorial on YouTube from Floob.
The main issue I am having now is the keyboard, when it falls asleep it will not reconnect when woken up. I have to do a reboot. The gamepads do not have this issue as once they are paired and ES is running..they will not fall asleep. But the keyboard will sleep in a very short time.
I remember where somebody listed a script or shell to keep the pi2 scanning for the devices but I cannot find it for the life of me. Anyone?
01/16/2016 at 07:26 in reply to: BT Devices (NES30 and FAVI BT keyboard) registered but not working #114081hobbswon
ParticipantI’ve managed to get the nes30 pro to connect initially and mapped to retroarch. But I’ve been racking my brain trying to get the gamepad to reconnect on reboot or when it wakes from sleep.
I’ve added the udev exception so ES can detect it as a gamepad correctly and i’ve made the edit to trust the device so I don’t have to pair it again on reboot. The device will stay registered but just will not connect.
It did actually connect automatically once on reboot but I could not duplicate it again. I have to go through the whole registration again.
Also, when I initially connect then map the gamepad to retroarch through ES, I deleted the cfg manually via floobs instructions…then When I go to set the input from retroarch config tool in retropie setup the menu doesn’t give me the option to configure a gamepad/joystick just a keyboard.
Could someone kindly help? I feel like I’m close but I’m overlooking something.